This is the the driver for DB.DATASTORE described in Database abstraction with google apps script

The library reference is 


 This is a little more complicated that the other drivers, and in fact is made up of 3 different classes

Here is the code consisting of 3 modules

 * immediate queries after write are too quick .. update not yet done - maybe transactional is needed
 * indexes required for filter/sort combination
/** wrapper
function createDriver (handler,siloId,driverSpecific,driverOb, accessToken) {
    return new DriverDataStore(handler,siloId,driverSpecific,driverOb, accessToken);

/** TODO
 * having problems with 412 and predefined indexes
function getLibraryInfo () {
  return {
    info: {
      description:'cloud datastore driver for dbabstraction'
 * DriverDataStore
 * @param {cDataHandler} handler the datahandler thats calling me
 * @param {string} tableName this is the DataStore collection
 * @param {string} id some id you create for identifying this collection
 * @param {object} dataStoreOb a DataStoreOb ob if required  ( { restAPIKey:"your DataStore developer key"} )
 * @param {string} [accessToken] an oauth2 access token
 * @return {DriverDataStore} self
var DriverDataStore = function (handler,tableName,id,dataStoreOb,optAccessToken) {
  var siloId = tableName;  // the kind
  var dbId = id;           // cloud datastore project id    
  var self = this;
  var parentHandler = handler;
  var enums = parentHandler.getEnums();  
  var keyOb = dataStoreOb; 
  var handleError, handleCode; 
  var accessToken = optAccessToken || null;
  var handle = new DatastoreWorker(parentHandler, accessToken, dbId,siloId);
  var complex_ = false;
  // im not able to do transactions
  self.transactionCapable = false;
  // i  need transaction locking
  self.lockingBypass = false;
  // i am aware of transactions and know about the locking i should do
  self.transactionAware = true;
  self.getType = function () {
    return enums.DB.DATASTORE;
  self.getDbId = function () {
    return dbId;
  /** no persistent handle for this rest query - just return self
   * @return {DriverDataStore} self
  self.getDriveHandle =  function () {
    return handle;

   * DriverDataStore.getTableName()
   * @return {string} table name or silo
  self.getTableName = function () {
    return siloId;
 /** create the driver version
  * @return {string} the driver version
  self.getVersion = function () {
    var v = getLibraryInfo().info;
    return + ':' + v.version;

   * DriverDataStore.query()
   * @param {object} queryOb some query object 
   * @param {object} queryParams additional query parameters (if available)
   * @param {boolean} keepIds whether or not to keep driver specifc ids in the results
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.query = function (queryOb,queryParams,keepIds) {
    return parentHandler.readGuts ( 'query' , function() {
      return queryGuts_(queryOb,queryParams,keepIds);

function queryGuts_(queryOb,queryParams,keepIds) {

  var result,driverIds, handleKeys;
  handleCode = enums.CODE.OK, handleError='',qp=null;
  complex_ = false;
  if (queryParams) {
    result= self.sortOutParams(queryOb,queryParams);
    if (result.handleCode !== enums.CODE.OK) return result;
    qp =;
  result = handle.runQuery(queryOb,qp);

  if (result.handleCode !== enums.CODE.OK) {
    return parentHandler.makeResults (result.handleCode,result.handleError);
  // apply anyfilters
  var pr = parentHandler.processFilters (queryOb,; 
  handleCode =pr.handleCode;
  handleError = pr.handleError;
  if (handleCode === enums.CODE.OK) { =;
    // fix up the result
    if (keepIds) {
      var d = handle.getIds(result);
      driverIds = {
        return d[k];
      handleKeys= driverIds;
  // next fix up parameters datastore couldnt handle
  if (complex_ ) {
    var npr = parentHandler.processParams( queryParams,;
    if (handleCode === enums.CODE.OK) { =;
      // fix up the result
      if (keepIds) {
        driverIds = {
          return driverIds[k];
        handleKeys= driverIds;
  return parentHandler.makeResults (handleCode,handleError,,keepIds ? driverIds :null,keepIds ? handleKeys:null);

   * DriverDataStore.removeByIds()
   * @memberof DriverDataStore
   * @param {Array.string} ids list of handleKey ids to remove
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.removeByIds = function (ids) {

    var result = {};
    try {
    Logger.log('removing by ids');
      result = handle.remove (ids);
    catch(err) {
      result.handleError = err;
      result.handleCode =  enums.CODE.DRIVER;
    return parentHandler.makeResults (result.handleCode,result.handleError,result);

