Most database APIs have a way of dealing with transactions – a set of operations all of which much work, and a way of rolling back if they don’t
Indeed many of the back-ends implemented here have this capability, but I haven’t yet exposed that through the abstraction layer. The main reason for this is that many of the back-ends are not actually databases, and therefore don’t have a roll back capability or the concept of transactions. 
However since I had always planned to introduce rollback, I’ve implemented these kind of databases to use  DriverMemory first, before committing to the back-end. This means that I can now start to implement transactions whether simulated, or using the transactional capabilities of the back-end.

Here’s how it works. 

  • Transactions are accessible through the normal DbAbstraction  handler object, and you use an anonymous function to execute your function. 
  • A normal result package should be returned that can be tested for result.handleCode < 0 meaning failure. 
  • A transaction failure will be signaled with result.transaction.code < 0 
  • If a failure is detected, a rollback to before the transaction will be executed 
  • There will be a lock taken out for the  entire transaction
  • Although caching can be active in each of the individual  items of the transaction as usual, there is no caching of the transaction result itself.
  • The options will be used to modify the transaction behavior, or to pass additional info to your function – to be dealt with later
  • Today various operations are locked to preserve consistency in multi user environments. With transactions a lock is taken out around the transaction, not for the individual operations within the transaction. For operations not enclosed in transactions, by default locking is enabled for operations that write, but not for read. However there is an option to lock both read and write operations. 

Some notes on performance

  • For back-ends that emulate databases (so far sheets, drive and properties), you’ll see a performance improvement for everything if you wrap multiple operations in transactions. This is because the whole thing is done in memory. The down side is that nothing else (that needs a lock) can operate on that database during the transaction. 
  • Aggressive locking can hurt performance when there are many simultaneous users, but you can use to guarantee consistency between writes/reads
  • Operations within transactions are must faster in aggregate than separate ones. However you do lock out others for the duration of the transaction. Another side effect is that if you follow a write with a read, some databases haven’t yet properly registered by the time the read comes, and will return the wrong count. This is especially true with Orchestrate. 

You can set locking when you open the database – for example. 

 var dbParameters =  {
    "siloid": "multi",
    "dbid": "1yTQFdN_O2nFb9obm7AHCTmPKpf5cwAd78uNQJiCcjPk",
    "transactions": cDbAbstraction.dhConstants.TRANSACTIONS.ENABLED,
    "locking" : cDbAbstraction.dhConstants.LOCKING.AGGRESSIVE

values for locking are 

cDbAbstraction.dhConstants.LOCKING.ENABLED  (default)

values for transactions are

cDbAbstraction.dhConstants.TRANSACTIONS.ENABLED (default)

If you have some code wrapped in transactions, and you disable transactions (or the driver does not yet support them), then each operations will be performed as today, but following the setting for locking.

You wrap operations in a transaction like this

var result = dbHandler.transaction (
    function(db) {
        // your related activities



Sheets are a particular problem, since they don’t have stable IDs (row numbers are used as IDs), and since the design principle here is not to do anything that affects the sheet’s standalone nature (anybody can change it at any time), the row number of an item can change at any time. It’s especially important to wrap operations that rely on previous operations inside a transaction. Below is a query, where the keys are used by a subsequent get. Wrapping the entire thing in a transaction ensure that some other user does not affect the row numbers in between

var r2 = handler.transaction ( function(db,options) {
    var result = handler.query ( { 
      'stuff.age': handler.constraints([[c.GT,25]])
    },{limit:1}, 1, true );
    assert ([ 
      result.handleCode >= 0, ===1, 
      result.handleKeys.length ===1
    ], result, "limitkeycheck1");
    // testing Get
    var r2 = handler.get(result.handleKeys);
    assert ([
      r2.handleCode >= 0, ===, (function(d) { return d.stuff.age > 25 ; })
    ], r2, "getcheck1");
    // status and result to be handled by transaction wrapper
    return r2;
  assert(r2.transaction.code >=0, r2, 'transaction 1');

another example – this time we are doing an update. It’s important that the row number IDs don’t change between the query that finds them, and the subsequent update, so wrapping them in a transaction ensures this.

var r2 = handler.transaction ( function(db,options) {
    var result = db.query (
      { strain:strain,
       '': 'male'
      assert ([ 
        result.handleCode >= 0,
        testData.filter(function(d) { 
          return  ( === 'male')  ; 
        }).length === result.handleKeys.length
      ], result, "does male work");
      var r2 = db.update( result.handleKeys, (function(d) { = === 'male'; return d; 
      assert (r2.handleCode >= 0, r2, 'real update');
      return r2;
  assert(r2.transaction.code >=0, r2, 'transaction 2');

