On this blog, and on the ramblings site there is a growing number of code samples, but of course as things evolve, they get out of date. I started to write something to embed Gist samples in Blogger, but I came across a great post from Moski Doski, who had already solved the problem. Take a look at his post for how to do it. It’s just a couple of steps
Here’s an example of how my code samples will be published in this blog from now on, which means they will be automatically updated when the source gist is. Next step – the same thing for Google Sites…
For more stuff like this, visit the ramblings site or the associated blog. If you have suggestion for particular topic, vote for it on google moderator or contact me on our forum
Here’s my gist sample for my last post on R melt implementation for Google Apps Script
Here' how to do the same thing for Google Sites https://ramblings.mcpher.com/Home/excelquirks/snippets/gistembed
Thanks! Any idea how to edit the options of the blogger dynamic template sidebar dropdown? I haven't tried yet, honsetly, so it may be a simple thing. Just an aside pop quiz random ask/comment thingy
Hi – looks like its controlled by css. I haven't tried it myself, but this post might point you in the right direction.
Here's another way to embed gists, this time going via google apps scripts. http://excelramblings.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/publishing-and-prettifying-gists.html