This is the the driver for DB.DATASTORE described in Database abstraction with google apps script
The library reference is MPZF_EC6nOZFAjMRqCxEaUyz3TLx7pV4j
This tutorial references the the cDataHandler and cEzyOauth2, both of which have been superseded by cDbAbstraction and cGoa which are easier to implement. If you’d rather work with those, the slides below show an example.
Background to implementation.
This driver has been tricky to implement. The Cloud Datastore calls itself “Google Cloud Datastore: A Fully Managed NoSQL Data Storage Service” and is normally used with Google App Engine using Python, Java, PHP or Go. There is no API for Google Apps Script, it is not normally used directly from a JavaScript client, and neither is it a database as ‘we would know it’.
There is a JSON API, and along with the new concepts of entities, paths, ancestors and tricky indexing it’s quite difficult to get started with. It does have a GQL query language which is SQL-ish, but you can only use it for querying (not updating). It is also only really able to handle objects that are flat, and complicated queries need to have indexes pre-setup – in other words you need to know what you’ll ask before you ask.
Since this is a database abstraction driver, I don’t need the full capabilities of DataStore since I only need those that are present in other databases in the sub-universe. I also need to use Flattening an object with dot syntax to allow for multi-level object storage and querying, and because of the limitation around pre-indexing, I need to do hybrid querying with some of it happening in datastore, and more complex constraints happening in the DataHandler.
Here is a quick primer:
Before you choose to use DataStore, you’ll need to think about quotas. It’s very easy to blow the free daily allowance – for any meaningful application you’ll probably end up paying something. There is a quota dashboard on the Google Developers Cloud console.
The data abstraction library has caching enabled from the start, so any data taken from cache doesn’t eat into your quota.
If you’ve been avoiding oAuth2, you can’t. DataStore demands authentication. The DataHandler can accept and access token, and you can easily use EzyOauth2 – taking some pain out of Apps Script API authentication to get one for both web app and regular applications. More about that later.
Although Datastore has the concept of ‘Transactions’, you can’t protect sections of code like you can when you use it with App Engine. I’m Using named locks with Google Apps Scripts to protect sensitive transactions.
There’s a little bit of setting up to do
- Create an application in the Google Cloud Console
- Enable datastore
- Get some oAuth2 credentials
- Create your app from EzyOauth2 patterns
- Run a web app to allow access and store your access/refresh token environment.
Here’s some libraries you’ll need or are used internally
library | key | comments |
cDataHandler | Mj61W-201_t_zC9fJg1IzYiz3TLx7pV4j | Abstracted interface to back end databases, and all known drivers |
cCacheHandler | M3reA5eBxtwxSqCEgPywb9ai_d-phDA33 | Manages caching of query results |
cNamedLock | Mpv7vUR0126U53sfSMXsAPai_d-phDA33 | Cross script locking of abstract resources |
cEzyOauth2 | MSaYlTXSVk7FAqpHNCcqBv6i_d-phDA33 | Manages oAuth2 credentials and offline refreshing of access tokens |
cFlatten | MqxKdBrlw18FDd-X5zQLd7yz3TLx7pV4j | Flattens complex objects to 1 level dot syntax objects so they can be stored/queries in a 2 dimensional space |
ezyOauth2 templates | | Patterns for web and nonweb apps for easy oath2 authentication. Take a copy of this |
How it all fits together
Oauth2 pattern
As described in EzyOauth2 patterns, apps that require oAuth2 can be complicated. However, once you’ve copied the template, the pattern is simple and repeatable. Here are the steps
- First time in – store your credentials and scope. You do this only once. You can delete this after running it once, so you don’t have to carry credentials in your code.
setAuthenticationPackage_ ({ clientId : "", clientSecret : "xxx", scopes : ['',''], service: 'google', packageName: 'googleDatastore' });
- First time in, provoke a doGet() dialog by publishing as a web app to create an access and refresh token. This will grab an offline authorization which will refresh automatically when needed. These will be used for both web apps and non-webapps. However you do need to publish and run once to create the dialog. If this is a non-web app, then unpublish it again when done. Your doGet() function looks like this. If this is a web actually a webapp, then the doSomething() function is where you create your app.