What handler.transaction() does 

   * transaction wrapper
   * @param {function} transactionFunction things that need to happen inside a transaction
   * @param {object} options any options you want to pass on to your transaction function
   * @return {object} a normal result package
  this.transaction = function (transactionFunction , options) {
    // get id of current transaction if any
    var id = self.getTransactionId();
    // if there was already one under way that's a bad thing
    if (id) { 
      // report a transaction within a transaction as an error
      var results= makeResults (enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_FAILURE);
      results.transaction = {
        id: id,
        code: enums.CODE.OK,
      results.transaction = transaction;
      return results;

    // set up new transaction
    var transaction = {
      id: self.setTransaction(),
      code: enums.CODE.OK,

    // the rules
    // if a driver is transaction aware
    //   it knows about locking regime of a transaction
    //   the entire transaction will be locked
    //   the items of the transaction are forbidden to do any locking
    // further, a transaction capable driver will be able to do rollback etc.
    // for non-aware drivers, a transaction is a non event - nothing happens, the parts of it are executed normally
    // if transactions are disabled, then all drivers are treated as non-transaction aware
    var transactionAware = driver.transactionAware && self.transactionsState() === enums.TRANSACTIONS.ENABLED;
    var transactionCapable = transactionAware && driver.transactionCapable;
    // if locking is disabled then no locking is done on the transaction
    var lockingEnabled = self.lockingState() !== enums.LOCKING.DISABLED && !driver.lockingBypass;
    var transactionLockBypass = !transactionAware || !lockingEnabled;    
    // enclose the whole transaction 
    var result = doGuts_ ( transactionLockBypass ,  "transaction:" , function (bypass) {
      // only applies to drivers that are able to do transactions
      if (transactionCapable) {

        // let the driver know it's doing a transaction
        // do the work
        try {
          // get the current state data, and execute the transaction contents
          var r = transactionFunction (self , options);
          if (r.handleCode < 0 ) {
          else {
            // commit the transaction
            if (driver.getTransactionBox().dirty) {
            var r = driver.commitTransaction(;
            transaction.code = r.handleCode;
            transaction.error = r.handleError;
        catch (err) {
          var r = self.makeResults(enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_FAILURE, err);

        return r;
      else {
        // the function is executed normally.
        // the driver should detect whether it is part of a transaction and act accordingly
        transaction.code = enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_INCAPABLE;
        transaction.error = self.getErrorText(transaction.code);
        // do the thing
        return transactionFunction (self , options); 
    // mark transaction as over
    result.transaction = transaction;
    return result;
    function localRollBack() {
      var r = driver.rollbackTransaction(;
      transaction.code = r.handleCode < 0 ? enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FAILED :  enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK;
      transaction.error = self.getErrorText(transaction.code);

What an enabled driver will do

  • self.transactionCapable = true;
  • self.transactionAware = true;
  • detect if it is in a transaction, and not do any locking itself. 
  • Here is a sheet save(), instrumented for transactions. = function (obs) {

However sheets, properties and drive can delegate all their workload to the memory driver in a transaction, since there will be no other updates going on. This makes things much more efficient and also means that they can share the delegated code which looks like this.

What a failed transaction looks like:

Here’s a deliberate error in a transaction – I’ve spelt remove wrongly, so I want it to rollback the save operation.

 var result = handler.transaction (function(db) {[
    return db.remov({name:'me'});


and the result

  "handleCode": -24,
  "handleError": "(DbAbstraction says:TRANSACTION_FAILURE) (TypeError: Cannot find function remov in object [object Object].) some transaction failure",
  "data": [],
  "handleVersion": "cDbAbstraction:2.1.1",
  "driverVersion": "cDriverMemory:2.1.0",
  "table": "multi",
  "dbId": "multi",
  "transaction": {
    "id": "xiui3bg5f0f",
    "code": -22,
    "error": "transaction failed, but rolled back successfully"

A note on keys

As previously noted, some drivers don’t have the capability to store unique keys. In this case a unique key is generated for them temporarily. This is how the operations within a transaction can communicate with each other. This means that you can’t always rely on keys being the same inside and outside transactions. If you are dealing with keys (for example get/update), it’s always best to wrap those in a transaction. For example, with a sheet driver…

var result = handler.query({name:'john'},undefined, undefined, true);

result.handleKeys, will contain row numbers at that point in time – which may change at any time by other user operations, so they should not be relied on – so the following may not return the right data (it will detect it has changed and give you an error)

var r2 = handler.get (result.handleKeys)


handler.transaction ( function (db) {
  var result = handler.query({name:'john'},undefined, undefined, true);
  var r2 = handler.get (result.handleKeys);

will return the correct value since the operations wont be interrupted mid flight by another update instance. Therefore, if you are using keys for database back-ends without a unique key capability, you should keep them isolated to within transactions.

