* @static
var dbSilo;
function createDbSilos(optionalDb){
return dbSilo ?
dbSilo :
(dbSilo = new cScriptDbSilo(optionalDb));
function librarySiloDb() {
return ScriptDb.getMyDb();
* a cScriptDbSilo
* @class
* @param {ScriptDbInstance} Db the default scriptDB
* @implements {cScriptDbSilo}
* @return {cScriptDbSilo} a new cScriptDbSilo
function cScriptDbSilo(optionalDb) {
// create a Silo for known script silos
this.xSilos = new collection();
this.silos = function () {
return this.xSilos;
this.xDb = IsMissing(optionalDb) ? librarySiloDb() : optionalDb;
return this;
* return the db silo item associated with the given key
* @param {string} k the key
* @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
* @param {boolean=} createIfUnknown whether to create the item if it doesnt exist (default true)
* @param {boolean=} optionalHash whether to encrypt the userstamp
* @param {boolean=} optionalMeOnly whether to filter by only records that I created
* @return {cScriptDbSiloItem} the cScriptDbSiloItem
function scriptDbSilo(k,optionalDb,createIfUnknown,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly) {
// find the Silo associated with this key
// get the item or create it
var dbSilo = createDbSilos(optionalDb);
if (IsMissing(k))
return dbSilo;
else {
var silo = dbSilo.silos().item(k,false);
// return the SiloItem, or create one if it's allowed
return silo ? silo : (fixOptional (createIfUnknown,true) ? dbSilo.init(k,optionalDb,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly) : null) ;
* add db silo item associated with the given key
* @param {string} k the key
* @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
* @param {boolean=} optionalHash whether to encrypt the userstamp
* @param {boolean=} optionalMeOnly whether to filter by only records that I created
* @return {cScriptDbSiloItem} the cScriptDbSiloItem
cScriptDbSilo.prototype.init = function (k,optionalDb,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly) {
return this.silos().add (new cScriptDbSiloItem(k,this,optionalDb,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly),k);
* remove all db silo items for this db
* @param {object} ob the query by example object
* @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
* @return {cScriptDbSilo} the cScriptDbSilo
cScriptDbSilo.prototype.remove = function (ob,optionalDb) {
return this.removeData(ob,optionalDb);
* remove db silo item data associated with the given query object
* @param {object} ob the query by example object
* @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
* @return {cScriptDbSilo} the cScriptDbSilo
cScriptDbSilo.prototype.removeData = function (ob,optionalDb) {
var qob = fixOptional(ob,{});
//-- disabled for now---only allowed to delete your own data
//qob.userStamp = Session.getUser().getEmail();
//if (this.xHash) qob.userStamp = shortKeyHash(qob.userStamp);
var db = fixOptional(optionalDb, this.xDb);
// we'll use removeBatch
while(true) {
var result = db.query(qob); // get everything, up to limit
if (result.getSize() == 0) {
var o = [];
while (result.hasNext()) {
if (o.length > this.xBatchMax) {
DebugAssert(db.allOk(db.removeBatch(o, false)), "failed to delete " + o.length + " objects");
o = [];
if (o.length > 0 ) {
var result = db.removeBatch(o, false);
DebugAssert(db.allOk(result), "failed to delete " + o.length + " objects");
return this;
* fill the silos from the data in the script DB
* @param {object} ob the query by example object
* @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
* @return {cScriptDbSilo} the cScriptDbSilo
cScriptDbSilo.prototype.fill = function (optionalDb) {
// fill Silo with every known silo in the given db
var db = fixOptional ( optionalDb, this.xDb);
var result = db.query({}); //note-- only works up to the limit
while (result.hasNext()) {
var k = result.next().siloId;
if ( ! this.Silos.item(k,false) )
this.Silos().add (new cScriptDbSiloItem(k,this,db),k );
return this;
* a cScriptDbSiloItem
* @class
* @param {string} k the key
* @param {cScriptDbSilo=} parent the collection of silo items
* @param {boolean=} optionalHash whether to encrypt the userstamp
* @param {boolean=} optionalMeOnly whether to filter by only records that I created
* @implements {cScriptDbSiloItem}
* @return {cScriptDbSiloItem} a new cScriptDbSiloItem
function cScriptDbSiloItem(k,parent,optionalDb,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly) {
// a silo item
this.xBatch = [];
this.xKey = makeKey(k);
this.xParent = parent;
this.xHash = fixOptional( optionalHash, false);
this.xMeOnly = fixOptional( optionalMeOnly, false);
this.xDb = fixOptional( optionalDb , this.xParent.xDb);
this.db = function() {
return this.xDb;
// this is wont change in a silo session so may as well do it once
this.xWho = this.who();
// there is a bug in savebatch that failes for more than about 4000
// here's a workaround
this.xBatchMax = 4000;
return this;
* construct the query object that identifies this query by example
* @param {object=} ob the query by example (default all data)
