apps script v8
Apps Script & Java Script

Qottle recipe: Managing asynchronous queues with duplicates

Qottle recipe for managing asynchronous queues with duplicates Qottle is a queue for asynchronous tasks with prioritization, ratelimit, and concurrency support. It can also detect and reject duplicate requests. This recipe shows an example of […]

apps script v8
Apps Script & Java Script

Qottle recipe: How to manage an asynchronous polling queue

  Qottle is a queue for asynchronous tasks with prioritization, ratelimit, and concurrency support. This recipe shows an example of a qottle queue for continuous, controlled polling. Qottle recipe for polling You can use qottle […]

General JavaScript techniques

Recursive async functions

Background I have a GraphQL server on which I’ve deliberately limited the amount of data that can be returned in a single query to avoid daft requests. That means that you need to do paging […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Google Drive as cache

If you are after performance and self-cleansing then the cacheservice is the best solution for caching, and if you are after permanence and small amounts of data, the properties service is a good solution. You […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Improved namespace pattern for Apps Script

If you are a regular reader of these pages, you’ll know that I prefer to encapsulate all my code namespaces for all my JavaScript and Apps Script projects. This makes for better organization and avoids […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Roughly matching text

Rough Matching When dealing with matching in sheets, you sometimes need to get close matches. This post shares the “Rough” namespace of the cUseful library, available here. Some examples Let’s start with this sheet – […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Formatting GraphQL queries

Queries with older JavaScript If you are using a newer flavour of JavaScript you can do multiline literals using backticks like this `some text and some more text and even more text` This gets concatenated […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Composing functions and functional programming

In JavaScript currying and functional programming I looked at an Apps Script example using currying (embedding values that would normally be arguments in a function). Another functional programming topic that’s becoming popular is the idea […]

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General JavaScript techniques

JavaScript currying and functional programming

In Abstracting services with closures I showed how you could get more functional by using closures. Curried functions are another approach to encapsulating values in a function – minimizing the number of arguments and variables […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Exponential backoff for promises

I’m sure you’re all familiar with both Promises and exponential backoff. If you’re a regular visitor to this site, you’ll know these are two topics I often write about. In this post, I’ll combine the […]

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General JavaScript techniques


One of the fiddly things about using Html5 canvas is dragging and dropping. It’s something I needed to do a fair bit, so I thought I’d write a configurable function to do it. You can […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Changing class properties dynamically

If you have settings in an app that can be changed dynamically (for example background colors) during use, then it can be tricky to do that without applying the specific styles to each affected element. […]

General JavaScript techniques

Use promise instead of callback for settimeout

You should all be familiar with ES6 promises by now as a way of handling asynchronicity in a more organized way. The simplest kind of asynch that we regularily come across in JavaScript is setTimeout, […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Dynamically creating tables with clusterize.js

Quite often you need to present dynamic tables in Html Service. They can be laborious to code and can get sluggish if large. Clusterize.js gives some great capabilities to help with that. Imagine you have […]

General JavaScript techniques

Converting SVG to PNG with JavaScript

I’ve been using canvg in the past to convert SVG to PNG, but as you’ll see from the link, it doesn’t support all of SVG capabilities. If you use D3 or any library that likes […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Using timing functions to get insight into Sheets

Here’s a general purpose timer for wrapping functions without having to edit them to put timers around them. This is something I often have to do if tracking down performance problems, so I thought I’d […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Abstracting services with closures

You probably all use cache service, property services and maybe some others too. Abstracting away which one you are using so that your code doesn’t need to bother about the details can be a good […]

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General JavaScript techniques

A recursive extend function for Apps Script

If you’ve worked through JavaScript recursion primer and More recursion – parents and children you should be pretty comfortable with how recursion works by now. Now we’re going to apply it to create a simple version of jQuery.extend(). If you […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Traversing a tree

A common pattern is traversing a tree, and you find yourself writing the same recursive code over an over. Although it’s a very simple problem, people often have trouble with it. Here’s a general pattern […]

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General JavaScript techniques

More recursion – parents and children

In JavaScript recursion primer I introduced a simple example to show how recursion works. We are going to develop some of those ideas in this post, so you should first read that. We’ll use the same object […]

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General JavaScript techniques

JavaScript recursion primer

What is recursion Most modern coding languages allow recursion – in other words allow a function to call itself. This concept is central to being able to deal with object structures that are linked or […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Chaining JavaScript

One of my favorite JavaScript things is the ability to chain things together. Consider this function, where the methods return the instance itself; var myBox = function () { var self = this, _height, _width; self.setHeight = […]

General JavaScript techniques

Untangling with promises

In my Ephemeral Exchange project, I use to handle push notifications when any cache values are updated, are deleted or expire. Where you have a lot of asynchronicity going on, it can be hard to deal with all […]

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General JavaScript techniques

JavaScript closures – how, where and why

These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available directly from O’Reilly or Amazon. People usually have a lot of trouble understanding closures in JavaScript. In this post […]

General JavaScript techniques

Publishing ES6 code on NPM

I’ve covered a couple of client libraries in VBA library for Ephemeral exchange and Apps Script library for Ephemeral exchange, and this article will talk a little about the Node library, but more specifically, a general discussion on […]

General JavaScript techniques

jquery promise snippet

Promises are an elegant way of providing for the handling of the future completion of an action in JavaScript. You will be familiar with the concept of a callback. This allows your app to get […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Apps Script as a proxy

If you try to access data in a different domain from a client-side app, you’ll often get an error about CORS (cross-origin resource sharing). I’ve dealt with this topic before in Cross Origin Resource sharing (CORS), […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Flattening and unflattening objects to spreadsheets

In Flattening an object with dot syntax I showed how to take an object of more than 1 level deep and flatten it so it could be represented in a two-dimensional object like a spreadsheet. Now here’s […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Advanced Array functions

There are a number of useful array functions that have been around since EmacsScript5.1. This means that they are not available in some older browsers, but have been implemented in Google Apps Script. Here’s a few […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Flattening an object with dot syntax

Sometimes you need to blow out a JavaScript object so that the keys are fully qualified. For example, if you are doing a rest query on some third party database, or to represent a more […]

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General JavaScript techniques

Namespaces in libraries and scripts

As you know, in Apps Script you can have libraries that can be accessed from other scripts. Apps Script automatically generates a namespace for that library (it calls it an identifier) which you prefix calls […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Null should mean something

It’s a common pattern in JavaScript to do this to assign a default value to a variable : var theThing = someThing || defaultThing; In other words, if someThing has a ‘falsey’ value (false, null […]