This is the the driver for DB.FUSION described in Database abstraction with google apps script 

The library reference is 



This driver uses Fusion Advanced Services, that need to be enabled. They are already enabled in DataHandler REST API, but if you plan to use this driver in your own application or take a copy of that web app, you’ll need to enable them in your app.

If you pass a null fusion table ID as a siloid, a new fusion table will be created. You can retrieve its id with handler.getTableName() . If you insert data for which there is no column in that table, a column will be created with a best shot at setting up the type. Complex fusion specific data types are not implemented. Other types supported by DataHandler are – except that boolean is not supported by fusion. Boolean values are stored as strings – true/false.

Deep Javascript objects are supported by automatic flattening/unflattening as used in other two dimension backends such as DriverSheet.

The advanced Google Script API for fusion is fairly fragile – I’d recommend using fusion tables as backend only if you are anyway using Fusion Tables and want to mix that with apps script.

The Code