DbAbstraction full code

 * @fileOverview This is the dbabstraction data handler as described in
 * @author <a href="">Bruce McPherson</a>

 * DbAbstraction
 * @constructor DbAbstraction
 * @param {object} driverLibrary reference to the library for the selected driver
 * @param {object} options - all the options as below
 *   @param {string}  tablename or silo
 *   @param {number} [expiry] cache expiry time in seconds
 *   @param {string} [dbid] any additional driver specific item to identify it
 *   @param {object} [driverob] any additional driver specific object
 *   @param {boolean} [randomsilo=false] generate a randome silo id
 *   @param {boolean} [optout=false] opt out of analytics
 *   @param {string} [peanut] some unique user id for analaytics
 *   @param {string} [accesstoken] an oauth2 access token
 *   @param {number} [disablecache=false] don't use cache at all with this one.
 *   @param {Cache} [specificcache] a cache object to use, otherwise a public/private one belonging to cacheservice will be used
 *   @param {string} [cachecommunity] a cache community id to restrict cache to particular groups
 *   @param {boolean} [private=true] whether to use a private cache (not relevant if specificcache is passed)
 *   @param {ENUM.SETTINGS.TRANSACTIONS} [transactions=ENABLED] whether to allow transactions
 *   @param {ENUM.SETTINGS.LOCKING} [locking=ENABLED] what kind of locking to do
 *   @param {number} waitafter the number of seconds to wait after a write operation. This should typically be zero, bur orchestrate has a non zero default

"use strict";

function getLibraryInfo () {

  return { 
    info: {
      description:'abstraction database handler',

function DbAbstraction ( driverLibrary , options) {

  options = options || {};
  // legacy - translate object to old style arguments
  var tableName = options.siloid;
  var optExpiry = options.expiry;
  var driver,type;
  var optDriverSpecific = options.dbid;
  var optDriverOb = options.driverob;
  var optRandomSilo = options.randdomsilo;
  var optOptOut = options.optout;
  var optPeanut = options.peanut;
  var optAccessToken = options.accesstoken;
  var optDisableCache = options.disablecache;
  var optSpecificCache = options.specificcache;
  var self = this;
  var optOut = typeof optOptOut === typeof undefined ? true : optOptOut;
  var peanut = optPeanut || '';
  var accessToken = optAccessToken || '';
  var disableCache = optDisableCache || false;
  var cacheCommunity = options.cachecommunity;
  var currentLock_ = null;
  var private = options.private;
   * give access to constants
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @return {object} constant enums
  this.getEnums = function (){
    return dhConstants;
  var enums = self.getEnums();
  var locking_ = options.locking || enums.LOCKING.ENABLED;
  var transactions_ = options.transactions || enums.TRANSACTIONS.ENABLED;
  this.lockingState = function () {
    return locking_;
  this.transactionsState = function () {
    return transactions_;
  this.allDone = function () {
    return self.makeResults(enums.CODE.OK);
 /** create the driver version
  * @return {string} the driver version
  self.getVersion = function () {
    var v = getLibraryInfo().info;
    return + ':' + v.version;
   * recursive rateLimitExpBackoff()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {function} callBack some function to call that might return rate limit exception
   * @param {number} [sleepFor|enums.SETTINGS.SLEEPFOR] optional amount of time to sleep for on the first failure in missliseconds
   * @param {number} [maxAttempts|enums.SETTINGS.MAXATTEMPTS] optional maximum number of amounts to try
   * @param {number} [attempts=1] optional the attempt number of this instance - usually only used recursively and not user supplied
   * @return {*} results of the callback 
  this.rateLimitExpBackoff = function ( callBack, sleepFor ,  maxAttempts, attempts  ) {
    var self = this;
    return cUseful.rateLimitExpBackoff(
        sleepFor || self.getEnums().SETTINGS.SLEEPFOR, 
        maxAttempts || self.getEnums().SETTINGS.MAXATTEMPTS, 
   * forces a wait after a write for options.waitafter milliseconds
   * the only driver i think this is needed for is orchestrate which has latency in its network 
   * you only need this if you want to ensure that the change orchestrate has reported is committed is propogated through its infrastructure
   * otherwise set it to 0 - the default
   * @param {function} func what to do before waiting
   * @param {*} return whater func() returns
  this.waitAfter = function (func) {
    // do the thing
    var r = func();
    // wiat a bit if necessary (only known driver this has any effect is orchestrate
    if (options.waitafter) {
    else if (driver.WAITAFTER) {
      Utilities.sleep (driver.WAITAFTER);
    // the function result
    return r;
  * return unique string
  * @memberof DbAbstraction
  * @return {string} a unique string
  this.generateUniqueString = function () {
    return cUseful.generateUniqueString(self.getEnums().SETTINGS.ULENGTH);
   * append an aray to another
  this.arrayAppend = function (a,b) {
    return cUseful.arrayAppend(a,b);

