This collection of articles deal with various Google Cloud Platform APIS. The full content is below. It is part of a project that I will document at a later stage

film color dna
Making a film color DNA
Some time ago I described how to use the Video Intelligence (VI) API to create the 'dna' of a film ...
gql on cloud run
Setting up a GraphQL server on Cloud Run
In a recent article Puppeteer, Cloud Run and GraphQL together I covered a GraphQL API for Pupeteer hosted on Google ...
bash logo
Kubernetes secret values as shell environment variables
This is a very short article - but it shows a handy way of getting and setting Kubernetes secret values ...
workload identity
Workload identity with Kubernetes cronjobs to synch Mongo to Bigquery
Kubernetes workload identity looks pretty scary when you read about it in the docs, but it really is a better ...
doppler secret dashboard
Sharing secrets between Doppler, GCP and Kubernetes
Sharing secrets between the local development environment and the target platform can often be complex. Kubernetes secrets are a really ...
copt between drive and gcs
Blistering fast file streaming between Drive and Cloud Storage using Cloud Run
A friend of mine hit an Apps Script problem the other day when transferring large amounts of data between Drive ...
Queuing asynchronous tasks to defeat rate limits
Queuing asynchronous tasks to defeat rate limits
The problem with rate limits You've most likely hit the problem of rate-limited APIS at some point. You make a ...
FTP server on Kubernetes with cloud storage and pubsub
FTP server on Kubernetes with cloud storage and pubsub
Getting an FTP server running on Kubernetes is a little tricky. The FTP service uses multiple ports in its negotiation ...
Video transcription with Video Intelligence API
Video transcription with Video Intelligence API
The Video Intelligence API allows you to analyze the content of videos. I covered basic labelling in Google Video Intelligence API film labelling ...
Chunking promises using the Knowledge Graph API as an example
Chunking promises using the Knowledge Graph API as an example
Some APIS allow batching of requests, but with a maximum number you can do at the same time. When the ...
Getting memcache up and running on Kubernetes
Getting memcache up and running on Kubernetes
This is a part of the series of posts on Getting an API running in Kubernetes. For this to make ...
Getting an API running in Kubernetes
Getting an API running in Kubernetes
In Getting cockroachDB running with Kubernetes I covered how to get your cockroach database orchestrated by Kubernetes. Next you'll want ...
Secure CockroachDB and Kubernetes
Secure CockroachDB and Kubernetes
In Getting cockroachDB running with Kubernetes I covered how to get cockroachdb going on Kubernetes, but that was in insecure ...
Connecting to cockroachdb
Connecting to cockroachdb
If you've followed Getting cockroachdb running on google cloud platform you'll have a small cockroach implementation of 3 nodes running ...
Getting cockroachdb running on google cloud platform
Getting cockroachdb running on google cloud platform
Cockroachdb is a PostgreSQL compatible SQL database. It's architecture is somewhat like Google Spanner, but you need to install it on ...
Your own free linux VM
Your own free linux VM
Now that Apps Script is opening up with a new CLI tool and API to allow you to use your own development ...
Orchestrating APIS to analyze OCR data
Orchestrating APIS to analyze OCR data
This is the second step in Making sense of Ocr - an orchestration wrapper for the APIS we'll need. In Google Vision and ...
Google Vision and OCR
Google Vision and OCR
This is the first step in Making sense of Ocr - getting a pdf turned into a JSON map. Mechanics First of ...
Making sense of OCR - Google Vision
Making sense of OCR – Google Vision
In the project  I'm using for illustrating some of the capabilities of GCP, I need to make sense of a variety of ...
Service account impersonation for Google APIS with Nodejs client
Service account impersonation for Google APIS with Nodejs client
If you want to write to sheets from a server side Node app, you can use a service account, but ...
Securing Graphql with firebase login
Securing Graphql with firebase login
In Firebase auth for graphql clients I covered how to use firebase client side auth to lock down your Apollo Graphql server ...
Google Video Intelligence API film labelling
Google Video Intelligence API film labelling
The Video Intelligence API allows you to analyze the content of videos. For my use case this is super useful, because now ...
Firebase auth for graphql clients
Firebase auth for graphql clients
This'll be quite a long post, or maybe a series of them, as auth is always complicated. Lets first of ...
Google Cloud Run on Kubernetes
Google Cloud Run on Kubernetes
I had originally planned just to use cloud functions for some of the work referred to in Google cloud platform, but ...
Long running cloud platform operations and node apis
Long running cloud platform operations and node apis
Some cloud apis are considered to be 'long running', which means you wont get the result right away. Rather the ...
More cloud streaming
More cloud streaming
In Stream content to Google Cloud Storage I covered how you could stream content (in this case a video file) from a ...
Stream content to Google Cloud Storage
Stream content to Google Cloud Storage
This article looks at the Node implementation to stream content directly to google cloud storage, and we'll look at how ...
Cloud Storage and Apps Script
Cloud Storage and Apps Script
There are SDKs available for a number of languages, but not for Apps Script. . Since Google Cloud Storage is ...

The next section is a series of article on OCR that I will continue writing about. The first article is: