Why so slow?

Note – this article was written when Apps Script first came out. Since that time, the speed of Sheets access has increased significantly, but I leave this article here for interest.
The Data Manipulation Classes that I am migrating in this project – see Data manipulation Classes in Google Apps Script, are highly efficient in Excel and are much faster than working directly in the Excel object model. However, you do have to get the data in there in the first place.
It is well known that, in Excel, reading a whole bunch of cell values in one go is much faster than accessing them individually. In Google apps script, this is even more so the case, since the overhead associated with a client/server request for data and the internet speed (as opposed to local computer speed) will introduce an unacceptable delay in most ports from Excel to Google Apps. I wondered if there was a way to introduce local caching, so if any sheet was ever accessed, all its values would be transferred locally and any further accesses would be to the cached copy. I got results that showed this was 70 times faster. You can find the code (its a work in progress) and test data in the VBA to Google Apps Script Roadmapper project download See also this blogpost on optimizing google apps scripts getValues() for details. You can also find the code for a timer, and the test results for this in Apps Script timer collection.

Caching of Google Docs Sheet Values

Here are the functions to allow caching, but first, some examples of how to use them. The complete code (work in progress) can be found here – Google Apps Script Roadmapper code
This reads in all the values in a couple of sheets, and shows the number of rows and columns. You don’t need to care whether this was an actual read from the server or whether this was a cache access.
 // read a couple of worksheets
 DebugPrint (sheetCache("isbn").getRowCount());
 DebugPrint (sheetCache("inputdata").getColumnCount());

A forEach() function is provided for enumeration. For every cell in the worksheet, your function is called, passing the value, row and column index.

 // print them out
 sheetCache("isbn").forEach( function(v,r,c) {
   DebugPrint (v,r,c);


This will return a single value at the row, column specified. If it is outside the range of the sheet, and Empty() value is returned
DebugPrint ('outside range of sheet',     sheetCache("isbn").getValue(50,50));

This is interesting, since getValues() only returns an array the shape of the used range of the sheet. However, in Excel, you will get an array the size of the range you speficy, padded with empties. This emulates the Excel approach

 DebugPrint ('values overlap edge of range',


What about other cacheable values

So why not use this same technique for every cacheable value ( getFontSizes(), getHorizontalAlignments() etc..) . See Google Apps Script Range object for the full list.

Turns out this is a trivial matter, since javaScript treats everything as an object, including functions, you can just pass the particular function you want called, and keep a separate cache going for each one. For example, this will execute getBackGroundColors() instead of getValues() to populate the cache, and return the background color at row rn, column cn of worksheet wn. Any cacheable method can be used, they all work the same way as getValues(), and you will see the same kind of performance gain that we have already seen.


Cache identification

The function sheetCache(object) takes a range, a worksheet, or a worksheet name. It will always return the cache associated with that worksheet or implied worksheet.  Here is the code. Note that the default method is getValues, but this could be any cacheable method that returns values for the whole sheet, such as getComments, getFontColors etc.
function sheetCache(ob,method) {
  return createSheetCache().getCache(ob,fixOptional (method,'getValues'));


How the method is executed

As mentioned, the 2nd (optional .. default is getValues) argument specifies the method that would retrieve the values or other objects in bulk from the sheet to fill up the cache. A separate cache is maintained for each method that is invoked.  Here is the getValues() that is executed within the caching class.  Note how the google apps script native method fills up the cache this.xValues = r[this.xMethod](); if it is the first time accessed it if it needs to be refreshed. It is that simple.

cCacheItem.prototype.getValues = function(r) {
  if (this.dirty() || !this.xValues) {
    var r = wholeSheet(this.xName);
    DebugAssert(r[this.xMethod], this.xMethod + ' method does not exist for range' + sad(r));
    this.xValues = r[this.xMethod]();
  return isUndefined (r) ? this.xValues : this.getValuesOfRange(r);

Values by range

By default, cache.getValues() will return all the values of the selected method in the used worksheet. However,  you can force an array of values to match the shape of a range, by passing a range argument to getValues(). For example this will return a block of values for e3:m8, and will pad them out if this range goes beyond the used range of the sheet.

