This is the the driver for DB.PROPERTIES described in Database abstraction with google apps script
The library reference is



This driver uses one of objects returned by the Google Apps Script Properties service. It is only usable for small databases, since there is a limit on property size, but is has all the same features (query/update/sort/limit/get/remove/save) as the other drivers and caching and locking are implemented.
The siloId is the property key, and the object to pass is the property object to use. 
Here’s how to get a handler.

var propertiesHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler('avengers',cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.PROPERTIES,undefined, 'myproperties',UserProperties);


This example gets some data from Driver, writes it as a database to both a drive JSON file and the user properties, and does a couple of queries on the result. 

function driveTest6() {

var importioHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler
var importioData = importioHandler.query({searchterm: "avengers 2"},undefined,1);
if (importio.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(importioData));

// write to a property
var propertiesHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler('avengers',cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.PROPERTIES,undefined, 'myproperties',UserProperties); 
var result = (;
if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));

// write to a drive
var driveHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler('avengers.json',cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.DRIVE,undefined,'/datahandler/driverdrive'); 
var result = (;
if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));


The Code

function createDriver (handler,siloId,driverSpecific,driverOb, accessToken) {
    return new DriverProperties(handler,siloId,driverSpecific,driverOb, accessToken);
function getLibraryInfo () {
  return {
    info: {
      description:"properties driver for dbabstraction"
 * DriverProperties
 * @param {cDataHandler} handler the datahandler thats calling me
 * @param {string} keyName this is keyname in the properties ob
 * @param {string} id some id you create for identifying this collection - normally the folder path
 * @param {object} PropertiesOb the properties ob to use
 * @return {DriverProperties} self

// this can be used for small datasets in place of a database
// a JSON object is stored as a Drive file and can be manipulated to provide database like characterisitcs
// data is stored as [ {key:someuniquekey, data:{},...]
var DriverProperties = function (handler,keyName,id,PropertiesOb) {
  var siloId = keyName;
  var dbId = id;
  var self = this;
  var parentHandler = handler;
  var enums = parentHandler.getEnums();  
  var keyOb = PropertiesOb;
  var handle, handleError, handleCode , handleIds, handleKey; 
  var transactionBox_ = null;
  // im able to do transactions
  self.transactionCapable = true;
  // i definitely need transaction locking
  self.lockingBypass = false;
  // i am aware of transactions and know about the locking i should do
  self.transactionAware = true;
  * checks that the transaction matches the one stored
  * @param {string} id transaction id
  * @return {boolean} whether id matches
  self.isTransaction = function (id) {
    return transactionBox_ && === id ;
  * begins transaction and store current content
  * @param {string} id transaction id
  self.beginTransaction = function (id) {
    transactionBox_ = delegate.beginTransaction (id);
  self.transactionData = function (){
    return delegate.transactionData();
  * commits transaction
  * @param {string} id transaction id
  * @return {object} a normal result package
  self.commitTransaction = function (id) {
    return delegate.commitTransaction(id);
  self.clearTransactionBox = function () {
    transactionBox_ = null;
  * roll back transaction - resets memory to beginnging of transaction
  * @param {string} id transaction id
  * @return {object} a normal result package
  self.rollbackTransaction = function (id) {
    return delegate.rollbackTransaction(id);
  self.getTransactionBox = function () {
    return transactionBox_;
  self.getSiloId = function () {
    return siloId;
  self.getParentHandler = function () {
    return parentHandler;
  self.getType = function () {
    return enums.DB.PROPERTIES;
  /** each saved records gets a unique key
   * @return {string} a unique key
  self.generateKey = function () {
    return parentHandler.generateUniqueString();
  self.getDbId = function () {
    return dbId;
  handle = keyOb;
  var delegate = new cDelegateMemory.DelegateMemory(self);
   * @return {DriverProperties} the folder for the file
  self.getDriveHandle =  function () {
    return handle;

 /** set the contents to the property, creating it if necessary
  * @param {string} json content
  * @return {File} the existing or created property
  self.writeContent = function (content) {
    handle.setProperty(siloId, JSON.stringify(content)) ;
    return parentHandler.makeResults(enums.CODE.OK);
 /** get the contents of the property
  * @return {object} the parsed content of the file
  self.getContent= function () {
    var file = handle.getProperty(siloId);
    return file ? delegate.getContentSimpleKeys( JSON.parse(file) ) : null;


   * get the memory - if its a transaction we already have it, if not read the sheet and make one
   * @return {DriverMemory} the men object
  self.getMem = function () {
    return parentHandler.inTransaction() ? 
      transactionBox_.content :
      self.take(new cDriverMemory.DriverMemory(parentHandler, siloId)) ;
   * --------------------------------
   * DriverSheet.replace ()
   * replaces current sheet with whats in memory
   * @param {DriverMemory} mem to be saved
   * @return {Object} headingOb with indexes
  self.replaceWithMemory = function (mem) {
    return self.putBack(mem);
  self.putBack = function (mem) {
    return delegate.putBackSimpleKeys(mem);
  self.take = function (mem) {
    return mem.makeContent ( 
      parentHandler.rateLimitExpBackoff ( function () { 
        return (self.getContent() || []);
 /** create the driver version
  * @return {string} the driver version
  self.getVersion = function () {
    var v = getLibraryInfo().info;
    return + ':' + v.version;
   * DriverProperties.getTableName()
   * @return {string} table name or silo
  self.getTableName = function () {
    return siloId;

  self.query = function (queryOb,queryParams,keepIds) {
    return delegate.query(queryOb,queryParams,keepIds);

   * DriverProperties.remove()
   * @param {object} queryOb some query object 
   * @param {object} queryParams additional query parameters (if available)
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.remove = function (queryOb,queryParams) {
    return delegate.remove(queryOb,queryParams);
   * @param {Array.object} obs array of objects to write
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
   */ = function (obs) {
    return, self.getMem());
   * DriverProperties.count()
   * @param {object} queryOb some query object 
   * @param {object} queryParams additional query parameters (if available)
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.count = function (queryOb,queryParams) {
     return delegate.count(queryOb,queryParams);
   * DriverProperties.get()
   * @param {string} keys the unique return in handleKeys for this object
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.get = function (keys) {
   return delegate.get (keys);
  self.getGuts = function (keys) {
    return self.getMem().get ( keys,true,'key')
   * DriverMemory.removeById()
   * @param {string} keys key to remove
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.removeByIds = function (keys) {
    return delegate.removeByIds (keys,'key');
   * DriverProperties.update()
   * @param {string} keys the unique return in handleKeys for this object
   * @param {object} obs what to update it to
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.update = function (keys,obs) {   
    return delegate.update(keys,obs);
  self.updateGuts = function (keys,obs) {
    var memory = self.getMem();
    var r = memory.update (keys,obs,'key');
    return r.handleCode < 0 ? r : self.putBack (memory);
  return self;

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