  this.unFlatten = function (obs) {
    if (!obs) return null;
    var flat = new cFlatten.Flattener().setKeepDates (driver.keepDates), result;
    if (!Array.isArray(obs)) {
      result =  flat.unFlatten(obs);
    else {
      result = (function(d) {
        return flat.unFlatten(d);
    return result;

   * flatten an array of objects/a single object
   * @param {Array.Object|Object} obs an array of/single unflattened objects
   * @param {boolean} optConstraints whether there might be constraints to preserve
   * @return {Array.Object|Object} an array of/single flattened objects
  this.flatten = function (obs,optConstraints) {
    // flatten an object
    if (!obs) return null;
    if (Array.isArray(obs)) {
      return {
        return new cFlatten.Flattener(optConstraints ? self.getEnums().SETTINGS.CONSTRAINT : null).setKeepDates (driver.keepDates).flatten(d);
    else {
      return new cFlatten.Flattener(optConstraints ? self.getEnums().SETTINGS.CONSTRAINT : null).setKeepDates (driver.keepDates).flatten(obs);
 * DbAbstraction.escapeQuotes()
 * @memberof DbAbstraction
 * @param {string} str string to be escaped
 * @return {string} escaped string
  this.escapeQuotes = function( str ) {
    return cUseful.escapeQuotes(str);

   * check if an item is an object
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {*} obj an item to be tested
   * @return {boolean} whether its an object
  this.isObject = function (obj) {
      return cUseful.isObject(obj);

  this.clone = function (o) {
    return cUseful.clone(o);
   * get rid of fields that are specific to a driver
   * @param {Array.string} drop the name of the driverfields to drop
   * @param {string} keyName the keyName to extract -if you want it dropped too add to drop
   * @param {Array.object} obs the objects to drop them from
   * @return {object} {[obs],[keys]}
  this.dropFields = function ( drop , keyName , obs) {
    // just in case its not an array

    if (!Array.isArray(drop)) drop = drop ? [drop] : [];
    if (!Array.isArray(obs)) obs = obs ? [obs] : [] ;
    // drop all the unwanted fields
    return obs.reduce(function (p,c) {
      // split up the object into keys and data, and drop any unwanted field.
      var x =  Object.keys(c).reduce(function (cp,cc) {
        // we keep it
        if(drop.indexOf(cc) === -1) {
          cp.ob[cc] = c[cc];
        //transfer the key
        if (cc === keyName) {
          cp.key = c[cc];
        return cp;
      // add to the pile
      return p;
  this.checksum = function checksum(o) {
    // just some random start number
    var c = 23;
    var s =  (self.isObject(o) || Array.isArray(o)) ? JSON.stringify(o) : o.toString();
    for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
      c += (s.charCodeAt(i) * (i + 1));

    return c;

  var randomSilo = optRandomSilo || false;
  var siloId = randomSilo ? self.generateUniqueString() + tableName : tableName;
  var driverSpecific = optDriverSpecific;
  var driverOb = optDriverOb || null;
  var expiry = optExpiry || enums.SETTINGS.CACHEEXPIRY;