   * DriverDataStore.remove()
   * @param {object} queryOb some query object 
   * @param {object} queryParams additional query parameters (if available)
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.remove = function (queryOb,queryParams) {
    return parentHandler.writeGuts ( 'remove' , function() {

      try { 
        var result;
        try {
          // start with a query
          result = queryGuts_ (queryOb, queryParams , true);
          if (result.handleCode === enums.CODE.OK) {
            result = self.removeByIds (result.handleKeys);

        catch(err) {
          result = {
            handleError: err,
            handleCode:  enums.CODE.DRIVER
        return parentHandler.makeResults (result.handleCode,result.handleError,result);
      catch (err) {
        return parentHandler.makeResults(enums.CODE.LOCK,err);

   * @param {Array.object} obs array of objects to write
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
   */ = function (obs) {
    return parentHandler.writeGuts ( 'save' , function() {
      var result = null;
      handleError='', handleCode=enums.CODE.OK;
      if(handleCode === enums.CODE.OK) {
        try {
          result = handle.insert(obs);
          if (result.handleCode !== enums.CODE.OK) {
            handleError = result.handleError;
            handleCode = result.handleCode;
        catch(err) {
          handleError = err ;
          handleCode =  enums.CODE.DRIVER;
      return parentHandler.makeResults (handleCode,handleError,result);

   * DriverDataStore.count()
   * @param {object} queryOb some query object 
   * @param {object} queryParams additional query parameters (if available)
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.count = function (queryOb,queryParams) {
    return parentHandler.readGuts ( 'count' , function() {
      var c=0, result= self.query(queryOb,queryParams);
      if(result.handleCode >= 0) { 
        c =;
      return parentHandler.makeResults (handleCode,handleError,[{count:c}]);
   * Driver.get()
   * @param {string} key the unique return in handleKeys for this object
   * @param {boolean} keepIds whether or not to keep driver specifc ids in the results
   * @return {object} results from selected handler

  self.get = function (key,keepIds) {
    return parentHandler.readGuts ( 'get' , function() {
      var result =null;
      handleError='', handleCode=enums.CODE.OK;
      var driverIds, handleKeys;
      try {
        result = handle.lookup(key);
        if (result.handleCode !== enums.CODE.OK) {
          handleError = result.handleError;
          handleCode = result.handleCode;
      catch(err) {
        handleError = err ;
        handleCode =  enums.CODE.DRIVER;
      // fix up the result
      if (keepIds) {
          driverIds= handle.getIds(result);
          handleKeys= driverIds;
      return parentHandler.makeResults (handleCode,handleError,,keepIds ? driverIds :null,keepIds ? handleKeys:null);
   * Driver.update()
   * @param {string} key the unique return in handleKeys for this object
   * @param {object} ob what to update it to
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.update = function (key,ob) {
    return parentHandler.writeGuts ( 'update' , function() {

      try {
        var result;
        try {
          // do the update
          result = handle.update(key,ob);
        catch(err) {
          result = {
            handleError: err,
            handleCode:  enums.CODE.DRIVER
        return parentHandler.makeResults (result.handleCode,result.handleError,result);
      catch (err) {
        return parentHandler.makeResults(enums.CODE.LOCK,err);
   * sort out query params
   * @param {object} queryParams parameters
   * @return 
   self.sortOutParams = function (queryOb,queryParams) {
     var pOb = null;
     if (queryParams) {
       // we cant rely on datastore to do limits and skips if there are complex queries with no index
      complex_ = queryOb && Object.keys(queryOb).some (function(k) {
        return (parentHandler.isObject (queryOb[k]) );
       var result = parentHandler.getQueryParams(handle.flatten(queryParams));
       if(result.handleCode === enums.CODE.OK) {
          pOb = (function (p,c) {
            if (c.param === 'sort') {
                p.order = [{property:{name:c.sortKey},direction: c.sortDescending ?  'DESCENDING' : 'ASCENDING' }];
            else if (!complex_ && c.param === 'limit' ) {
              p.limit = c.limit;
            else if (!complex_ && c.param === 'skip') {
              p.offset = c.skip;
            return p; }, {});
          return parentHandler.makeResults (enums.CODE.OK,'',pOb);
       else {
         return result;
     return (enums.CODE.OK);  