Writing to cache

You can also write to cache and commit it when finished. Any  method that has both a set and get (for getValue and setValue) will use the same cache. This means that any updates you make with set, but have not yet committed, will be returned on subsequent gets. Note that if you have formulas, you would need to commit, and mark the cache as dirty so that subsequent getValues would return the recalculated value.

Here is an example from the Google Script Color Ramp project, where the background colors are written to cache.

  var cacheColor = sheetCache(wr,"getBackgroundColors");
  for (var i = 0; i < rampList.length ;i++ ){
    for (var m = 0; m < npoints ; m++) {
      cacheColor.setValue(rampLibraryHex (rampList[i], 0, npoints -1, m),i+1,m+1);

How this works

the .setValue() method makes changes to the cache, extending it if necessary, and marking it as needing to be flushed at some point

cCacheItem.prototype.setValue = function (value,rn,cn) {
  return (this.extend (rn,cn).setTouched().xValues[rn-1][cn-1] = value);

the .commit() method writes the cache back to the spreadsheet, and can even be used (via the optional argument),  to instead copy the cache back to different worksheet (an easy way to clone the values in a sheet).

cCacheItem.prototype.commit = function (optOut) {
  var oPlace = this.xParent.getWn(fixOptional(optOut, this.xName));
  if ( this.touched()  || oPlace != this.xName ) {
    // maybe writing to a different place
    var r = vResize(wholeSheet(oPlace),this.getRowCount(),this.getColumnCount());
    var m = 'set' + Mid(this.xMethod,4) ;
    DebugAssert(r[m], m + ' method does not exist for range' + sad(r));
    // if this is the same sheet as cache then its now clean
    if (oPlace == this.xName)this.setTouched(false);
  return this;


the .close() method commits any changes and voids the cache

cCacheItem.prototype.close = function () {
  //commit changes and kill the cache
  return null;


the .quit() method voids the cache

cCacheItem.prototype.quit = function () {
  // abandon changes and kill the cache
  this.xValues =null;
  return null;


I gave some thought to scalability (would this be practical with 000’s of cells in a sheet?). In the end, I figured that google Docs sheets are anyway pretty small by nature, and if it was not scalable for cache approach, it probably wouldn’t be a candidate for scripting anyway. I’ll look into this a little more later.


/** @description
 * client caching for GAS worksheet access
 * will cache all calls to get..(), set...() methods so they can be done in a single call
 * a separate cache is created for each type of method (getValues,getBackGroundColors) etc.
 * See https://ramblings.mcpher.com/reusing-code-from-this-site/ for more details
 * cCache
 * @author <a href="mailto:bruce@mcpher.com">Bruce McPherson</a><a href="https://ramblings.mcpher.com"> ramblings.mcpher.com</a>
 * @static
var worksheetCache;
 * Creates the cache container if not already known
 * @return {cCache} a new cache container
function createSheetCache(){
  return worksheetCache ? 
      worksheetCache : 
      (worksheetCache = new cCache());
 * finds (or creates) a cache for the identified worksheet
 * @param {string|Sheet|Range} ob Identifies the worksheet target
 * @param {string=} method the required method (default get/setValues())
 * @return {cCache} a new cache container
function sheetCache(ob,method) {
  return createSheetCache().getCache(ob,fixOptional (method,'getValues'));

 * a cCache
 * @class 
 * @implements {cCache}
 * @return {cCache} a new cache container
function cCache() {
  var pCaches = new collection();
  this.caches = function () {
    return pCaches;
  return this;

 * generate a unique Key to use to identify the cache - used internally
 * @param {string} wn the worksheet name
 * @param {string} method the requested method
 * @return {string} the key
cCache.prototype.getKey = function (wn,method) {
  // will use the same cache for both set and get methods
  return wn + '@' + (Left(method,3) == 'set' ? 'get' + Right(method,Len(method) - 3) : method ) ;