  this.getLockName = function (optType) {
    return {type:optType || type,key:driverSpecific,id:siloId};
  this.lock = function (optType) {
      return new cNamedLock.NamedLock(enums.SETTINGS.PROTECTEXPIRY).setKey(self.getLockName(optType)); 
   * select and open handler for the backend driver
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @return {object} driver for the database - normally used only inside this class
  this.setDriver = function () {
      try {
        return driverLibrary.createDriver(self,siloId,driverSpecific,driverOb, accessToken,options);
      catch(err) {
        throw err + '-an unknown database type';
  var driver = self.setDriver();
  var type = driver.getType();
  var cacheSilo = 's'+siloId+'t'+type+'d'+driverSpecific;
  var cacheHandler = new cCacheHandler.CacheHandler(expiry,cacheSilo,private,disableCache,optSpecificCache,cacheCommunity);
  var cacheVoid = new cCacheHandler.CacheHandler(expiry*2,cacheSilo,false,false,null,'void');
  var transactionId_;
  /** analytics measurement
  var ua,uap;
  if (!optOut) {
    uap = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty(enums.SETTINGS.UAKEY);
    if (uap) { 
      var uaProperties = JSON.parse(uap);
      ua = new cUAMeasure.UAMeasure (uaProperties.uaCode,, peanut, optOut , self.getVersion());

   * return the back end handler
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @return {object} driver for the database 
  this.getDriver = function () {
    return driver;
   * DbAbstraction.getTableName()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @return {string} table name or silo
  this.getTableName = function () {
    return driver.getTableName();

  this.getDBName = function () {
    for (var k in enums.DB) {
      if (type === enums.DB[k]) {
        return k;
    throw ('DB-' + type + ' error code unknown:programming error-');
  this.getTransactionId = function () {
    return transactionId_;
  this.clearTransaction = function () {
    transactionId_ = null;
  this.setTransaction = function () {
    transactionId_ = cUseful.generateUniqueString(3);
    return self.getTransactionId();
  this.rollBack = function () {
    // doesnt do anything yet

   * organize given constraints
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object|object[]} constraints constratints to be organized
   * @return {object} an object containing all the constraints

  this.constraints = function (constraints) {
    if (!Array.isArray(constraints)) constraints = [constraints];
    if (!constraints.length) return null;
    if (!Array.isArray(constraints[0])) constraints = [constraints];
    var e={};
    e[enums.SETTINGS.CONSTRAINT] ={ 
      if (!c[0]) throw ('unknown constraint:' + JSON.stringify(c));
      return {constraint:c[0],value:c[1]};
    return e;
  this.getErrorCode = function (hCode,messageText) {
    var code;
    for (var k in enums.CODE) {
      if (hCode === enums.CODE[k]) {
        code =k;
    if (typeof code==='undefined' ) { 
      throw ('code' + hCode + ' error code unknown:programming error-' + (messageText || ''));
    return code;
  this.getErrorText = function(hCode) {
    return enums.ERROR[self.getErrorCode(hCode)];
   * DbAbstraction.makeResults()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {dhConstants.CODE} handleCode the error code 0 = good, -ve = bad, +ve = warning
   * @param {string} messageText any additional error text to add to the handleError
   * @param {object} result the result code returned from the driver
   * @return {object} results 
  this.makeResults = function (handleCode,messageText,result,driverIds,handleKeys) {
    var handleError;

    var code = self.getErrorCode(handleCode,messageText);
    handleError = (messageText ? " (" + messageText + ") " : '') + enums.ERROR;
    // check that the results are valid
    if (handleCode === enums.CODE.OK && result && result.error) {
      handleError += "(" + enums.ERROR.RESULT + ")";
      handleCode = enums.CODE.RESULT;
    if (handleError) {
      handleError = '(DbAbstraction says:'+code+') '+handleError;
    var r = (result === null || typeof result === 'undefined') ? [] : result;

    var ret = {handleCode:handleCode, handleError:handleError,data:r,
    if (driver) {
      ret.driverVersion = driver.getVersion();
      ret.table = driver.getTableName();
      ret.dbId = driver.getDbId();
      ret.keyProperty = driver.getKeyProperty ? driver.getKeyProperty() : 'key';
    else {
      ret.driverVersion = 'unknown driver version';
    if (handleKeys) {
      ret.handleKeys = handleKeys;
    if (driverIds) {
      ret.driverIds = driverIds;

    return ret;

  this.uaPage = function (action) {
    return 'db'+ '_' + action +'_' +  driver.getVersion();

