cProcTimer Class

Normally you do not need to access this class. However, some of the properties can be useful for more advanced applications and rogue use case identification.
Public Methods
Usage  Name  Returns Argument(s)  Summary
 Advanced  Reset  none  none Resets a cProcTimer  to initial values
 Advanced  Start  none  none Starts or restarts timing a section
 Advanced  Pause  none  none Pauses timing a section
 Advanced  Finish
Finishes timing a section
 Advanced  cMicroTimer  Double  none returns ticks/frequency
Public Properties
Usage  Name  Type Summary
 Advanced  Level ptLevels  Analysis level of cProcTimer. Used to filter current  level of analysis required against cProcProfiler.Level
 Advanced  isOpen boolean  Whether this section is currently started
 Advanced  Active  boolean  Whether this section is currently actively part of the profiling session
 Advanced  Name  string  Section name associated with this cProcTimer
 Advanced  LastTime  readonly- Date  The last time there was a finish method executed
 Advanced  FirstTime  readonly – Date  The first time there was a start method executed
 Advanced  Added  readonly – Date  The time this section timer was created
 Advanced  ProcName  String  The procedure name against which to report this section
 Advanced  Iterations  readonly – Long  The number of times the finish method has been executed for this section
 Advanced  TotalTime  readonly – double  The total time so far recorded against this section
 Advanced  MaxTime  readonly – double  The maximum time so far recorded between a start and finish method for this section
 Advanced  MinTime  readonly – double  The minimum time so far recorded between a start and finish method for this section
 Advanced  soFar  readonly – double (introduced version 0-3)  The measurable time since the last start method. The other time measurement properties are only valid after a finish method. soFar can be accessed anywhere between a start and finish method.    If accessed after the finish method it will return 0
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