Creating and working with classes in VBA is very different from working with js classes. In fact, JavaScript is a classless language – there is no such thing as a class. This is not so scary as it sounds though, as there are various ways to make JavaScript behave as if there were.
There are plenty of articles on VBA classes on this site, or if they are new to you, perhaps you should take a look at Getting Started with Classes
Much of the code referred to here is the mcpher library. You can find out how to include it in your project here.
Allocating memory for an instance of the class
Set dcell = New cCell
var cc = new cCell();
Not so different there, but notice that the class in js is actually a call to a function. The constructor for this class looks like this, and if necessary any housekeeping associated with creating a new instance could be done inside this function. Note that defining a function in this way is the only time you need to put a semi-colon after the curly brackets (some interpreters don’t care, but strictly speaking it should be there
var cCell = function () { };
In VBA there is a fair amount of fuss around declaring get/let/set properties, and the allocation private space for them inside the class instance, but there is a good reason for this – to be able to separate readonly from read/write properties. Here is a couple of properties of the cCell class
Option Explicit private pValue As Variant ' value of cell when first loaded private pColumn As Long ' column number private pKeepFresh As Boolean ' update with value when accessed private pParent As cDataRow ' cDataRow to which this belongs Public Property Get Row() As Long Row = pParent.Row End Property Public Property Get Column() As Long Column = pColumn End Property
in js, you declare a property just by mentioning it, but in doing so, it becomes readable and writable. Here is the .create method of the ccell class
cCell.prototype.create = function( par , colNum, rCell, keepFresh, v){ // deal with optional parameters this.value = fixOptional ( v , rCell.getValue() ); this.keepFresh = fixOptional(keepFresh, false); this.column = colNum; this.parent = par; this.row = par.row; this.where = rcell; return this; };
by assigning values to this.column, this.parent etc., we create the property and can access it later.
Readonly properties
If you want to duplicate the behavior of VBA, you need to simulate the js class in another way. Here’s an example protecting a private copy of a property and exposing its value through a related method. The only thing with this is that you would need to define all methods inside the constructor for this class (rather than extending the prototype), so that they could have the same visibility to the private property, as they have in VBA
cCell = function() { var pParent = 0; this.parent = function() { return pParent; } };
In VBA, public methods are procedures associated with that class and get associated simply by being in the same class module.
As previously mentioned, js doesn’t really have classes but there are a few ways of simulating class-like behavior. I prefer to use a function to define a class constructor, and then add methods to that function’s constructor using its prototype. You can see that in the create method above. Here is the entire ccell class converted to google apps script. It ends up being more concise than the VBA version.
var cCell = function () { }; cCell.prototype.create = function( par , colNum, rCell, keepFresh, v){ // deal with optional parameters this.value = fixOptional ( v , rCell.getValue() ); this.keepFresh = fixOptional(keepFresh, false); this.column = colNum; this.parent = par; this.row = par.row; this.where = rcell; return this; }; cCell.prototype.commit = function( p){ if (!isUndefined(p)) this.value = p; this.where.setValue(this.value); return this.refresh(); }; cCell.prototype.needSwap = function( cc,e){ switch (e) { case eSort.eSortAscending: return LCase(this.toString) > LCase(cc.toString); case eSort.eSortDescending: return LCase(this.toString) < LCase(cc.toString); default: return false; } }; cCell.prototype.refresh = function(){ this.value = this.where.getValue(); return this.value; } cCell.prototype.toString = function(sFormat){ if (isUndefined(sFormat)) { return this.value.toString(); } else { //TODO } }
and for comparision, here is the VBA version
Option Explicit Private pValue As Variant ' value of cell when first loaded Private pColumn As Long ' column number Private pKeepFresh As Boolean ' whether or not to update with current cell value when accessed Private pParent As cDataRow ' cDataRow to which this belongs Public Property Get Row() As Long Row = pParent.Row End Property Public Property Get Column() As Long Column = pColumn End Property Public Property Get Parent() As cDataRow Set Parent = pParent End Property Public Property Get where() As Range ' return the range from whence it came If Row = 0 Then ' its a heading Set where = pParent.where.Offset(Row, pColumn - 1).Resize(1, 1) Else Set where = pParent.where.Offset(, pColumn - 1).Resize(1, 1) End If End Property Public Property Get Refresh() As Variant ' refresh the current value and return it pValue = where.Value Refresh = pValue End Property Public Property Get toString(Optional sFormat As String = vbNullString) As String ' Convert to a string, applying a format if supplied Dim s As String If Len(sFormat) > 0 Then toString = Format(Value, sFormat) Else s = where.NumberFormat If Len(s) > 0 And s <> "General" Then toString = Format(Value, s) Else toString = CStr(Value) End If End If End Property Public Property Get Value() As Variant ' return the value, refreshing it if necessary If pKeepFresh Then Value = Refresh Else Value = pValue End If End Property Public Property Let Value(p As Variant) If pKeepFresh Then Commit = p Else pValue = p End If End Property Public Function needSwap(cc As cCell, e As eSort) As Boolean ' this can be used from a sorting alogirthm Select Case e Case eSortAscending needSwap = LCase(toString) > LCase(cc.toString) Case eSortDescending needSwap = LCase(toString) < LCase(cc.toString) Case Else needSwap = False End Select End Function Public Function Commit(Optional p As Variant) As Variant Dim v As Variant If Not IsMissing(p) Then pValue = p End If where.Value = pValue Commit = Refresh End Function Public Function create(par As cDataRow, colNum As Long, rCell As Range, _ Optional keepFresh As Boolean = False, _ Optional v As Variant) As cCell ' Fill the Cell up ' if v is specifed we knw the value without needing to access the sheet If IsMissing(v) Then pValue = rCell.Value Else pValue = v End If pColumn = colNum pKeepFresh = keepFresh Set pParent = par Set create = Me ' return for convenience End Function
For more like this, see From VBA to Google Apps Script . Much of the code referred to here is the mcpher library. You can find out how to include it in your project here.
Transitioning is covered more comprehensively in my my book, Going Gas – from VBA to Apps script