   * DbAbstraction.remove()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object} [queryOb] some query object 
   * @param {object} [queryParams] additional query parameters (if available)
   * @param {boolean} [noCache=0] whether to suppress cache
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  this.remove = function (queryOb,queryParams) {

    return self.uaWrap ('remove', function () {
      return driver.remove(queryOb,queryParams);
  this.uaWrap = function (what, func) {
    if (ua) {
      ua.postAppView(self.uaPage (what));
    var result = func();
    if (ua) {
    return result;
   * DbAbstraction.removeByIds()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {Array.string} ids list of handleKey ids to remove
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  this.removeByIds = function (ids) {
    if (!ids) { 
      return self.makeResults(enums.CODE.NO_ACTION,'list of ids not present in removeByIds');
    return self.uaWrap ('removeByIds', function () {
      if(!Array.isArray(ids)) ids = [ids];
      return driver.removeByIds(ids);
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object[]} obs array of objects to write
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
   */ = function (obs) {
    return self.uaWrap ('save', function () {
      var obArray = Array.isArray(obs) ? obs : [obs];

   * should be called when a databse update is done
   * any cache entries with an earlier timestamp are not valid
   * return void
  this.voidCache = function () {
    cacheVoid.putCache (self.getCob ([], 'v'),"v");
   * call with a cache object
   * if its timestamp is earlier that the last update for this silo it will return null
   * @param {object} cob 
   * @return {object | null } the arg or null if invalid
  this.usableCache = function (cob) {
    if (cob && cob.hasOwnProperty('cacheProperties')) {
      // need to get the cob associated with the silo
      var siloCob = cacheVoid.getCache ("v");
      return siloCob && siloCob.cacheProperties.timeStamp >= cob.cacheProperties.timeStamp ? null : cob;
    else {
      return cob;
   * create a timestamped cache object
   * @param {obect} data the data
   * @param {string} operation the operation
   * @return {object} the cob
  this.getCob = function (data, operation) {
    return { 
      cacheProperties: {
        timeStamp:new Date().getTime(), 
  this.cobMessage = function (cob) {
    return cob && cob.hasOwnProperty('cacheProperties') ? 
      JSON.stringify(cob.cacheProperties) + " (was written at " +  
      Utilities.formatDate(new Date(cob.cacheProperties.timeStamp),"GMT","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS") + ") " : "";
  this.cobbery = function (queryOb, queryParams, noCache , operation) {
    var cob,cached;
    //we dont use cache if in a transaction
    if (!self.getTransactionId()) {
      // if cache is noy disabled
      if (!noCache && ! disableCache) {
        // make sure that cache is still viable and get dataif any
        cob = self.usableCache(cacheHandler.getCache(queryOb,queryParams,operation));
        cached = cob && cob.hasOwnProperty('cacheProperties') ? : cob;
    // will return a results package or null
    return cob ? self.makeResults(enums.CODE.CACHE, self.cobMessage(cob), cached) : null;
   * DbAbstraction.count()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object} [queryOb] some query object 
   * @param {object} [queryParams] additional query parameters (if available)
   * @param {boolean} [noCache=0] whether to suppress cache
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  this.count = function (queryOb,queryParams,noCache) {
    return self.uaWrap ('count', function () {
        var cob = self.cobbery (queryOb,queryParams,noCache,"c");
        if (cob) {
          return cob;
        else {
          var result = driver.count(queryOb,queryParams,noCache);
          if (result.handleCode <0) {
          else {
            cacheHandler.putCache (self.getCob(,"c"),queryOb,queryParams,"c");
          return result;

   * DbAbstraction.query()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object} [queryOb] some query object 
   * @param {object} [queryParams] additional query parameters (if available)
   * @param {boolean} [noCache=0] whether to suppress cache
   * @param {boolean} [optKeepIds=false] whether or not to keep driver specifc ids in the results
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  this.query = function (queryOb,queryParams,noCache,optKeepIds) {
    var cached,result;

    var keepIds = (typeof optKeepIds === 'undefined' ?  enums.SETTINGS.KEEPIDS : optKeepIds);
    var cob;
    // we dont do caching if we need the ids
    if (!optKeepIds) { 
      cob = self.cobbery (queryOb,queryParams,noCache,"q");
    if (cob) {
      return cob;
    else {
      return self.uaWrap ('query', function () {
        // if queryOb is an array then we are doing an OR
        var doingOR = Array.isArray(queryOb);
        if (doingOR) {
          if (!Array.isArray(queryParams)) {
            queryParams = [queryParams];
          var datas = [],keys =[],dIds =[];
          code = enums.CODE.OK;
          err = '';
          queryOb.forEach (function (q,i) {
            var t = driver.query(q,queryParams.length === 1 ? queryParams[0] : queryParams[i],true);
            if (t.handleCode < 0) {
              code = t.handleCode;
              err = t.handleError;
            else {
              // concatenate results
     (function (d,j) {
                if( !keys.some(function(k) { 
                    return k === t.handleKeys[j]; 
                  })) {
          result = self.makeResults(code,err,datas,keepIds ? dIds :null,keepIds ? keys:null);
        else {
          result = driver.query(queryOb,queryParams,keepIds);
        if (result.handleCode <0) {
        else {
          cacheHandler.putCache (self.getCob(,"q"),queryOb,queryParams,"q");
        return result;