/** * this is your web app * @param {object} webapp param object * return {HtmlOutput} */ function doGet (e) { return doGetPattern(e, constructConsentScreen, doSomething, 'googleDatastore') ; } /** * tailor your consent screen with an html template * @param {string} consentUrl the url to click to provide user consent * @return {string} the html for the consent screen */ function constructConsentScreen (consentUrl) { return '<a href = "' + consentUrl + '">Authenticate to datastore</a> '; } /** * this is your main processing - will be called with your access token * @param {string} accessToken - the accessToken */ function doSomething (accessToken) { var options = { method: "POST", headers: { authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken } }; var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch("", options); return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput (' it worked' + result.getContentText()); } /** * gets the property key against which you want the authentication package stored * @param {string} optPackageName * @return {string} */ function getPropertyKey_ (optPackageName) { return "EzyOauth2Datastore" + (optPackageName ? '_' + optPackageName : ''); }
If this is not a webapp, then you need something that looks like this too, where dataStoreTest is your application that is going to d the work.
function dataStoreExample() { // this will get an access token and pass it to doTheWork() return doGetPattern({} , constructConsentScreen, dataStoreTest,'googleDatastore'); }
More info
The datastore code
If you are interested in the implementation, you’ll find the code here
The datastore test.
If you’ve already used Database abstraction with google apps script then this will be familiar. The database access is the same for datastore as it is for any other backend. The only specific coding is setting up the handler. Here are 3 different setups for 3 different backends – datastore, and Drive. You’ll notice they are very similar. In this i’ve opted out of analytics tracking, and turned off caching- since I’m going to run the same tests on each platform to make sure I get the same result. You’ll find these tests in the Patterns template and you may find them useful to check out your set up.
function dataStoreTest (accessToken) { // get a datastore handler var handler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler ( 'flattener', // Kind cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.DATASTORE, // Datastore undefined, 'xliberationdatastore', // project id undefined, undefined, true, // analytics opt out 'bruce', // analytics debugging tracking accessToken, // the access token true); // disable caching for testing assert(handler.isHappy(), 'unable to get datastore handler','handler'); return testFlattener (handler, accessToken) } function driveTest (accessToken) { // get a datastore handler var handler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler ( 'flattener.json', // Kind cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.DRIVE, // Datastore undefined, '/datahander/driverdrive', // project id undefined, undefined, true, // analytics opt out 'bruce', // analytics debugging tracking accessToken, // the access token true); // disable caching for testing assert(handler.isHappy(), 'unable to get drive handler','handler'); return testFlattener (handler, accessToken) } function parseTest () { // get a parse handler var userStore = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties(); var handler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler ( 'flattener', // class cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.PARSE, // parse undefined, 'mp', JSON.parse(userStore.getProperty("parseKeys")), // parse credentials undefined, true, 'bruce', undefined, true); assert(handler.isHappy(), 'unable to get parse handler','handler'); return testFlattener (handler,null) }
Here’s a set of tests – it doesn’t matter which back end you are using. The code is the same.
