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Apps Script & Java Script

Store data in scriptdb

Create a module that stores some test data in a public scriptdb. In Hosting your public scriptdb you will have created a public scriptDB, Here’s how to store data in a public scriptdb. We are going to […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Hosting your public scriptdb

You will need a script to host the scriptdb that contains your public data. In the step by step guide, Delegation to Google Apps Script, you should have created a script, pubstuff and added the mcpher library. […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Enhancing the urbarama mashup

In Urbarama mashup we looked at how to mashup mutiple APIS and serve up the result. Now we are going to use that to further enhance and publish the results. The problem with the Urbarama api is that […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Delegation to Google Apps Script

Step by Step guide for Google Apps Script proxying In a number of articles, I’ve covered how to use GAS for jsonp, OAuth, as a lockbox and various other useful things. There are many threads to pull together in […]