There is plenty of reference information cJobject on this site, starting with How to use cJobject, or just enter cJobject in the search box. Here’s a quick reminder of what you’ll need to understand to follow this app example.

What is cJobject

It’s an attempt to emulate a JavaScript object within the limits of VBA syntax. It’s fully recursive, so you can have endless parents and children depth, can handle arrays, and knows how to Parse JSON, and how to create it. I use it in almost everything I do in VBA – The great thing for me is to be able to ‘create classes on the fly’ with dynamic properties, which is exactly what we need to be able to parameterize VBA applications. 
As a reminder here’s a cJobject slide primer

Some examples

Here’s how it looks against the equivalent JavaScript using a few common things you need to do. Since we are creating classes on the fly at run time, the syntax of VBA makes it a little more wordy, but it achieves approximately the same thing. There are a few useful things exposed also that don’t exist in javaScript

 what vba JavaScript
 Create an object from a JSON string set job = JSONParse(jsonString) var job = JSON.parse(jsonString);
 Create a JSON string from an object JSONStringify (job) or job.stringify() JSON.stringify(jsonString);
 Create a new object (using Nothing as the argument makes this the root) set job = new cJobject
job.init (Nothing)
 var job = {};
 Access the key of an object (for example the word ‘name’ of the object s = job.key n/a
 Access the full key of an object (for example the word ‘’ of the object s = job.fullKey n/a
 Access the child of an object set j = job.child(“name”) j =;
 Access the value of a child v = job.child(“age”).value v = job.age;
 Access the string value of a child v = job.child(“age”).toString v = job.age.toString();
 Access the value of an object v = j.value v = j
 Access multiple values deep v = job.child(“name.first”).value or
v = job.child(“name”).child(“first”).value
 Iterate through the children of an object for each j in job.children for (var k in job)
 Find out how many children an object has n = job.children.count var n = 0; for (var k in job) { n++ ;}
 Find the parent object  set j = job.parent n/a
 Find an object with a particular  key somewhere in a branch set j = job.find (“child.first”) n/a
 Add a new object as a child job .add “someKey” job.someKey = {};
 Add a new object and give it a value job.add “someNumber”,”someValue” job.someNumber = someValue;
 Set an object to a value j.value = 100 j = 100;
Add an arrayjob.add(“someArray”).addArray job.someArray = [];
Add a new member value to an array job.child(“someArray”).add(,200) job.someArray.push(200);
 Add a new object to an array job.child(“someArray”).add(“newObject”) job.someArray.push({someObject:null});
 iterate through an array for each j in a.children for (var i=0; i <a.length;i++) { a[i];}
 check if an object exists if not job.childExists(“someKey”) is nothing if (job.hasOwnProperty(“someKey”)) 
 check to see if im part of an array if job.isArrayMember  n/a
 find the topmost object of this tree set root = job.root n/a
 Access my index number in an array  n = job.childIndex n/a
 Access the 1st element of an array  a.children(1) a[0]
 The length of an array a.children.count a.length
 check to see if im an array if a.isArrayRoot if (Array.isArray(a)) 

Complete list of cJobject methods and properties

For more on this see. Data driven VBA apps with JSON