* @return {object} a query by example to silo the data
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.querySet = function(ob) {
// apply a query for this silo
var newOb = fixOptional(ob,{});
newOb.siloId = this.xKey;
if (!newOb.userStamp && this.xMeOnly) newOb.userStamp = this.xWho;
return newOb ;
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.queryStamp = function(ob) {
// apply a user and time stamp
ob.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
ob.userStamp = this.xWho;
return ob;
* do a query within the silo for this cScriptDbSiloItem
* @param {object} [ob={}] the query by example (default all data)
* @param {object} [ob={}] the query by example (default all data)
* @return {ScriptDBquery} a query by example to silo the data
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.query = function(ob) {
return this.db().query(this.querySet(ob));
* do a query within the silo and put to an array, taking account of limits
* @param {object} [ob={}] the query by example (default all data)
* @param {object} [ob={}] the query by example (default all data)
* @param {number} [optLimit=0] default bypass any limits
* @return {Array} an array of results
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.queryArray = function(ob, optLimit) {
// this is the max I'll take in one go to be compatible with parse.com
var maxLimit = 1000;
var limit = fixOptional ( optLimit, 0);
var results =[], q = this.querySet(ob);
while(true) {
var qr = this.db()
.limit(limit > 0 ? limit-results.length : maxLimit).startAt(results.length);
// we're done
if (!qr.hasNext()) return results;
// still have pushing to do
while(qr.hasNext() && (limit==0 || results.length < limit)) results.push(qr.next()); } }; /** * do a count query within the silo for this cScriptDbSiloItem * @param {object} [ob={}] the query by example (default all data) * @return {ScriptDBquery} a query by example to silo the data */ cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.count = function(ob) { return this.db().count(this.querySet(ob)); }; /** * do a save within the silo for this cScriptDbSiloItem * @param {object} ob the data so save * @param {boolean} optBatch whether or not to save up for a batch update * @return {ScriptDbResult} a query result */ cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.save = function(ob,optBatch) { var sob = this.queryStamp(this.querySet(ob)); if (fixOptional (optBatch, false)) { if (this.batchLength() > this.xBatchMax) {
return this.db().save(sob);
* provide current batch length
* @return {number} the batch length
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.batchLength = function() {
return this.xBatch ? this.xBatch.length : 0;
* clear out any batch items
* @return {ScriptDbResult} a query result
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.saveBatch = function() {
if (this.xBatch.length) {
var results = this.db().saveBatch(this.xBatch, false);
this.xBatch = [];
return results;
return null;
* do a save within the silo for this cScriptDbSiloItem, and delete the data
* @param {object=} ob the data so remove (default all data for this silo)
* @return {cScriptDbSiloItem} the cScriptDbSiloItem
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.remove = function(ob) {
return this.xParent.removeData(this.querySet(ob),this.db());
* get who user is, and hash email address if required
* @param {boolean=} optHash whether to encrypt, otherwise use the silo default
* @return {string} the user email or hashed emaik
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.who = function(optHash) {
return fixOptional(optHash, this.xHash) ? shortKeyHash(Session.getUser().getEmail()) : Session.getUser().getEmail();
* return the stuff from the db associated with the e.parameter.entry value
* @param {String} siloNamethe the locker name
* @param {scriptDB} db the private db to use
* @return {ContentService} the rest response
function getMyStuff (siloName, db) {
var response = {status: {code:"bad", reason:"entry parameter not found"}, result:null};
var silo = scriptDbSilo(siloName,db);
var thisMail = silo.who();
if (!db) {
response.reason = "private db must be specified" ;
else if (siloName)
{ var q= silo.query();
if (q.hasNext()) {
// only retrievable by teh same user as created it
var result = q.next();
try {
if (result.userStamp != thisMail) {
response.status.code = "bad";
response.status.reason = siloName + "does not belong to you";
else {
response.status.code = "good";
response.status.reason = siloName + " found in your stuff";
response.result = result;
catch (err) {
response.status.code = "bad";
response.status.reason = err;
else {
response.status.code = "bad";
response.status.reason = siloName + " not found in your stuff";
return response;
* create an entry for the given siloname value
* @param {String} siloNamethe the locker name
* @param {scriptDB} db the private db to use
* @param {object} content the content to store
* @return {scriptDBObject} the saved object
function createStuff (siloName, db, content) {
// exist?