  return self;
 * interface for data store - takes care of accessing datastore
 * @param {DataHandler} parentHandler the abstract handker
 * @param {string} accessToken - the oauth2 access token
 * @param {string} dataStoreName  - the name of this data store (project id incloud console)
 * @param {string} kind - somewhat like the table name
 * @return {DatastoreWorker} self
 * @class DatastoreWorker
function DatastoreWorker(parentHandler, accessToken, dataStoreName, kind) {
    var name_ = dataStoreName;
    var self_ = this;
    var kind_ = kind;
    var accessToken_ = accessToken;
    var parentHandler_ = parentHandler;
    var enums = parentHandler.getEnums();  
    var SAVECHUNK = 500;
    self_.getParentHandler = function () {
      return parentHandler_;
     * set a new access token
     * @param {string} accessToken - the oauth2 access token
     * @return {DatastoreWorker} self
    self_.setAccessToken = function (token) {
      accessToken_ = token;
      return self_;
     * flatten an array of objects/a single object
     * @param {Array.Object|Object} obs an array of/single unflattened objects
     * @param {boolean} optConstraints whether there might be constraints to preserve
     * @return {Array.Object|Object} an array of/single flattened objects
    self_.flatten = function (obs,optConstraints) {
      return self_.getParentHandler().flatten(obs,optConstraints);

     * unflatten an array of objects
     * @param {Array.Object} obs an array of flattened objects
     * @return {Array.Object} and array of unflattened objects
    self_.unflatten = function (obs) {
      // unflatten the query
      if (!obs) return null;
      return {
        return new cFlatten.Flattener().unFlatten(d);

     * generate a proper object from a datastore entity query response
     * @param {Array.object} entities - the datastore query response
     * @return {Array.object} an array of proper objects
    self_.reconstructProperties = function (entities) {
      var root;
      if(entities.batch) {
        root = entities.batch.entityResults;
      else if (entities.found) {
        root = entities.found;
      else if (entities.entityResults) {
        root = entities.entityResults;
      else {
        throw 'cant make anything of ' + JSON.stringify(entities);

       return function(d) { 
         return new DataStoreEntity (d.entity.key.path[0].kind).injectProperties(;
     * insert an array of objects
     * @param {Array.object} obs - an array of objects to insert
     * @return {object} the datastore result object and success codes
    self_.insert = function (obs) {
      var result = {handleCode:enums.CODE.OK,handleError:''};
      if (!Array.isArray (obs)) obs = [obs];
      var entities ={
        return new DataStoreEntity (kind_).setProperties (self_.flatten(d));

      var options = getOptions_(), done =0;
      while (done < entities.length && result.handleCode === enums.CODE.OK) {
        var chunk = entities.slice(done, Math.min(entities.length,done+SAVECHUNK));
        options.payload=  JSON.stringify({
          mutation: {insertAutoId: ( function (d) { return d.objectify()})},
          mode: "NON_TRANSACTIONAL"
        result = execute_ (self_.getEndpoint("commit"), options);
        done += chunk.length;
      return result;
     * delete an array of objects
     * @param {Array.string} obs - an array of ids to delete
     * @return {object} the datastore result object and success codes
    self_.remove = function (ids) {
      var result = {handleCode:enums.CODE.OK,handleError:''};
      var options = getOptions_(),done =0;
      while (done < ids.length && result.handleCode === enums.CODE.OK) {
        var t = new DataStoreEntity (kind_);
        var chunk = ids.slice(done, Math.min(ids.length,done+SAVECHUNK));
        options.payload =  JSON.stringify({
          mutation: {"delete": t.removeify(chunk)},
          mode: "NON_TRANSACTIONAL"
        result= execute_ (self_.getEndpoint("commit"), options);
        done += chunk.length;
      return result;

     * update an array of objects
     * @param {Array.string} obs - an array of ids to update
     * @param {Array.object} obs - an array of objects to update it to
     * @return {object} the datastore result object and success codes
    self_.update = function (ids,obs) {
      if (!Array.isArray (obs)) obs = [obs];
      if (!Array.isArray (ids)) ids = [ids];
      if(ids.length !== obs.length) {
       return {
         handleCode: enums.CODE.KEYS_AND_OBJECTS,
         handleError: 'objects- ' + obs.length + ' keys- ' + ids.length,
         result:null };
      else {
        var entities ={
          return new DataStoreEntity (kind_).setProperties (self_.flatten(d));

        var options = getOptions_();
        options.payload=  JSON.stringify({
          mutation: {update: ( function (d,i) { return d.updateify(ids[i])})},
          mode: "NON_TRANSACTIONAL"
        var result= execute_ (self_.getEndpoint("commit"), options);
        if (result.handleCode >=0) {
 = self_.unflatten (result.mutationResult);
        return result;

    self_.getConstraintName = function (constraint) {
        return constraint ? 
          Object.keys(enums.CONSTRAINTS).reduce (function(p,c) { 
            return enums.CONSTRAINTS === constraint ? enums.DATASTORE_CONSTRAINTS : p;
          : null;

