
Multi user apps script logger

One of the interesting challenges, especially if you are using webapps, triggered tasks or running things in parallel is the persistence of log files. Logger.log only has one instance so it gets overwritten by the latest thing […]


Dogger settings

Multi user apps script logger has a brief overview of how to use the Dogger Polymer inspector to look at log files it creates in Apps Script, and introduces some of the concepts. Here’s how to […]


Dogger demo mode

In Multi user apps script logger I introduced how you could integrate logging from apps script with another technology. In this case a Polymer app. Further down the page, a live demo will have been kicked off […]


Using cDogger library directly

In Setting up your Apps Script Environment for Dogger, I showed how you could set up a mini environment wrapper so you could always use the same back end environment and serve up logging data to […]


Multi-user apps script logger

One of the interesting challenges, especially if you are using webapps, triggered tasks or running things in parallel is the persistence of log files. Logger.log only has one instance so it gets overwritten by the latest thing […]



I’ve recently become interested in Polymer as a development platform, which I think is a very promising approach to building apps based on web components. This section of the site will host Polymer related content. Here is […]


Using a spreadsheet as a logger

In Setting up your Apps Script Environment for Dogger I showed how to set up DriverScratch as a database to receive logging information from Multi user apps script logger. Since we are using Database abstraction with google apps script changing the backend […]

No Picture

First shot at Polymer

I’ve just completed my first Polymer app and have mixed feeling about the experience. Regulars to this blog and the associated site know that I’m a great fan of Google stuff and like to try out […]