mcpher Library

All Google apps script library code is in the mcpher library. If you already know about google sctipt libraries you can get it as below, and read about it in this post

Project Key :

Source code can be found in this list:


Managing a Script library

When Google Apps Script first came out it was rather tedious (and kind of ridiculous for a cloud based environment) having to copy shared code between projects. Things soon got out of hand and you didn’t know what version was what. 

However, At last we can now create a library of useful stuff in GAS and access it (or share it) from other sheets.

Using this new library management capability in GAS, I can now make all this code available across future projects and to anyone else who want to use it just by referencing the projects key (my shared libraries can be accessed using key MEQ3tE5y5_cTOAgUbUKSIAiz3TLx7pV4j ). If you are sharing your code, remember to set up the containing documents level of sharing (private, public with everyone etc)

How to create a library that can be shared

Go to the manage versions menu item of the file menu in the script editor

Save a version of your library


Take a note of the projects Key from the File/Project Properties dialog


How to Use a shared library

Create a new document that is going to access this library, and bring up the Manage Libraries dialog in the script editor.

Add a reference to the shared library. 

You’ll see whichever versions are available. If you leave development mode off, then your usage will be frozen to the version you select. You can change the Identifier to something else if you like. Its purpose is to nominate the namespace you will use to reference the shared functions. In this library shown all calls will be prefixed with the Mcpher namespace identifier – for example Mcpher.isEmpty().

Look at the documentation

If the library has been commented using jsDoc, then usage documentation will have been automatically generated and is accessible by clicking on the Title link for each included library. jsDoc also enables autocomplete when you call up the functions in the code you write using the library.

Use the library

I’ll be adding to this library over time – it will eventually contain all the From VBA to Google Apps Script code, and I’ll also be improving the jsDocumentation available for the shared libraries. Please contact me at the ramblings forum if you have any questions.

Project Key :

