This is the the driver for DB.IMPORTIO described in Database abstraction with google apps script


The library reference is 



This driver came about following this post from +Martin Hawksey about web scraping, and it uses his library to access importio. This is a little different from the others – it only has a query() method. allows you do set up some web scraping, and this driver will pick up the data associated with a particular scraping instance. Of course caching is built in just as with the other drivers. The siloId is the importio data set reference, and in this example i’ve stored my importio restAPIkey and my user id in my user properties like this, so you should head over to importio and get your own. {“restAPIKey”:”3N4k1+hJgy0xxxxxxxxxxBd5lgoEYy/7K60V1899gK32ljKs6Ojhu8YQ==”,”userId”:”3be1fccf-xxxxx19d1079″} Here’s how to get a handler.   var importioHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler    ('caff10dc-3bf8-402e-b1b8-c799a77c3e8c',cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.IMPORTIO,      undefined,'myimportio',JSON.parse(UserProperties.getProperty("importioKeys"))); The interesting thing about this of course is that, used in conjunction with the other databases it makes it easy to copy from to a range of back ends in a few lines. Here’s a session that populates each of, fusion tables, scriptdb, a json file on google drive, a spreadsheet, properties service and from data taken from an scraper query. function driveTest4() { // this takes some data from scraper and replicates it to all known back end databases    var importioHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler    (‘caff10dc-3bf8-402e-b1b8-c799a77c3e8c’,cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.IMPORTIO,      undefined,’myimportio’,JSON.parse(UserProperties.getProperty(“importioKeys”)));    var importioData = importioHandler.query({searchterm: “avengers 2”},undefined,1);  if (importio.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(importioData));    // write to a sheet after deleting all  var sheetHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler(‘avengers’,cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.SHEET,undefined, sheetId);      var result = sheetHandler.remove ();  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));    var result = (;  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));     // write to a json file ON google drive  var driveHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler(‘avengers.json’,cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.DRIVE,undefined,’/datahandler/driverdrive’);     var result = driveHandler.remove ();  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));    var result = (;  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));    // write to a file  var parseHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler    (‘avengers’,cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.PARSE,undefined,’myparse’,JSON.parse(UserProperties.getProperty(“parseKeys”)));   var result = (;  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));   // write to a file  var orchestrateHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler    (‘avengers’,cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.ORCHESTRATE,undefined,’myorchestrate’,JSON.parse(UserProperties.getProperty(“orchestrateKeys”)));       var result = orchestrateHandler.remove ();  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));    var result = (;  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));    // write to a scriptdb database  var dbHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler    (‘avengers’,cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.SCRIPTDB,undefined,’mydb’,ScriptDb.getMyDb());   var result = (;  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));    // write to a fusion  table    //—create a new fusion table .. only need to do this once   var fusionHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler(undefined,cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.FUSION,undefined, ‘avengers’);                 if(!fusionHandler.isHappy()) throw (‘failed to create fusion table’);    // pick up the name assigned  var fusionId = fusionHandler.getTableName();  Logger.log(fusionId);      // ifwe know the id..  //var fusionId = “1hNZzMOjLcy3etuFXqkul2HIKGfEMCtJ47GaZrDm0”;  //var fusionHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler(fusionId,cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.FUSION,undefined, ‘avengers’);       var result = fusionHandler.remove ();  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));    var result = (;  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));    // write to a property  var propertiesHandler = new cDataHandler.DataHandler(‘avengers’,cDataHandler.dhConstants.DB.PROPERTIES,undefined, ‘myproperties’,UserProperties);      var result = propertiesHandler.remove ();  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result));    var result = (;  if (result.handleCode <0) throw (JSON.stringify(result)); } 

Cleaning up column headings

Another quirk about this (and spreadsheets) is that you can find strange column headings that don’t work for databases. Importio.query() will clean these up and return headings that work with all databases.

The Code

It is on GitHub


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