DebugAssert(db, "you must provide a db");
var silo = scriptDbSilo(siloName,db);
var myAuth = silo.query();
if (myAuth.hasNext()) silo.remove();
var put = {};
put.myStuff = content;
put.help = "for details see ramblings.mcpher.com";
return silo.save(put);
/** react to a doGet(e) using lockbox for oAuth
* @param {object} e as passed to doGet() (show or oauth)
* @param {scriptDBInstance} db the private db to use
* @return {String} the json string content
function getStuffContent (e,db) {
// e.parameter.entry - the lockBox entry name
// e.parameter.proxyUrl - optional - if specifed then proxyUrl to execute , using lockbox entry for oAuth
// e.parameter.action - manadatory - (not implemented yet edit,)show,oauth
var content ="";
content = JSON.stringify ({error: "programming error - you must provide a scriptDB to use"}) ;
else {
var entry = decodeURIComponent(e.parameter.entry)
var proxyurl = decodeURIComponent(e.parameter.proxyurl) ;
var action = decodeURIComponent(e.parameter.action);
try {
switch (action) {
case 'edit':
content= JSON.stringify ({error: "action not yet implemented" + action}) ;
//TODO return uiStuff (db, entry);
case 'show':
content = JSON.stringify(getMyStuff(entry,db));
case 'oauth':
content = oAuthProxy (db,entry, proxyurl).getContentText();
content = JSON.stringify ({error: "unknown action - should be show or oauth" + action}) ;
catch (err) {
content = JSON.stringify ( { error: err } );
return content;
* oAuthPacket will create a packet of options and oauth parameters
* @param {object} stuff contents of an oauth lockbox
* @return {urlfetch.advancedoptions} the packet to use as options to urlfetch
function oAuthPacket(stuff) {
// relevant properties from silo
var locker = stuff.result.myStuff;
var siloId = stuff.result.siloId;
// use GAS oauth library
var oa = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService(siloId);
oa.setAccessTokenUrl (locker.accessUrl);
oa.setRequestTokenUrl (locker.requestUrl);
// advanced oauth options
return {
"oAuthServiceName": siloId,
"oAuthUseToken" : "always"
* oAuthProxy will execute an oauth then call some url by proxy
* @param {String} siloId siloid of the scriptdb locker holding the oauth information
* @param {scriptDBInstance} db the private db to use
* @param {String} url to execute
* @return {String} response from the urlfetch
function oAuthProxy (db,siloId, url) {
// get myStuff - this will have previously been stored in the myStuff locker
var stuff = getMyStuff(siloId,db);
DebugAssert(stuff.status.code == "good", "error getting secrets " + JSON.stringify(stuff) );
// construct the oauth packet
var packet = oAuthPacket(stuff);
// issue request
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, packet);
* return the stuff from the db associated with the e.parameter.entry value
* @param {String} siloNamethe the locker name
* @param {scriptdbinstance} db public db
* @param {queryOb} optQuery optional query by example
* @return {ContentService} the rest response
function getPubStuff (siloName, db, optQuery) {
var q;
var response = {status: {code:"bad", reason:"unknown error"}, results:null};
var ob = optQuery || {};
q= siloName ? scriptDbSilo(siloName,db).query(ob) : db.query(ob);
if (q.hasNext()) {
response.status.code = "good";
response.status.reason = siloName + " found in your stuff";
response.results = [] ;
while (q.hasNext()) {
else {
response.status.reason = siloName + " has no data";
response.status.query = JSON.stringify(ob);
return response;
/** react to a doGet(e) to return public data
* @param {object} e as passed to doGet()
* @param {scriptdbinstance} db public db
* @return {String} the json string content
function getPubStuffContent (e,db) {
// e.parameter.entry - optional the lockBox entry name
var content ;
var entry = e.parameter && e.parameter.entry ? decodeURIComponent(e.parameter.entry) : null;
try {
content = JSON.stringify(getPubStuff(entry,db));
catch (err) {
content = JSON.stringify ( { error: err } );
return content;
/** show everything in a given db
* @param {scriptdbinstance} db public db
* @return {String} the json string content
function showAll(db) {
var results = db.query({});
while (results.hasNext()) {
var result = results.next();