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Apps Script & Java Script

Google Caching and faking jsonp

In using Google Apps Script as a jSONP proxy, I covered how you could use GAS to get over javaScript same domain restrictions. If you need to access jSon data from javaScript, jQuery and so […]

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Microsoft Office & VBA

Batman plot in Excel

In plotting functions in Excel I showed how to create plots from equations without needing to create a data table. Using the same template, here is the Excel version of the well known Batman Plot. Using […]

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Microsoft Office & VBA

Plotting equations in Excel

Roberto Mensa share this post today on G+, reminding me about the Google instant graph capability, and of course I wondered if the same thing could be achieved in Excel. Excel doesn’t really know how to […]

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Daily REST library

Urbarama API mashup – The daily rest library API

Today’s entry is pretty cool. I came across the urbarama site, which describes itself as “a collaborative world atlas of architecture and civil infrastructure”. What’s more it has an API, which will return details on […]