The Code

Expand to access the code
 * @static
var dbSilo;
function createDbSilos(optionalDb){
  return dbSilo ? 
      dbSilo : 
      (dbSilo = new cScriptDbSilo(optionalDb));
function librarySiloDb() {
  return ScriptDb.getMyDb();
 * a cScriptDbSilo
 * @class 
 * @param {ScriptDbInstance} Db the default scriptDB
 * @implements {cScriptDbSilo}
 * @return {cScriptDbSilo} a new cScriptDbSilo
function cScriptDbSilo(optionalDb) {
// create a Silo for known script silos
  this.xSilos = new collection();
  this.silos = function () {
    return this.xSilos;
  this.xDb = IsMissing(optionalDb) ?  librarySiloDb() : optionalDb;
  return this;
 * return the db silo item associated with the given key
 * @param {string} k the key
 * @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
 * @param {boolean=} createIfUnknown whether to create the item if it doesnt exist (default true)
 * @param {boolean=} optionalHash whether to encrypt the userstamp
 * @param {boolean=} optionalMeOnly whether to filter by only records that I created
 * @return {cScriptDbSiloItem} the cScriptDbSiloItem
function scriptDbSilo(k,optionalDb,createIfUnknown,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly) {
// find the Silo associated with this key
    // get the item or create it
    var dbSilo = createDbSilos(optionalDb);
    if (IsMissing(k)) 
      return dbSilo;
    else {
      var silo = dbSilo.silos().item(k,false);
    // return the SiloItem, or create one if it's allowed
      return silo ? silo : (fixOptional (createIfUnknown,true) ?  dbSilo.init(k,optionalDb,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly) : null) ;
 * add db silo item associated with the given key
 * @param {string} k the key
 * @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
 * @param {boolean=} optionalHash whether to encrypt the userstamp
 * @param {boolean=} optionalMeOnly whether to filter by only records that I created
 * @return {cScriptDbSiloItem} the cScriptDbSiloItem
cScriptDbSilo.prototype.init = function (k,optionalDb,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly) {
  return this.silos().add (new cScriptDbSiloItem(k,this,optionalDb,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly),k);
 * remove all db silo items for this db
 * @param {object} ob the query by example object
 * @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
 * @return {cScriptDbSilo} the cScriptDbSilo
cScriptDbSilo.prototype.remove = function (ob,optionalDb) {
  return this.removeData(ob,optionalDb);
 * remove db silo item data associated with the given query object
 * @param {object} ob the query by example object
 * @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
 * @return {cScriptDbSilo} the cScriptDbSilo
cScriptDbSilo.prototype.removeData = function (ob,optionalDb) {
    var qob = fixOptional(ob,{});
    //-- disabled for now---only allowed to delete your own data
    //qob.userStamp = Session.getUser().getEmail();
    //if (this.xHash) qob.userStamp = shortKeyHash(qob.userStamp);
    var db = fixOptional(optionalDb, this.xDb);
    // we'll use removeBatch
    while(true) {
      var result = db.query(qob); // get everything, up to limit
      if (result.getSize() == 0) {
      var o = [];
      while (result.hasNext()) {
        if (o.length > this.xBatchMax) {
          DebugAssert(db.allOk(db.removeBatch(o, false)), "failed to delete " + o.length + " objects"); 
          o = [];
      if (o.length > 0 ) {
        var result = db.removeBatch(o, false);
        DebugAssert(db.allOk(result), "failed to delete " + o.length + " objects"); 
  return this;
 * fill the silos from the data in the script DB
 * @param {object} ob the query by example object
 * @param {ScriptDbInstance=} optionalDb the default scriptDB (default the db for the silo collection)
 * @return {cScriptDbSilo} the cScriptDbSilo
cScriptDbSilo.prototype.fill = function (optionalDb) {
// fill Silo with every known silo  in the given db
    var db = fixOptional ( optionalDb, this.xDb);
    var result = db.query({}); //note-- only works up to the limit
      while (result.hasNext()) {
        var k =;
        if ( ! this.Silos.item(k,false) ) 
          this.Silos().add (new cScriptDbSiloItem(k,this,db),k ); 
  return this;
 * a cScriptDbSiloItem
 * @class 
 * @param {string} k the key
 * @param {cScriptDbSilo=} parent the collection of silo items
 * @param {boolean=} optionalHash whether to encrypt the userstamp
 * @param {boolean=} optionalMeOnly whether to filter by only records that I created
 * @implements {cScriptDbSiloItem}
 * @return {cScriptDbSiloItem} a new cScriptDbSiloItem
function cScriptDbSiloItem(k,parent,optionalDb,optionalHash,optionalMeOnly) {
  // a silo item
  this.xBatch = [];
  this.xKey = makeKey(k);
  this.xParent = parent;
  this.xHash = fixOptional( optionalHash, false);
  this.xMeOnly = fixOptional( optionalMeOnly, false);
  this.xDb = fixOptional( optionalDb , this.xParent.xDb);
  this.db = function() {
    return this.xDb;
  // this is wont change in a silo session so may as well do it once
  this.xWho = this.who();