   * DbAbstraction.get()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {string} key some unqiue key as returned by handleKeys
   * @param {boolean} [noCache=0] whether to suppress cache
   * @param {boolean} [keepIds=false] whether or not to keep driver specifc ids in the results
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  this.get = function (key,noCache,optKeepIds) {

    return self.uaWrap ('get', function () {
      var cached;
      var keepIds = (typeof optKeepIds === 'undefined' ?  enums.SETTINGS.KEEPIDS : optKeepIds);
      var cString = "g"+keepIds;

      var cob;
      if(!optKeepIds) { 
        cob = self.cobbery (key,undefined,noCache,cString);
      if (cob) {
        return cob;
      else {

        var result = driver.get(key,keepIds);

        if (result.handleCode <0) {
        else {
          cacheHandler.putCache (self.getCob(,cString),key,undefined,cString);
        return result;

   * DbAbstraction.update()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {string} key some unqiue key as returned by handleKeys
   * @param {object}  ob what to update it to
   * @return {object} results from selected handler
  this.update = function (key,ob) {
    return self.uaWrap ('update', function () {
        return driver.update(key,ob);
   * DbAbstraction.getDriveHandle()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @return {object} the driver handle
  this.getDriveHandle = function () {
    return  driver.getDriveHandle() ;
   * DbAbstraction.isHappy()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @return {boolean} whether the driver is ready to use
  this.isHappy = function () {
    return (driver && self.getDriveHandle() && driver.getTableName() && type ) ? true : false;
  // utility functions for use by driver
  this.makeUseParams = function(paramsData) {
    // set a more convenient params object
    return paramsData.reduce (function (p,c) {
      p[c.param] = c;
      return p;
   * DbAbstraction.getQueryParams()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object} [queryParams] additional query parameters (if available)
   * @return {object} results the parameters sorted out
  this.getQueryParams = function(queryParams) {
    var result =[], handleError='', handleCode=enums.CODE.OK, order =['sort','skip','limit'];
    if (queryParams) {
       // need to ensure we do sort before limit
        result = Object.keys(queryParams).sort (function (a,b) {
          var ka = order.indexOf(a);
          var kb = order.indexOf(b);
          // deal with unknown parameters
          if (kb === -1) return 1;
          if (ka === -1) return -1;
          // sort according to order in order array
          return  ka < kb ? -1 : (ka === kb ? 0 : 1);
        .map (function(q) {

          if (q==='sort') {
            var sortDescending = (queryParams[q].slice(0,1) === '-');
            var sortKey = sortDescending ? queryParams[q].slice(1) : queryParams[q];
            return {param:q,sortKey:sortKey,sortDescending:sortDescending,value:queryParams[q]};
          else  { 
            var v = parseInt(queryParams[q],10);
            if (q==='limit' || q==='skip') {
              if (!isNaN(v)) {
                return q === 'limit' ? {param:q,limit:v,value:queryParams[q]} : {param:q,skip:v,value:queryParams[q]};
              else {
                handleError = 'Invalid vaue for ' + q + ':' + queryParams[q];
                handleCode = enums.CODE.PROPERTY;
                return null;
            else {
            // this could be some custom parameter for the driver i cant validate
              return {param:q,value:queryParams[q]};

    return self.makeResults(handleCode,handleError,result);
   * DbAbstraction.makeQuote()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {*} item quote a string if its a string
   * @param {string} [optForce=false] if this is supposed to be a string, convert it to as tring and quote it
   * @param {string} [optTheQuote='] the kind of quote to use
   * @return {object} escaped string
  this.makeQuote = function (item,optForce,optTheQuote) {
    // add quotes if necessary
    var theQuote = optTheQuote || "'";
    var fType = optForce ? optForce.toUpperCase() : '';
    if ( ( fType !== "NUMBER") || (!fType && (typeof item === "string" || cUseful.isDateObject(item))) ) {
      return theQuote + item.toString().replace(theQuote, "\\" + theQuote ) + theQuote;
    else {
      return isNaN(item) && optForce && optForce.toUpperCase() === "NUMBER" ? theQuote + theQuote : item;

