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Apps Script & Java Script

Sankey diagram from Excel

Acknowledgement Much of the JavaScript and d3.js came from Mike Bostok’s site. If you use any of this material, please be sure to maintain the acknowledgement for his work. There have been a few features added […]

Full Stack

React, Redux, Redis, Material-UI and Firebase

A whole bunch of front end platform libraries that go together really well, but that are hard to grasp and get started with. Here’s a bunch of snippets to help show how all these things interact.. […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Integrating Google Apps with other Platforms

As Google APIS continue to improve there are more ways to integrate them. The pages on this site reflect the technologies available at the time, so I thought I should bring together the pages that […]


One Liners

What can you learn here? Using ramblings libraries Short code snippets Abbreviated explanations Complex stuff in a few lines of code  get it now This section is going to cover how to do complex stuff in […]

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Microsoft Office & VBA

jSon and Dynamic Forms

  Now we know how about Hiding data in Excel Objects, Excel JSON conversion and Dynamic Forms let’s combine all that as an enhancement to the Roadmap Generation project. The objective is to embed traceability data in the generated roadmap shapes so […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Implementation example of form at mouse position

Implement a popup form at the mouse position  get it now Now that we know  How to position a userform on the mouse, here’s a simple example of an implementation that uses such a form to […]

Apps Script & Java Script

How to use javaScript from VBA

What can you learn here? scriptcontrol object call from VBA use javaScript The ScriptControl Object This object gives you access to a scripting engine that will accept scripting in both javaScript and VBScript. Since this site has […]


Getting Started with argument passing

What can you learn here? Argument passing ByREF versus byVAL Optional and variable arguments     Argument passing Nowadays passing arguments to procedures is intuitive and the mechanics of how that happens is mainly the […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Asynchronicity and Scheduling

What can you learn here? Timers Scheduling tasks Progress bars Dealing with asynchronous events VBA has Event Processing capabilities. This is how it is able to deal with mouse clicks, form events and so on. […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Color Matching in GAS

I covered the mathematics of color matching in the VBA implementation in  Find nearest color match. This is the Google Apps Script implementation. I’ll be using the CIEDE2000 algorithm to measure the distance between colors. One thing I […]

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Apps Script & Java Script


These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available  from O’Reilly or Amazon VBA does not naturally support JSON, but to be able to use this API (and […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Authentication and access

These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available directly from O’Reilly or Amazon. As with most VBA authentication processes on this site, authentication is handled through the […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Incremental migration

These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration.  Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available  directly from O’Reilly or Amazon. All code samples can be found on Github. Note that that VBA samples have […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Going GAS

These articles are abridged from my book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available directly from O’Reilly or Amazon. JSON web tokens – how to create JWT from Apps Script. Includes a […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

VBA library for Ephemeral exchange

The REST API interface is pretty straightforward, but it is JSON. VBA doesn’t natively support JSON, but this library includes cJobect , which deals with all of that for you. This packages all the things you can […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Google Apps Script snippets

There are many Google Apps Script projects and snippets scattered around this site. I’m going to try to organize them in this page, but it will take a while. If you find something on the […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Apps Script library for Ephemeral exchange

The REST API interface is pretty straightforward, so you can recreate this with UrlFetch if you like. However this packages all the things you can do from the client in a simple library, and is […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Migrating from App Engine to Cloud functions

 Ephemeral exchange has gone serverless (for what this means see Going serverless with Firebase), and has a new home.  What’s changed The back end is completely different, but the front end interface is pretty much the same […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Ephemeral Exchange

Sometime you need to exchange transient data between platforms, but they don’t talk to each other very well. For example you could be launching a webapp with some data generated from Excel, but you want […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Using an Apps Script webapp to distribute assets

I wasn’t completely satisfied with the distribution method for the assets associated with my first Apps Script book and subsequent video course. Most of the assets were Apps Script files, and the delivery method was via […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Change from project key to scriptid

The Apps Script Script service is deprecating the getProjectKey() method. At this time it’s not clear when or why, but it does mean that if you are using the project key to create Oauth2 redirect […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Null should mean something

It’s a common pattern in JavaScript to do this to assign a default value to a variable : var theThing = someThing || defaultThing; In other words, if someThing has a ‘falsey’ value (false, null […]

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Sheets specific

Are the new Google Sheets faster than the old?