  // there is a bug in savebatch that failes for more than about 4000
  // here's a workaround
  this.xBatchMax = 4000;
  return this;
 * construct the query object that identifies this query by example
 * @param {object=} ob the query by example (default all data)
 * @return {object}  a query by example to silo the data
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.querySet = function(ob) {
  // apply a query for this silo
  var newOb = fixOptional(ob,{});
  newOb.siloId = this.xKey;
  if (!newOb.userStamp && this.xMeOnly) newOb.userStamp = this.xWho;
  return newOb ;
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.queryStamp = function(ob) {
  // apply a user and time stamp
  ob.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  ob.userStamp = this.xWho;
  return ob;
 * do a query within the silo for this cScriptDbSiloItem
 * @param {object} [ob={}]  the query by example (default all data)
 * @param {object} [ob={}]  the query by example (default all data)
 * @return {ScriptDBquery} a query by example to silo the data
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.query = function(ob) {
  return this.db().query(this.querySet(ob));
 * do a query within the silo and put to an array, taking account of limits
 * @param {object} [ob={}]  the query by example (default all data)
 * @param {object} [ob={}]  the query by example (default all data)
 * @param {number} [optLimit=0]  default bypass any limits
 * @return {Array} an array of results
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.queryArray = function(ob, optLimit) {
  // this is the max I'll take in one go to be compatible with
  var maxLimit = 1000;
  var limit = fixOptional ( optLimit, 0);
  var results =[], q = this.querySet(ob);
  while(true) {
    var qr =  this.db()
                .limit(limit > 0 ? limit-results.length : maxLimit).startAt(results.length);
    // we're done
    if (!qr.hasNext()) return results;
    // still have pushing to do
    while(qr.hasNext() && (limit==0 || results.length < limit)) results.push(; } }; /** * do a count query within the silo for this cScriptDbSiloItem * @param {object} [ob={}] the query by example (default all data) * @return {ScriptDBquery} a query by example to silo the data */ cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.count = function(ob) { return this.db().count(this.querySet(ob)); }; /** * do a save within the silo for this cScriptDbSiloItem * @param {object} ob the data so save * @param {boolean} optBatch whether or not to save up for a batch update * @return {ScriptDbResult} a query result */ = function(ob,optBatch) { var sob = this.queryStamp(this.querySet(ob)); if (fixOptional (optBatch, false)) { if (this.batchLength() > this.xBatchMax) {
    return this.db().save(sob);
 * provide current batch length 
 * @return {number} the batch length
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.batchLength = function() {
  return this.xBatch ? this.xBatch.length : 0;
 * clear out any batch items
 * @return {ScriptDbResult} a query result 
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.saveBatch = function() {
   if (this.xBatch.length) {
     var results = this.db().saveBatch(this.xBatch, false);
     this.xBatch = [];
     return results;
     return null;   
 * do a save within the silo for this cScriptDbSiloItem, and delete the data
 * @param {object=} ob the data so remove (default all data for this silo)
 * @return {cScriptDbSiloItem} the cScriptDbSiloItem
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.remove = function(ob) {
  return this.xParent.removeData(this.querySet(ob),this.db());
 * get who user is, and hash email address if required
 * @param {boolean=} optHash whether to encrypt, otherwise use the silo default
 * @return {string} the user email or hashed emaik
cScriptDbSiloItem.prototype.who = function(optHash) {
  return fixOptional(optHash, this.xHash) ? shortKeyHash(Session.getUser().getEmail()) : Session.getUser().getEmail();
 * return the stuff from the db associated with the e.parameter.entry value
 * @param {String} siloNamethe the locker name
 * @param {scriptDB} db the private db to use
 * @return {ContentService} the rest response
function getMyStuff (siloName, db) {
    var response = {status: {code:"bad", reason:"entry parameter not found"}, result:null};
    var silo = scriptDbSilo(siloName,db);
    var thisMail = silo.who();
    if (!db) {
      response.reason = "private db must be specified" ;
    else if (siloName) 
    { var q=  silo.query();
      if (q.hasNext()) {
        // only retrievable by teh same user as created it
        var result =;
        try {
           if (result.userStamp != thisMail) {
             response.status.code = "bad";
             response.status.reason = siloName + "does not belong to you";
           else {
             response.status.code = "good";
             response.status.reason = siloName + " found in your stuff";
             response.result = result;
          catch (err) {
            response.status.code = "bad";
            response.status.reason = err;
      else {
