This is the the driver for DB.SCRATCH described in Database abstraction with google apps script

The library reference is:


Background to implementation.

Note that this technique relies on the predictability of CacheService. Google warn that it’s not necessarily predictable, so at this point I’m not sure how robust this approach is, but I have many people out there using this now and haven’t had any issues reported. Having said that, its use is intended for testing, logging and so on in preparation for and in advance of moving to a more permanent back end

This driver uses cache to provide transient database storage. By default it lives for 1 hour, but its lifetime is extended each time it is accessed. It is ideal for early testing in preparation for other backends or passing data back and forwards between co-operating processes. It can handle much more data than the Properties service, and can be protected using cache communities. 


There is no authentication required, since it uses cache – normal auth will apply. However here are some tips for using this database for collaboration. You need to invent your own codes to name database elements so may as well start with a plan.

var handler = new cDbAbstraction.DbAbstraction ( cDriverScratch , {
  dbid:'your invented api key',
  siloid:'your invented application key',
  scratchexpiry:60*60, // default is die after one hour
  private:false, // default is true for cache restricted to you
  cachecommunity:'optionally some community to share with'
  • siloid – use a consistent key to refer to a particular set of data. This would be roughly equivalent to an application key in some of the other databases. 
  • dbid – use this to refer to the owner of a dataset. This could be equivalent to an api key.
  • scratchexpiry – by default this is 1 hour. The maximum is 6 hours. Note that a database lifetime will be extended each time you access it, so as long as you are using it, it will persist.
  • private – by default it uses the library cache restricted to the current user. This means that all your scripts, running as you, using the same library will be able to access the data if you know the siloid and dbid. If you want to extend this to be able to be accessible by other users, then set private to false. This means that anyone who can access the library and knows the siloid and dbid can access the data
  • specificcache – if you do not want to use the library cache (private or public) you can pass another cache object through this parameter – for example “specificcache”: CacheService.getUserCache()   would use the cache from your script rather than the library.
  • cachecommunity – whichever cache you are using can be further restricted by specifying a cache community. This is some code that you share between collaborators who would want to work on a particular set of data.  All of the siloid, dbid and cache community as well as access to the selected library and cache are needed to be able to access the data.

Locking and caching

Transactions, Locking and rollback are all supported by this driver.  In addition, results are cached just like any other driver. In this case, the mechanism which prolongs lifetime will not be invoked.

The code

"use strict";

function createDriver (handler,siloId,driverSpecific,driverOb, accessToken,options) {
    return new DriverScratch(handler,siloId,driverSpecific,driverOb, accessToken,options);
function getLibraryInfo () {
  return {
    info: {
      description:"scratch driver for dbabstraction"
 * DriverScratch
 * @param {cDataHandler} handler the datahandler thats calling me
 * @param {string} keyName this is the siloid - combined with dbid to create a unique key
 * @param {string} id some id you create for identifying this collection 
 * @param {string} optDriverOb somw driver options
 * @param {object] options that were passed to dbabstraction
 * @return {DriverScratch} self
 /* options are
 * @param {Cache} [specificcache] a cache object to use, otherwise a public/private one belonging to cacheservice will be used
 * @param {string} [cachecommunity] a cache community id to restrict cache to particular groups
 * @param {boolean} [private=true] whether to use a private cache (not relevant if specificcache is passed)
 * @param {number} [scratchexpiry] in seconds - default time for db to live for 

var DriverScratch = function (handler,keyName,id,optDriverOb,accessToken, options) {
  var siloId = keyName;
  var dbId = id;
  var self = this;
  var driverOb = options || {};
  var cacheSilo = 'd' + dbId + 's' + siloId;
  var DATAEXPIRY = 60 * 60 * 6; // data will always live max time
  var READEXTENSION = 60 * 5; // a read will only cause an extension if there hasnt been one for a while
  var parentHandler = handler;
  var enums = parentHandler.getEnums();  
  var handle, handleError, handleCode , handleIds, handleKey; 
  var transactionBox_ = null;
  var scratch_;

  // this is the scratch data store
  var cacheData = new cCacheHandler.CacheHandler(DATAEXPIRY,cacheSilo,driverOb.private,false,driverOb.specificcache,driverOb.cachecommunity);
  // this is the scratch key store
  var cacheScratch = new cCacheHandler.CacheHandler(DATAEXPIRY,'s' + cacheSilo,driverOb.private,false,driverOb.specificcache,driverOb.cachecommunity);
  // im able to do transactions
  self.transactionCapable = true;
  // i definitely need transaction locking
  self.lockingBypass = false;
  // i am aware of transactions and know about the locking i should do
  self.transactionAware = true;
  * checks that the transaction matches the one stored
  * @param {string} id transaction id
  * @return {boolean} whether id matches
  self.isTransaction = function (id) {
    return transactionBox_ && === id ;
  * begins transaction and store current content
  * @param {string} id transaction id
  self.beginTransaction = function (id) {
    transactionBox_ = delegate.beginTransaction (id);
  self.transactionData = function (){
    return delegate.transactionData();
  * commits transaction
  * @param {string} id transaction id
  * @return {object} a normal result package
  self.commitTransaction = function (id) {
    return delegate.commitTransaction(id);
  self.clearTransactionBox = function () {
    transactionBox_ = null;
  * roll back transaction - resets memory to beginnging of transaction
  * @param {string} id transaction id
  * @return {object} a normal result package
  self.rollbackTransaction = function (id) {
    return delegate.rollbackTransaction(id);
  self.getTransactionBox = function () {
    return transactionBox_;
  self.getSiloId = function () {
    return siloId;
  self.getParentHandler = function () {
    return parentHandler;
  self.getType = function () {
    return enums.DB.SCRATCH;
  /** each saved records gets a unique key
   * @return {string} a unique key
  self.generateKey = function () {
    return parentHandler.generateUniqueString();
  self.getDbId = function () {
    return dbId;
  handle = cacheScratch;
  var delegate = new cDelegateMemory.DelegateMemory(self);
   * @return {DriverScratch} the folder for the file
  self.getDriveHandle =  function () {
    return handle;

