CrunchBase relationships API: The Daily REST library entry for Excel and GAScript

Data from CrunchBase API directly into an Excel or Google Spreadsheet

Today’s API is  from “crunchbase” which is a free database of corporations, people and investors. There are a number of types of query available in this API – our first one will be about relationships – companies that business leaders have worked for  – this a single query API, populating multiple rows in a spreadsheet from a given name. Here’s the response to a query on “jeff-bezos”


Here’s the Excel code (included in cDataSet.xlsm downloadable from the ramblings site)

Public Sub testCrunchbaseRelationships()
    generalQuery "crunchbase relationships", "crunchbase relationships", _
        InputBox("Enter persons name (for example steve-jobs)")
End Sub

and the GAS version (included in a Google Spreadsheet) using the mcpher GAS library

function testCrunchbaseRelationships() {
    mcpher.generalQuery ("crunchbase relationships", "crunchbase relationships", 
        mcpher.InputBox("Enter persons name (for example steve-jobs)") );

The rest library is itself implemented as REST API and can be queried like this.

For more stuff like this, visit the ramblings site or the associated blog. If you have suggestion for particular AP or contact me on our forum

About brucemcp 225 Articles
I am a Google Developer Expert and decided to investigate Google Apps Script in my spare time. The more I investigated the more content I created so this site is extremely rich. Now, in 2019, a lot of things have disappeared or don’t work anymore due to Google having retired some stuff. I am however leaving things as is and where I came across some deprecated stuff, I have indicated it. I decided to write a book about it and to also create videos to teach developers who want to learn Google Apps Script. If you find the material contained in this site useful, you can support me by buying my books and or videos.