        response.status.code = "bad";
        response.status.reason = siloName + " not found in your stuff";
    return response;
 * create an entry for the given siloname value
 * @param {String} siloNamethe the locker name
 * @param {scriptDB} db the private db to use
 * @param {object} content the content to store
 * @return {scriptDBObject} the saved object
function createStuff (siloName, db, content) {
  // exist?
  DebugAssert(db, "you must provide a db");
  var silo =  scriptDbSilo(siloName,db);
  var myAuth = silo.query();
  if (myAuth.hasNext()) silo.remove();
  var put = {};
  put.myStuff = content; = "for details see";
/** react to a doGet(e) using lockbox for oAuth
 * @param {object} e as passed to doGet() (show or oauth)
 * @param {scriptDBInstance} db the private db to use
 * @return {String} the json string content
function getStuffContent (e,db) {
   // e.parameter.entry - the lockBox entry name
   // e.parameter.proxyUrl - optional - if specifed then proxyUrl to execute , using lockbox entry for oAuth 
   // e.parameter.action - manadatory - (not implemented yet edit,)show,oauth
  var content ="";
    content = JSON.stringify ({error: "programming error - you must provide a scriptDB to use"}) ;
 else {
    var entry =  decodeURIComponent(e.parameter.entry)
    var proxyurl = decodeURIComponent(e.parameter.proxyurl) ;
    var action = decodeURIComponent(e.parameter.action);
    try {
      switch (action) {
        case 'edit':
          content= JSON.stringify ({error: "action not yet implemented" + action}) ;
          //TODO return uiStuff (db, entry);
        case 'show':
          content = JSON.stringify(getMyStuff(entry,db));
        case 'oauth':
          content = oAuthProxy (db,entry, proxyurl).getContentText();
          content = JSON.stringify ({error: "unknown action - should be show or oauth" + action}) ;
    catch (err) {
        content = JSON.stringify ( { error: err } );
   return content;
 * oAuthPacket will create a packet of options and oauth parameters
 * @param {object} stuff contents of an oauth lockbox
 * @return {urlfetch.advancedoptions} the packet to use as options to urlfetch
function oAuthPacket(stuff) {
  // relevant properties from silo
    var locker = stuff.result.myStuff;
    var siloId = stuff.result.siloId;
  // use GAS oauth library
    var oa = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService(siloId);
    oa.setAccessTokenUrl (locker.accessUrl);
    oa.setRequestTokenUrl (locker.requestUrl);
  // advanced oauth options
    return {
      "oAuthServiceName": siloId,
      "oAuthUseToken" : "always"
 * oAuthProxy will execute an oauth then call some url by proxy
 * @param {String} siloId siloid of the scriptdb locker holding the oauth information
 * @param {scriptDBInstance} db the private db to use
 * @param {String} url to execute
 * @return {String} response from the urlfetch
function oAuthProxy (db,siloId, url) {
  // get myStuff - this will have previously been stored in the myStuff locker
  var stuff = getMyStuff(siloId,db);
  DebugAssert(stuff.status.code == "good", "error getting secrets " + JSON.stringify(stuff) );
  // construct the oauth packet
  var packet = oAuthPacket(stuff);
  // issue request
   return UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, packet);
 * return the stuff from the db associated with the e.parameter.entry value
 * @param {String} siloNamethe the locker name
 * @param {scriptdbinstance} db public db
 * @param {queryOb} optQuery optional query by example
 * @return {ContentService} the rest response
function getPubStuff (siloName, db, optQuery) {
  var q;
  var response = {status: {code:"bad", reason:"unknown error"}, results:null};
  var ob = optQuery || {}; 
  q=  siloName ? scriptDbSilo(siloName,db).query(ob) : db.query(ob);
  if (q.hasNext()) {
    response.status.code = "good";
    response.status.reason = siloName + " found in your stuff";
    response.results =  [] ;
    while (q.hasNext()) {
  else {
    response.status.reason = siloName + " has no data";
    response.status.query = JSON.stringify(ob);
  return response;
/** react to a doGet(e) to return public data
 * @param {object} e as passed to doGet() 
 * @param {scriptdbinstance} db public db
 * @return {String} the json string content
function getPubStuffContent (e,db) {
   // e.parameter.entry - optional the lockBox entry name
  var content ;
  var entry =  e.parameter && e.parameter.entry ? decodeURIComponent(e.parameter.entry)  : null;
  try {
          content = JSON.stringify(getPubStuff(entry,db));
  catch (err) {
        content = JSON.stringify ( { error: err } );
   return content;
/** show everything in a given db
 * @param {scriptdbinstance} db public db
 * @return {String} the json string content
function showAll(db) {
  var results = db.query({});
  while (results.hasNext()) {
    var result =;

Take a look at how the From VBA to Google Apps Script for more like this, as well as the Roadmap Generation. In the meantime why not join our forum, follow the blog or follow me on twitter to ensure you get updates when they are available.