     * run a query
     * @param {object} optOb - a nosql query
     * @param {optParams} optParams - sorted out parameters
     * @return {object} the datastore result object and success codes
    self_.runQuery = function (optOb,optParams) {
      var options = getOptions_();
      var de = new DataStoreEntity (kind_,self_);

      // create query
      var qo = self_.flatten(optOb,true);
      var queryOb = de.querify(qo,optParams);
      options.payload = JSON.stringify(queryOb);
      var result= execute_ (self_.getEndpoint("runQuery"), options);

      if (result.handleCode >=0) { = self_.unflatten (self_.reconstructProperties(result.result));
      return result;
     * lookup an object by id
     * @param {string} id - an id to lookup
     * @return {object} the datastore result object and success codes
    self_.lookup = function (id) {
      var options = getOptions_();
      options.payload = JSON.stringify(new DataStoreEntity (kind_).lookupify(id) );
      var result= execute_ (self_.getEndpoint("lookup"), options);
      if (result.handleCode >=0) { = self_.unflatten (self_.reconstructProperties(result.result));
      return result;
     * get the api url
     * @param {string} method - the method
     * @return {string} the url
    self_.getEndpoint = function (method) {
      return '' + name_ + "/" + method; 

     * get an array of ids
     * @param {object} result the datastore result object and success codes
     * @return {Array.string} the array of IDS
    self_.getIds = function (result) {

        if (result.result.mutationResult ) { 
          return { return d.path[0].id; }).filter(function(d) { return d });
        else if (result.result.batch) {
          return { return d.entity.key.path[0].id; }).filter(function(d) { return d });
        else if (result.result.found) {
          return { return d.entity.key.path[0].id; }).filter(function(d) { return d });

     * get basic http options
     * @return {object} the options
    function getOptions_ () {
       return {
        method: "POST",
        contentType : "application/json" ,
        muteHttpExceptions : true,
        headers: {
          authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken_
     * exponetial backoff get
    function fetch_ (url,options) {
      return parentHandler_.rateLimitExpBackoff ( function () { 
              return UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options); }) ;
     * execute a fetch
    function execute_ (url,options) {
      var result=null, error = '', code = enums.CODE.OK;
      return parentHandler.rateLimitExpBackoff ( function () {
        try {
          var response = fetch_(url, options);
          result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
          if (response.getResponseCode() !== 200) {
            code = enums.CODE.HTTP;
            error = 'status'+ response.getResponseCode();
        catch (err) {
          code= enums.CODE.DRIVER;
          error = err;
        return {handleError:error, handleCode:code, result:result};
     return self_;
 * entity for data store - takes care of organizing properties and keys
 * @param {string} kind - somewhat like the table name
 * @param {DataStoreWorker} worker to get handler from
 * @return {DataStoreEntity} self
 * @class DataStoreEntity
function DataStoreEntity (kind,worker) {
  var self_ = this;
  var kind_ = kind;
  var worker_ = worker;
  var properties_ = {};

   * clear out current properties and optionall set some more
   * @param {object} optOb the object to set if required
   * @return {DataStoreEntity} self
  self_.resetProperties = function  (optOb) {
    properties_ = {};
    if (optOb) {
    return self_;
   * add the object ob to the datastore properties
   * @param {object} optOb the object to set
   * @return {DataStoreEntity} self
  self_.setProperties = function  (optOb) {
    ob = optOb || {};
    Object.keys(ob).forEach (function(k) {
      properties_[k] = {};
      properties_[k][getType_(ob[k])] = ob[k];
    return self_;

