If you’ve followed Creating your own scriptDB environment we are ready to start accessing it from VBA.
Registering authentication
There are 2 things you need to do, both of which are one-off things. You may have done this in the previous section
- Register this PC for oAuth2. If you have already done this to “drive” scope with some other things on this site, as described in Google Oauth2 VBA authentication you won’t need to bother doing that again.
- Register this PC for your scriptDB environment.
Substitute your google credentials, let’s do everything at once, authorizing google, full access to the dbTest environment and dbProduction environment.
Private Sub firstTimescriptdbComdbTest() Dim scriptdbCom As cScriptDbCom, url As String Set scriptdbCom = New cScriptDbCom ' you only need to run this once per PC. Once you've done it, delete it from here and keep a safe private copy somewhere ' this url is for the dbHandler google apps script webapp url = "https://script.google.com/a/macros/mcpher.com/s/AKfycbyro1-9LNOnaykvBJ4_6pRZJwNkgf-VFpeQ8drJBqzOK3QZIhU/exec" 'substitute in your google oauth2 credentials (clientid/secret) from the google cloud console getGoogled("drive", , "xxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com", "xxx").tearDown ' get full access to the test environment With scriptdbCom.init(, "dbTest", , _ "yourApp", _ "yourKey", , , True, _ "https://script.google.com/a/macros/mcpher.com/s/AKfycbyro1-9LNOnaykvBJ4_6pRZJwNkgf-VFpeQ8drJBqzOK3QZIhU/exec") .tearDown End With ' and full access to the production environment With scriptdbCom.init(, "dbProduction", , _ "yourApp", _ "yourKey", , "dbProduction", True, _ "https://script.google.com/a/macros/mcpher.com/s/AKfycbyro1-9LNOnaykvBJ4_6pRZJwNkgf-VFpeQ8drJBqzOK3QZIhU/exec") .tearDown End With End Sub
You’ll get something like this pop-up – this will allow this PC to access your dbHandler webApp
You can now delete this function (or keep a copy in another workbook), since you won’t need it again unless you change PC.
Adding some data to your test environment
Before that, first, let’s check we have a connection, and that you have no data in either of your scriptDB.
Private Sub testdbCount() Debug.Print getScriptDb("VBAParseCustomers", "dbProduction").count(); " objects in customers class: production DB" Debug.Print getScriptDb("VBAParseData", "dbProduction").count(); " objects in data class: production DB" Debug.Print getScriptDb("VBAParseCustomers", "dbTest").count(); " objects in customers class: test DB" Debug.Print getScriptDb("VBAParseData", "dbTest").count(); " objects in data class: test DB" End Sub
0 objects in customers class: production DB 0 objects in data class: production DB 0 objects in customers class: test DB 0 objects in data class: test DB
Now we can add data from the 2 test data sheets in cDataSet.xlsm
Private Sub dbTestPopulates() ' copy two sheets to scriptdb.com populateFromSheet "VBAParseData", "dbTest" populateFromSheet "VBAParseCustomers", "dbTest" End Sub
308 in classVBAParseData 100 in classVBAParseCustomers
More Tests
Why not go back to Getting started with cScriptDbCom and run the query tests, this time using dbTest as your authentication entry. You should get the same results as you did with my primer database.
Populating dbProduction.
We could simply repeat by populating dbProduction from the sheets as we did with dbTest. However, in real life, there might not be any sheets involved. Here’s how to copy a class from one database to another.
Private Sub dbTestCopy() dbCopy "dbTest", "dbProduction", "VBAParseData" dbCopy "dbTest", "dbProduction", "VBAParseCustomers" End Sub
Private Sub dbCopy(source As String, target As String, Class As String) Dim dbSource As cScriptDbCom, dbTarget As cScriptDbCom, _ jobSkip As cJobject, job As cJobject ' copying class from one database to another Set dbSource = getScriptDb(Class, source) Set dbTarget = getScriptDb(Class, target).batch(True) ' delete everything in source db of this class dbTarget.deleteObjects 'we have to do it in chunks because of potential query limits Set jobSkip = JSONParse("{'skip':0}") ' we'll just use the default limit for a big query Do With dbSource.getObjectsByQuery(Nothing, jobSkip).jObject.child("results") If .children.count = 0 Or Not dbSource.isOk Or Not dbTarget.isOk Then Exit Do For Each job In .children dbTarget.createObject job Next job jobSkip.child("skip").value = jobSkip.child("skip").value + .children.count End With Loop ' clean up dbTarget.flush.tearDown dbSource.tearDown End Sub
and we can now check the counts on everything
Private Sub testdbCount() Debug.Print getScriptDb("VBAParseCustomers", "dbProduction").count(); " objects in customers class: production DB" Debug.Print getScriptDb("VBAParseData", "dbProduction").count(); " objects in data class: production DB" Debug.Print getScriptDb("VBAParseCustomers", "dbTest").count(); " objects in customers class: test DB" Debug.Print getScriptDb("VBAParseData", "dbTest").count(); " objects in data class: test DB" End Sub
100 objects in customers class: production DB 308 objects in data class: production DB 100 objects in customers class: test DB 308 objects in data class: test DB
all Done!
You can get me on Twitter, or the forum and see more about this particular topic at A VBA API for scriptDB