 * resolve the type of object being used to identify the cache required and return its worksheet name
 * @param {string|Sheet|Range} ob Identifies the worksheet target
 * @return {string} the worksheet name
cCache.prototype.getWn = function (ob) {
  return  this.getSheetObj(ob).getName().toString();          
 * resolve the type of object being used to identify the cache required and return its Sheet
 * @param {string|Sheet|Range} ob Identifies the worksheet target
 * @return {Sheet} the worksheet
cCache.prototype.getSheetObj = function (ob) {
  // this one detects the object type & gets the sheet being referred to
  return  DebugAssert
      (isTypeString(ob) ?                          
          Sheets(ob) :      //its a sheet name
          ob.getSheet ?                        
            ob.getSheet() : //its a range 
              ob.getName ?                          
                ob  :       //its a sheet 
                null,'unknown object making getSheetObj cache request' )   ;  // dont know what it is - give up
 * return the cache given an item and its method
 * @param {string|Sheet|Range} ob Identifies the worksheet target
 * @param {string} method the required method
 * @return {cCacheItem} a single cache
cCache.prototype.getCache = function (ob,method) {
  // find the existing cache or create it.
  var wn = this.getWn(ob);
  var key = this.getKey(wn,method);
  var cache = this.caches().item(key,false);
  if (!cache) {
    cache = new cCacheItem(this,method);
    var cache = this.caches().add (cache,key);
    cache.xName = wn ;
    cache.xKey = key;
    cache.xWsRange = wholeWs(this.getSheetObj(ob));
  DebugAssert(cache.xName == wn, "somehow using the wrong cache");
  return cache;
 * create a new cCacheItem
 * @class 
 * @param {string|Sheet|Range} p the parent cCache container
 * @param {string} method the required method
 * @return {cCacheItem} a new cacheitem
function cCacheItem(p,method) {
  this.xValues = null;   // will hold cached values  
  this.xParent = p;
  this.xMethod = method;
  this.xActive = false;
  this.xDirty = true; // force a refresh
 * return the values for an entire row
 * @param {number} rn the row number (Base 1)
 * @return {<Array>.*} array of values for the given row
cCacheItem.prototype.getEntireRow = function(rn) {
  return this.getValues()[rn-1];
 * return the values for the range given
 * @param {Range=} r the target range (default the whole sheet)
 * @return {<Array>.*} array of values for the given range
cCacheItem.prototype.getValues = function(r) {
  // get from sheet if we dont have it already
  if (this.dirty() || !this.xActive) { 
    DebugAssert(this.xWsRange[this.xMethod], this.xMethod + 
          ' method does not exist for range' + sad(this.xWsRange));
    this.xValues = this.xWsRange[this.xMethod](); 
    this.xActive = true;
  return isUndefined (r) ? this.xValues : this.getValuesOfRange(r);

 * return the first value of the range given
 * @param {Range=} r the target range (default the whole sheet)
 * @return {*} value of first cell in the given range
cCacheItem.prototype.getFirstValueOfRange = function (r) {
  // get from cache or if outside range return empty - only returns 1 value
  return this.getValue (r.getRow(),r.getColumn()); 

 * return a single value
 * @param {number} rn the row number (Base 1)
 * @param {number} cn the column number (Base 1)
 * @return {*} value at rn,cn
cCacheItem.prototype.getValue = function (rn,cn) {
  // get from cache or if outside range return empty
  return (rn > this.getRowCount() || cn > this.getColumnCount() ) ? 
    Empty() :
 * set a single value
 * @param {*} value the value to set
 * @param {number} rn the row number (Base 1)
 * @param {number} cn the column number (Base 1)
 * @return {*} the value that was set
cCacheItem.prototype.setValue = function (value,rn,cn) {
  return (this.extend (rn,cn).setTouched().xValues[rn-1][cn-1] = value);
 * set multiple cells to the same value
 * @param {*} value the value to set
 * @param {range} r the range to set it in
 * @return {cCacheItem} self
cCacheItem.prototype.setRepeatValue = function (value,r) {
  var nc = r.getNumColumns();
  var nr = r.getNumRows();
  var sr = r.getRow();
  var sc = r.getColumn();
  var self = this;
  for (var i = 0; i < nr ; i++ )
  for (var j = 0; j < nc ; j++ )
  return self;
 * set multiple cells to the same rowheight
 * @param {*} value the height to set it to
 * @param {range} optr the range to set it in
 * @return {cCacheItem} self
cCacheItem.prototype.setRowHeight = function (value,optr) {
  var r = fixOptional (optr, this.xWsRange);
  var nr = r.getNumRows();
  var sr = r.getRow();
  var self = this;
  var sheet = r.getSheet();
  for (var i = 0; i < nr ; i++ )
  return self;
 * set multiple cells to the same columnWidth
 * @param {*} value the height to set it to
 * @param {range} optr the range to set it in
 * @return {cCacheItem} self
cCacheItem.prototype.setColumnWidth = function (value,optr) {
  var r = fixOptional (optr, this.xWsRange);
  var nc = r.getNumColumns();
  var sc = r.getColumn();
  var self = this;
  var sheet = r.getSheet();
  for (var i = 0; i < nc ; i++ )
  return self;
 * commit the contents of the cCacheItem back to the sheet
 * @param {string|Sheet|Range=} if specified will clone the cache to a different sheet
 * @return {cCacheItem} the cCacheItem
cCacheItem.prototype.commit = function (optOut) {

  if ( this.touched()  || !IsMissing(optOut) ) {
    var oRange = DebugAssert( IsMissing(optOut) ? 
                   this.xWsRange :
                     this.xParent.getSheetObj(optOut) ?
                       wholeWs(this.xParent.getSheetObj(optOut)) :
                   'invalid cache clone attempt');

    var r = vResize(oRange,this.getRowCount(),this.getColumnCount());
    var m = 'set' + Mid(this.xMethod,4) ;
    DebugAssert(r[m], m + ' method does not exist for range' + sad(r));
    // if this is the same sheet as cache then its now clean
    if (IsMissing(optOut))this.setTouched(false);
  return this;

 * clear the cCacheItem and delete it without committing the contents
cCacheItem.prototype.quit = function () {
  // abandon changes and kill the cache
  return null;
 * clear the cCacheItem without committing the contents
cCacheItem.prototype.clearCache = function () {
  this.xData = null;
  return this;
 * clear the cCacheItem contents
cCacheItem.prototype.clear = function (optR) {
  if (IsMissing(optR)) {
    var rn = this.getRowCount();
    var cn = this.getColumnCount();
    var rs = 1;
    var cs = 1;
  else {
    var rn = optR.getNumRows();
    var cn = optR.getNumColumns();
    var rs = optR.getRow();
    var cs = optR.getColumn();
      'Can only clear cache values for now-you asked for', this.xMethod);
  for ( var i= rs ; i < rn+rs ; i++ )
  for ( var j= cs ; j < cn+cs ; j++ ) 
    this.setValue (Empty(), i, j);

  return this;
 * Commit the cCacheItem contents to the sheet, and delete the cache
cCacheItem.prototype.close = function () {
  //commit changes and kill the cache
  return null;
 * Extend the cache if rn,cn outside current range of sheet - Internal Use:called automatically if needed
 * @param {number} rn the row number being accessed
 * @param {number} cn the column number being accessed
 * @return {cCacheItem} the cCacheItem
cCacheItem.prototype.extend = function(rn,cn) {