   * get a single property value by property name
   * @param {string} propertyName the property name
   * @return {*} the value of the property
  self_.getProperty = function (propertyName) {
    var p = properties_[propertyName] ;
    // just takes the first data type
    return p ? convertType(p,Object.keys(p)[0]) : null; 
    // strangely, it returns integer type as a string
    function convertType (ob,type) {
      if (type === "integerValue") {
        return parseInt( p[type],10);
      else {
        return  p[type];
   * get a single property type by property name
   * @param {string} propertyName the property name
   * @return {string} the datastore type of the property
  self_.getPropertyType = function (k) {
    var p = properties_[k] ;
    return p ? Object.keys(p)[0] : '';  
   * get the datastore properties 
   * @return {Array.object} the properties
  self_.getProperties = function () {
    return properties_;
   * introduce new datastore properties
   * @return {DatastoreEntity} self
  self_.injectProperties = function(p) {
    properties_ = p || {};
    return self_;
   * recsontruct the datastore properties into a single object
   * @return {object} the properties
  self_.reconstructProperties = function () {
    return Object.keys(properties_).reduce ( function (p,c) {
      p = self_.getProperty(c);
      return p;

   * construct the key part of the object for looking up a single id
   * @param {string} id the id
   * @return {object} the keys
  self_.lookupify = function (id) {
    return {keys: [ {path: [ { kind: kind_, id: id }] } ]};
   * make a stringifiable representation of an object ready for writing to the datastore
   * @return {object} a constructed entity
  self_.objectify = function () {
    return {key: {path: [ { kind: kind_ }] },properties:properties_};

   * make a stringifiable representation of an object ready for updating
   * @param {string} id the id
   * @return {object} a constructed entity
  self_.updateify = function (id) {
    return {key: {path: [ { kind: kind_, id:id }] },properties:properties_};
   * make a stringifiable representation of an object ready for deleting
   * @param {Array.string} ids array of ids to remove
   * @return {object} a constructed entity
  self_.removeify = function (ids) {
    if (!Array.isArray(ids)) ids = [ids];
    return { return {path: [{ "kind": kind_, "id": d }]}; });
   * make a stringifiable representation of an object ready for querying
   * @param {Object} optQuery any sorting/skipping type params
   * @param {Object} optParams any sroting/skipping type params
   * @return {string} a datastore type name
  self_.querify = function (optQuery, optParams) {

    var enums = worker_.getParentHandler().getEnums();
    // the basic rule is
    // all queries that are = can be combined
    // you can only have multiple constraints (eg > & <) if the property is the same one
    var q = {query:{ kinds: [{name: kind_}]}};
    if (optParams) {
      Object.keys(optParams).forEach (function(k){
        q.query[k] = optParams[k];
    if (optQuery) {

      var ks = '';
      // do the non-constraints first
      var fs = Object.keys(optQuery).reduce (function(p,c) {
        if (!optQuery.hasOwnProperty (enums.SETTINGS.CONSTRAINT)) {
          p.push(patchOb_ (c,optQuery , enums.DATASTORE_CONSTRAINTS.EQ));
          ks = c;
        return p;

      var fs = Object.keys(optQuery).reduce (function(p,c) {
        if (isObject_ (optQuery) ){
          if (optQuery.hasOwnProperty (enums.SETTINGS.CONSTRAINT)) {
            if (!ks || ks === c) {
              optQuery[enums.SETTINGS.CONSTRAINT].forEach(function(d) {
                var operator = worker_.getConstraintName(d.constraint);
                if (operator) {
                  p.push(patchOb_ (c ,d.value, operator));          
              ks = c;
          else {
            throw 'unexpected unflattened property ' + JSON.stringify(optQuery);

        return p;
     if (fs && fs.length > 0) {
       q.query.filter =  {
           operator: "AND",
           filters: fs,
   function patchOb_(name, v,oper) {
     var o =  { propertyFilter: 
       { property: { name: name },
         operator: oper,
     o.propertyFilter.value[getType_ (v)] = v;
     return o;

    return q;
  function isObject_ (obj) {
    return obj === Object(obj);
   * return a datastore type deduced from the value
   * @param {*} a value
   * @return {string} a datastore type name
  function getType_ (value) {
    var t = typeof value;
    if (t === "string") {
      return "stringValue"
    else if (t==="number") {
      if (!isNaN(value) && parseInt(Number(value),10) === value) {
        return "integerValue";
      else {
        return "doubleValue";
    else if (t==="boolean") {
      return "booleanValue"
    else if (t==="undefined") {
      return "stringValue"  
    else if (value instanceof Date) {
      return "dateTimeValue"  

    else {
      throw 'unable to determine type of ' + value;


  return self_;

See more like this in Database abstraction with google apps script and Datastore driver