Apps Script & Java Script

cScriptdbCom client

Here’s the  arguments to the cScriptDbCom class of A VBA API for scriptDB Here’s the VBA client code for A VBA API for scriptDB And the code for many of the examples mentioned for this topic For […]

From VBA to Google Apps Script

Trying out your new scriptDB environment

If you’ve followed Creating your own scriptDB environment we are ready to start accessing it from VBA. Registering authentication There are 2 things you need to do, both of which are one-off things. You may have done […]

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From VBA to Google Apps Script

The scriptDB dispatcher

Why a dispatcher Because you may want to have multiple handlers, protected in different ways, as described in Handler for cScriptDbCom requests you need to centralize ‘air traffic control’ for the one or more scriptDB instances you […]


Handler for cScriptDbCom requests

The VBA API generates REST API requests from your VBA function calls, and needs a Google Apps Script handler to service those requests by communicating with the required scriptDB instance. You can have multiple handlers, […]

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Database abstraction

Working with big caches

In Database caching I showed how to use a cacheHandler to speed things up and avoid using up service quotas. In some cases you may hit the maximum cache size, which is 100k. The cache handler can […]