In December, Google released new Sheets, saying they are faster and better than the old – including working offline. I’ve made a couple of tests to compare the old and the new – a simple operation […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Shared Encryption/decryption library for Google Apps Script.

Encryption/decryption library for Google Apps Script. Amit Agarwal recently showed how to encrypt/decrypt Email messages using a Google Apps Script application in this post  The encryption method he used is SJCL, maintained by the Stanford Security Lab, […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Concept browser for site navigation with d3

I recently posted about a way to navigate sites and blogs by topic using a d3.js force diagram. Following that I was thinking some more about the trend away from organizing data into predefined folders […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

jQuery promises and exponential backoff

When using services like Google Fusion API, sometimes you get errors because of over quota attempts – too many requests in too short a time, or the infrastructure is just too busy to service them. […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Digest authentication and Google Apps Script

The other day I was looking around for an example of how to do digest authentication in Google Apps Script (or even plain javascript). I found plenty of theoretical discussions on it, but no actual […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Google Apps Script “execution time exceeded” woes

Just how slow is Google Apps Script ? I’m a big fan of Google Apps Script, but I’m really fed up of seeing “Execution time exceeded”. Obviously data access times can be unpredictable, and although it […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Google Apps Script Color Space Conversions.

In Google Apps Script Color functions I introduced a bunch of functions to manipulate various color spaces from GAS. This was a migration from the same thing in VBA. I extended this to include additional color […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Playing around with Color on Google Apps Script

I’m going back to Google Apps Script for today’s post. I’ve been on a little diversion playing around with color  in VBA, so now it’s time to implement some of that in GAS. If you have […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Publish and prettify source directly from a url

If you’ve been following the various posts about publishing source code from gists, google apps script, scriptdb and so on, you may have realizes there was one missing link. Publishing source code direct from a […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Publishing Google Apps Script code snippets

In a previous post I showed how Google Apps Script could return the contents of a script as Json so you could format that for including script samples on web sites. Today, here is how […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Google Caching and faking jsonp

In using Google Apps Script as a jSONP proxy, I covered how you could use GAS to get over javaScript same domain restrictions. If you need to access jSon data from javaScript, jQuery and so […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Interesting scrapes from scraperwiki

In scraping the scraper I showed how to get scraperwiki data into both Excel and Google Apps Script. More interestingly though, I was talking about data for which others had already done the legwork to create […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

visualizing system integrations using d3.js (straight from Excel)

I’ve written about d3.js force diagrams, mapping tweet sentiments, , d3.js trees, Sankey diagrams and various other stuff on the ramblings site all of which show how to create d3.js diagrams directly from simple Excel data. This is settling […]

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From VBA to Google Apps Script

Rest Library for Google Apps Script

In previous posts I covered a couple of conversions of Excel VBA projects to Google Apps Script, with particular emphasis on maintaining compatibility between the solutions to allow for dual maintenance. Previous conversions have been a GAS […]

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Using JScript inside VBA

Those of you that read this blog, and the ramblings site, will know that the topic content is about equally split between VBA and javaScript. Until today, I had no idea that there was a […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Google Apps javascript timer

If you are working with Google Apps Script, one of your priorities is definitely going to be a simple timer. Everything takes longer than you are used to, and you have to be very careful […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Google Apps Script Color Ramp

For those of you that have been following VBA to Google Apps Script, here is another one. This time, it’s a conversion of the Excel color ramp library. You can download the code for and […]