function testFlattener (handler, accessToken) { var testData = [ { name:'john', stuff:{age:25,sex:'male'}, networks:{ google:{name:'john',usage:'frequent'}, facebook:{name:'jsmith',usage:'occassionally'} } }, { name:'mary', stuff:{age:26,sex:'female'}, networks:{ google:{name:'mjones',usage:'frequent'}, facebook:{name:'mary',usage:'occassionally'} } }, { name:'ethel', stuff:{age:50,sex:'female'}, networks:{ google:{name:'ethel',usage:'seldom'}, facebook:{name:'ejones',usage:'seldom'} } }, { name:'fred', stuff:{age:60,sex:'male'}, networks:{ google:{name:'fred',usage:'occassionaly'}, facebook:{name:'fred',usage:'seldom'} } }, { name:'freda', stuff:{age:61,sex:'female'}, networks:{ google:{name:'freda',usage:'often'}, facebook:{name:'freda',usage:'seldom'} } }, { name:'wilma', stuff:{age:20,sex:'female'}, networks:{ google:{name:'wilma',usage:'occassionaly'}, facebook:{name:'wflintstone',usage:'seldom'} } }, { name:'betty', stuff:{age:21,sex:'female'}, networks:{ google:{name:'betty',usage:'occassionaly'}, facebook:{name:'brubble',usage:'often'} } }, { name:'barney', stuff:{age:21,sex:'male'}, networks:{ google:{name:'barney',usage:'often'}, facebook:{name:'rubble',usage:'never'} } }, { name:'mr slate', stuff:{age:91,sex:'male'}, networks:{ google:{name:'slate',usage:'seldom'}, facebook:{name:'slate',usage:'never'} } }, { name:'dino', stuff:{age:10,sex:'male'}, networks:{ google:{name:'dino',usage:'seldom'}, facebook:{name:'dino',usage:'often'} } } ]; // delete everything var result = handler.remove(); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 , result,'remove'); //query everything var result = handler.query(); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && === 0, result, 'querypostdelete'); // add some data that needs flattened var result = (testData); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 , result,'save'); //query everything var result = handler.query(); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && === testData.length, result, 'query'); // query everything with limit var result = handler.query(undefined,{limit:1}); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && === 1, result,'querylimit'); // sort reverse var result = handler.query(undefined,{sort:'-name'}); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && === testData.length, result, 'querysort'); // sort reverse, skip 1 var result = handler.query(undefined,{skip:9,sort:'name'}); var result = handler.query(undefined,{skip:9}); Logger.log(; Logger.log(testData.length); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && === testData.length -1, result,'querysort+skip'); // flattten query everything var result = handler.query({"name":'ethel'}); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return ==='ethel'; }).length === , result,'filterdot0'); // flattten query everything var result = handler.query({stuff:{sex:'female'}}); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return ==='female'; }).length === , result,'filter'); // try constraints var c = cDataHandler.dhConstants.CONSTRAINTS; // check a single constraint works var result = handler.query({"stuff.age":handler.constraints([[c.GT,25]])}); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return d.stuff.age > 25; }) .length === , result,'filterdotc1'); // two constraints on same property var result = handler.query ( { 'stuff.age': handler.constraints([[c.LT,60],[c.GT,25]]) }); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return d.stuff.age > 25 && d.stuff.age < 60; } ).length === , result,'filterdotc2'); // check two constraints plus a different property var result = handler.query ( { 'stuff.age': handler.constraints([[c.LT,60],[c.GTE,25]]), '': 'male'}, undefined,1,true); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return d.stuff.age >= 25 && d.stuff.age < 60 && === 'male'; } ).length === , result,'filterdotc3'); var result = handler.query ( { name:handler.constraints([[c.IN,['ethel','fred']]])}); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return ['ethel','fred'].indexOf( != -1; } ).length === , result,'filterdotc4'); // check text constraints var result = handler.query ( { 'stuff.age': handler.constraints([[c.GT,25]]), '': 'male', 'name':handler.constraints([[c.IN,['john','mary']]]) }); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return d.stuff.age > 25 && === 'male' && ['john','mary'].indexOf( != -1; } ).length === , result,'filterdotc5'); // make sure we're getting the right id with complex constaints var result = handler.query ( { 'stuff.age': handler.constraints([[c.GT,25]]) }, {limit:1}, 1, true ); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && ===1 && result.handleKeys.length ===1, result, "limitkeycheck1"); var r2 = handler.get(result.handleKeys); assert ( r2.handleCode >= 0 && === && (function(d) { return d.stuff.age > 25 ; }), r2, "limitgetcheck1"); // lets try updating var result = handler.query ( { '': 'male'}, undefined,1,true); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return === 'male'; } ).length === , result,'update1'); var r2 = handler.update ( result.handleKeys, (function(d) { = === 'male'; return d; } )); assert (r2.handleCode >= 0, r2, 'update 2'); var r2 = handler.query ( { '': true} ); assert (r2.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return === 'male'; } ).length === , result,'update 3'); // lets try counting var result = handler.count (); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.length ===[0].count , result,'count 1'); // check count var result = handler.count ( { 'stuff.age': handler.constraints([[c.GT,25]]), '': 'male', 'name':handler.constraints([[c.CONTAINS,'el']]) }); assert (result.handleCode >= 0 && testData.filter(function(d) { return d.stuff.age > 25 && === 'male' &&'el') != -1; } ).length ===[0].count , result,'count 2'); }
See more like this in Database abstraction with google apps script