 self.isExpired = function(entry) {
   var expired = !entry || entry.lastUpdated + entry.scratchExpiry * 1000 < new Date().getTime(); 
   // clean up any detected expired data
   if (expired && entry) { 
     cacheData.removeCache (;
   return expired;
 self.getScratch =function() {
   var entry = cacheScratch.getCache();
   return self.isExpired(entry) ? null : entry;
 self.getData = function (entry) {
   return entry ? cacheData.getCache ( : null;
 self.putScratch = function (entry, data) {
   var now = new Date().getTime();
   entry = entry || {};
   entry.lastUpdated = now;
   entry.dataUpdated = now;
   entry.scratchExpiry =   driverOb.scratchexpiry || entry.scratchExpiry || 60 * 60; // the key will by default live an hour = || self.generateKey();
   cacheData.putCache (data ,;
   cacheScratch.putCache (entry);
   return entry;

 self.resetExpiry= function (entry) {
   // we'll reset the expiry time on a read, but not too often
   if (entry) {
     var now = new Date().getTime();
     if (entry.lastUpdated + READEXTENSION*1000 < now) {
       parentHandler.writeGuts ('reset expiry' , 
         function (bypass) {
           // time for a complete refresh if the data is nearing expiration
           if ( entry.dataUpdated + DATAEXPIRY * 1000  <= now + entry.scratchExpiry * 1000) {
             Logger.log('doing a full reset of expiry');
             self.putScratch (entry , self.getData(entry)) ; 
           else {
           // no need to write the data, just the key
           Logger.log('doing a key reset of expiry');
             entry.lastUpdated = now;
             cacheScratch.putCache (entry);
         function(bypass) {
           // do nothing if in a transaction
 /** set the contents to the property, creating it if necessary
  * @param {string} json content
  * @return {File} the existing or created entry
  self.writeContent = function (content) {
    return self.putScratch (scratch_ , content) ;
 /** get the contents of the property
  * @return {object} the parsed content of the file
  self.getContent= function () {
    scratch_ = self.getScratch();
    return scratch_ ? delegate.getContentSimpleKeys( self.getData(scratch_) ) : null;

   * get the memory - if its a transaction we already have it, if not read the sheet and make one
   * @return {DriverMemory} the men object
  self.getMem = function () {
    return parentHandler.inTransaction() ? 
      transactionBox_.content :
      self.take(new cDriverMemory.DriverMemory(parentHandler, siloId)) ;
   * --------------------------------
   * DriverSheet.replace ()
   * replaces current sheet with whats in memory
   * @param {DriverMemory} mem to be saved
   * @return {Object} headingOb with indexes
  self.replaceWithMemory = function (mem) {
    return self.putBack(mem);
  self.putBack = function (mem) {
    return delegate.putBackSimpleKeys(mem);
  self.take = function (mem) {
    return mem.makeContent ( 
      parentHandler.rateLimitExpBackoff ( function () { 
        return (self.getContent() || []);
 /** create the driver version
  * @return {string} the driver version
  self.getVersion = function () {
    var v = getLibraryInfo().info;
    return + ':' + v.version;
   * DriverScratch.getTableName()
   * @return {string} table name or silo
  self.getTableName = function () {
    return siloId;

  self.query = function (queryOb,queryParams,keepIds) {
    var result = delegate.query(queryOb,queryParams,keepIds);
    return result;

   * DriverScratch.remove()
   * @param {object} queryOb some query object 
   * @param {object} queryParams additional query parameters (if available)
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.remove = function (queryOb,queryParams) {
    return delegate.remove(queryOb,queryParams);
   * DriverMemory.removeById()
   * @param {string} keys key to remove
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.removeByIds = function (keys) {
    return delegate.removeByIds (keys,'key');
   * @param {Array.object} obs array of objects to write
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
   */ = function (obs) {
    return, self.getMem());
   * DriverScratch.count()
   * @param {object} queryOb some query object 
   * @param {object} queryParams additional query parameters (if available)
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.count = function (queryOb,queryParams) {
     return delegate.count(queryOb,queryParams);
   * DriverScratch.get()
   * @param {string} keys the unique return in handleKeys for this object
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.get = function (keys) {
   return delegate.get (keys);
  self.getGuts = function (keys) {
    return self.getMem().get ( keys,true,'key');

   * DriverScratch.update()
   * @param {string} keys the unique return in handleKeys for this object
   * @param {object} obs what to update it to
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  self.update = function (keys,obs) {   
    return delegate.update(keys,obs);
  self.updateGuts = function (keys,obs) {
    var memory = self.getMem();
    var r = memory.update (keys,obs);
    return r.handleCode < 0 ? r : self.putBack (memory);
  return self;

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