This is now deprecated since the demise of Gadgets on Sites
Site analytics were stored with the site and the analytics property to which they refer, and accessed through the cSiteStats library. You will need to take a copy of this so you can reference your own properties. Also referenced here are the parameters required to describe what kind of database to store this is using Database abstraction with google apps script.
For testing, my library reference is MKHWwn03HE7ktl0fffddC-iz3TLx7pV4j
Once you’ve taken a copy, you’ll need to set up your properties. Mine look like this and you should modify the function below to represent yours.
function setKnownOptions() {

  var options = {
    propertyId: '34421202',
    base: 'Home/',
    root: '',
    siteRoot: "ttps://",
  options.siloid = options.siteCode + options.propertyId;
  options.siteUrl = options.siteRoot + options.domain + "/" +;
  setOptions (options);


The code

By centralizing access to your site options, you can ensure that any apps you create will access the same database and parameters, even though you change them.


The Code
 * store the options for a particular site
 * @param {string} siteCode the site options name
 * @return {object} site the site options
function getOptions (siteCode) {
  var handler = getOptionsHandle();
  var result = handler.query({siteCode:siteCode});
  if (result.handleCode < 0 || !== 1 ) throw JSON.stringify(result);

 * store the options for a particular site
 * @param {object} site the site options
 * @return {object} site the site options
function setOptions (options) {
  var handler = getOptionsHandle();
  var result = handler.remove({siteCode:options.siteCode});
  if (result < 0) throw result.handleError;
  var result =;
  if (result.handleCode < 0) throw result.handleError;
  return options;
 * place to store all the options for any sites being monitored
 * @return {DbAbstraction.handle} a handle to some database abstraction
function getOptionsHandle () {

// im setting this up for mongo lab .. change this for a different driver
  var handler = new cDbAbstraction.DbAbstraction ( cDriverMongoLab , { 
  if (!handler.isHappy()) throw 'unable to get handler for mongolab';
  return handler;
 * place to store all the data for any sites being monitored
 * @param {string} siteCode the site options name
 * @param {boolean} optPass pass on faile
 * @return {DbAbstraction.handle} a handle to some database abstraction
function getDataHandle (siteCode,optPass) {
  // this where i store the options. 
  var options = getOptions(siteCode);
  if (!options) throw 'could not get options for ' + siteCode;
  // im setting this up for mngo lab .. change this for a different driver
  options.driverob = JSON.parse(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("mongoLabKeys"));
  options.private = false;
  var handler = new cDbAbstraction.DbAbstraction ( cDriverMongoLab , options);
  if (!handler.isHappy() && ! optPass) throw 'unable to get handler for mongolab';
  return handler;
 * @param {string} optUrl url to find .. if blank will try for the current site page 
 * @param {string} siteCode will be used to find the parameters (ua property, database etc) for this site data
 * @return {object} the data
function siteStats (optUrl,siteCode) {
  // given a url construct the site stats
  var options  = getOptions(siteCode),data;
  var url = optUrl|| '';
  if (options) {
    var dataHandle = getDataHandle (options.siteCode, true);
    if (dataHandle) {
      if (url) {
        if (url.slice(0,options.siteUrl.length)!==options.siteUrl) {
            //replace the domain with the site url
            url = url.replace(/^[\w-:]*\/\/[\w-\.]*\//,options.siteUrl + "/" );
      else {
        var result = {data:null};
        Logger.log('no page url provided');
      var result = dataHandle.query ({"page.url":url});
      data = result.handleCode < 0 ? null:[0];
  return data;

See more like this in Database abstraction with google apps script and Displaying analytics data on site pages