  // maybe we need to extend the number of rows
 var cr = this.getRowCount();
 var cc = this.getColumnCount();
 if (!this.xValues) this.xValues =[];
  // need to add any rows?
  if (rn > cr ) {
    for (var i = cr ; i < rn ; i++) {
      this.xValues[i]= [] ;
      for ( var j=0; j < cc ; j++ ) this.xValues[i][j]= Empty();
  // maybe the number of columns ?
  if ( cn > cc){
      for (var i = 0 ; i < this.getRowCount() ;i++) {
        for (var j= cc ; j < cn ; j++){
  return this;
 * set or clear whether the cache has been written to - Internal Use:called automatically if needed
 * @param {boolean=} touched whether cache is written to - default true
 * @return {cCacheItem} the cCacheItem
cCacheItem.prototype.setTouched = function(touched) {
  this.xTouched = fixOptional(touched,true);
  return this;

 * check whether the cache has been written to
 * @return {boolean} has cCacheItem been written to?
cCacheItem.prototype.touched = function() {
  return this.xTouched;

 * set or clear whether the cache is valid and force a refresh
 * @param {boolean=} dirty whether cache is valid - default true
 * @return {cCacheItem} the cCacheItem
cCacheItem.prototype.setDirty = function(dirty) {
  if (dirty) {
    DebugAssert(!this.touched(), 'cache dirty request with outstanding write cache requests'); 
  this.xDirty = fixOptional(dirty,true);
  if (this.xDirty) {
    // force a refresh now
  return this;

 * check whether the cache is valid- when maintained automatically should always be false
 * @return {boolean} whether cCacheItem is valid
cCacheItem.prototype.dirty = function () {
  return this.xDirty ;

 * get the number of rows in the cCacheItem
 * @return {number} whether cCacheItem is valid
cCacheItem.prototype.getRowCount = function () {
  return this.getValues() ? this.getValues().length : 0;
 * get the max value in cache
 * @return {*} max
cCacheItem.prototype.max = function () {
  var m;
  for (var i=0; i < this.getRowCount() ; i++ )
  for (var j=0; j < this.getColumnCount() ; j++ )
    if (this.xValues[i][j] > m || isUndefined(m)) m = this.xValues[i][j] ;
  return m;
 * get the min value in cache
 * @return {*} min
cCacheItem.prototype.min = function () {
  var m;
  for (var i=0; i < this.getRowCount() ; i++ )
  for (var j=0; j < this.getColumnCount() ; j++ )
    if (this.xValues[i][j] < m || isUndefined(m)) m = this.xValues[i][j] ;
  return m;

 * get the number of columns in the cCacheItem
 * @return {number} whether cCacheItem is valid
cCacheItem.prototype.getColumnCount = function () {
  return this.getValues() ? this.getValues()[0].length : 0;
 * enumerate a the collection in the cCache container
 * @this {cCache} 
 * @param {function(*,number,number)} a function that will be called for each item
cCacheItem.prototype.forEach = function (yourFunction) {
  var nr = this.getRowCount() ;
  var nc = this.getColumnCount() ;
// get the values for this cache
  var v = this.getValues();
// this will call your function for every value
  for (var rowIndex = 0 ; rowIndex < nr ; rowIndex ++ )
  for (var colIndex = 0 ; colIndex < nc ; colIndex ++ ) {
    if ( yourFunction (v[rowIndex][colIndex],rowIndex+1,colIndex+1) ) return true;
 * return the values for the range given
 * @param {Range} r the target range 
 * @return {<Array>.*} values from the given range
cCacheItem.prototype.getValuesOfRange = function (r) {
  // get from cache or if outside range return empty 
  var needRows = r.getNumRows();
  var needCols = r.getNumColumns();
  var nr = r.getRow();
  var nc = r.getColumn();
  var cacheRows = this.getRowCount();
  var cacheCols = this.getColumnCount();

  // the whole thing ?
  if (needRows == cacheRows && needCols == cacheCols && nr == 1 && nc == 1) {
    return this.getValues();
  // need to make a new shaped array
    var v= new Array(needRows);
    for (var i=0 ; i < needRows; i++ ){
      v[i]= new Array(needCols);
      for (var j=0 ; j < needCols; j++ ){
        v[i][j]= this.getValue(i+nr ,j+nc);
    return v;


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