Apps Script

Proxy magic with Google Apps Script

I’ve written a few articles on here about JavaScript proxy and reflect. I use both extensively not only in Node projects but also in Apps Script. In this article I’ll demonstrate how to extend built-in […]

fake news analysis with apps script
API Specific

Detect fake news with Google Fact Check tools

I came across Google’s FactCheckTools API today, so I thought it might be fun to add to my bmApiCentral Apps Script library. This API can be used to both search popular fake news claims and […]

No Picture
Apps Script

Create GraphML markups from Apps Script

A recent social network analysis project meant I had to find a way to convert Google Form data for visualization in NodeXL. Normally I’d use D3 for this kind of thing (you’ll find plenty of […]

random contrasting font colors
Apps Script

Calculate contrasting font colors for Sheets.

If you are playing around with Sheet colors with Apps Script, you sometimes find yourself with font colors that don’t go well with the background colors you’ve chosen. However, we can use Yiq values to […]

Google Apps Script logo
Apps Script

Use a proxy to catch invalid property access

Accidentally accessing non-existent properties and tracking down where that is happening is a big time waster that a JavaScript proxy can help you track down. In Fix Apps Script file order problems with Exports I […]

Superfetch plugin
Apps Script

SuperFetch caching: How does it work?

SuperFetch is a proxy for UrlFetchApp with additional features such as built-in caching – see SuperFetch – a proxy enhancement to Apps Script UrlFetch for how it works and what it does. This is another […]

superfetch tank drive
Apps Script

SuperFetch plugins: Tank events and appending

Tank and Drv are SuperFetch plugins to emulate streaming and use the Drive REST API with Apps Script. SuperFetch is a proxy for UrlFetchApp with additional features – see SuperFetch – a proxy enhancement to Apps […]

superfetch tank apps script streaming
Apps Script

SuperFetch Tank Plugin: Streaming for Apps Script

Tank is a SuperFetch plugin to emulate streaming with Apps Script. SuperFetch is a proxy for UrlFetchApp with additional features – see SuperFetch – a proxy enhancement to Apps Script UrlFetch for how it works […]

goa twitter oauth2 apps script

Apps Script Oauth2 – a Goa Library refresher

It’s been a few years since I first created the Goa library. Initially it was mainly to provide OAuth2 authorization and authentication to be able to access Google APIS and services unavailable via App Script. […]

Apps Script

SuperFetch plugin – Firebase client for Apps Script

Frb is a SuperFetch plugin to easily access a Firebase Real time database. SuperFetch is a proxy for UrlFetchApp with additional features – see SuperFetch – a proxy enhancement to Apps Script UrlFetch for how it […]

No Picture

Inline libraries in an Apps Script project

This piece of work to create inline libraries was both challenging and a lot of fun to produce, and it’s something I’ve wanted to get round to for a long time.  Apps Script libraries are […]


Refreshing an oauth token in add-on

It’s very convenient to use ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() in an addon to reuse the token from the server side in your client side add-on code. However, these have a limited time to live (1 hour), so what […]

scviz datastudio report
Apps Script

Creating a connector for Data Studio

This series of articles will work through how to create a connector for Data Studio in Apps Script. The source data will be the github apps script project catalog from Every Google Apps Script project on […]

apps script v8
Apps Script

Proxy implementation of Apps Script GraphQL Class

In Resuscitating the Apps Script execution transcript – JavaScript Proxy and Reflect to the rescue I showed how we could use the ES6 Proxy global object to intercept calls to Apps Script services so we could […]

apps script crusher on github
Apps Script

Github as an Apps Script cache platform

Github as an Apps Script cache platform Another plugin available for Apps script library with plugins for multiple backend cache platforms so we can use Github as a back end for caching large objects across […]

upstash graphql explorer
Apps Script

Upstash as an Apps Script cache platform

Upstash as an Apps Script cache platform Upstash is a brand new service offering a serverless redis over https  via a GraphQL  API. Previously redis was hard to use along with Apps Script since we […]

info card on hover or click
Apps Script

4 ways to customize scrviz info card behavior

Info Card customization By default the info card appears when you hover over a node in the scrviz visualization. Although the info card is they key tool for investigating scrviz entries, it can be annoying […]

Apps Script

Enrich your developer profile on scrviz

In Showcase your Apps Script work and get hired via vizzy I showed how scrviz could be used to show off your Apps Script work to potential clients, so they could see what kind of […]


Handly helper for fiddler

If you use some of my libraries, you may have come across  the Fiddler class, which abstracts sheet data and provides a more functional way to manage data from multiple sheets in a Google Spreadsheet. […]

exchange apps script foriegn currency
Apps Script

Apps Script

What is Apps Script It’s the language used for extending GSuite and is based on JavaScript. Unlike the JavaScript that runs in your browser, it runs on a Google Server in the cloud, but unlike […]

apps script v8
Apps Script

Apps Script v8

Apps script now supports JavaScript ES6 Apps Script V8 now supports the same modern JavaScript you can use when writing for the browser. Up until now, you had to write in a dialect of JavaScript-based […]