   * DbAbstraction.cleanPropertyName()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {string} name tidy of this name to contain good property names
   * @return {object} cleaner string
  this.cleanPropertyName = function (name) {
    var a,b,r=/[^a-zA-Z_#@0-9\.]/;
    if (name) {
      a = name.slice(0,1);
      if (/[^a-zA-Z_]/.test(a)) {
        name = "_" + name;
      name = name.replace ( r , "_");
      if (name.length > enums.SETTINGS.MAXPROPERTYNAME) name = name.slice(0,enums.SETTINGS.MAXPROPERTYNAME);
    return name;
   * DbAbstraction.renameProperty()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object} ob  object containing the property to be renamed
   * @param {string} fromProp the name of property to be renamed  
   * @param {string} toProp what to rename the property as
   * @return {object} the object
  this.renameProperty = function(ob,fromProp, toProp) {
    ob[toProp] = ob[fromProp];
    delete ob[fromProp];
    return ob;
   * DbAbstraction.cleanPropertyNames()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object} ob  object containing the properties to be checked and cleaned up
   * @return {object} the object
  this.cleanPropertyNames = function (ob) {
    if (ob) {
      var ks = [];
      // because the indices will get touched...
      for (var k in ob) {
      ks.forEach(function(k) {
        // recurse for children
        if (typeof ob[k] === 'object' ) {
          self.cleanPropertyNames (ob[k]);
        if (!Array.isArray(ob)) {
          var a = self.cleanPropertyName(k);
          var idx = 0,t='';
          // avoid duplicate property names
          if (a !== k) {
            while (ob.hasOwnProperty(a+t)) {
              t = a + "_" + idx;
            self.renameProperty (ob , k , a+t);
    return ob;
   * DbAbstraction.processParams()
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object} [queryParams] apply these parameters
   * @param {object} inputData to this data  
   * @return {object} a results object containing the status and the modified data
  this.processParams = function (queryParams,inputData) {
    var handleError='',handleCode=enums.CODE.OK,hk =[];

     // need to remember the index
    var sData = (function (d,i) {
      return {d:d,index:i};
    var params = self.getQueryParams(queryParams);

    if (params.handleCode === enums.CODE.OK) {

      // we have an array of good query params
      if( { function (e) {
          if(e.param === 'sort') {
            sData.sort (function (a,b) {
              var ad = ? : a.d;
              var bd = ? : b.d;
              var as = ad[e.sortKey],bs = bd[e.sortKey];
              return (as < bs ? -1 : ( as===bs ? 0 : 1)) * (e.sortDescending ? -1 : 1);
          else if (e.param === 'limit') {
            sData = sData.slice(0,e.limit);
          else if (e.param ==='skip') {
            sData = sData.slice (e.skip);

          else {
            handleError = e.param;
            handleCode = enums.CODE.PARAMNOTIMPLEMENTED;
    else {
      handleError = params.handleError;
      handleCode = params.handleCode;
    return self.makeResults(handleCode,handleError, { return d.d; }),undefined, { return d.index; }));

   * DbAbstraction.processFilters() - can be used to post process data if the driver is unable to handle constraints or filters
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object} [queryOb] apply these constraints and query
   * @param {object} inputData to this data  
   * @return {object} a results object containing the status and the modified data
  this.processFilters = function (queryOb,inputData) {
    var handleError='',handleCode=enums.CODE.OK;
    var sData = (function (d,i) {
      return {d:d,index:i};
    if (queryOb) {
      var fob = new cFlatten.Flattener(enums.SETTINGS.CONSTRAINT).setKeepDates (driver.keepDates).flatten(queryOb);
      var f = new cFlatten.Flattener().setKeepDates (driver.keepDates);
      sData = sData.filter (function (row,i) {
        var rd = f.flatten( ? : row.d);
        return Object.keys(fob).every(function(k) {
          return self.constraintFilter(rd,fob,k);


    return self.makeResults(handleCode,handleError, { return d.d; }),undefined, { return d.index; }));
   * DbAbstraction.processFilters() - can be used to post process data if the driver is unable to handle constraints 
   * @memberof DbAbstraction
   * @param {object} rd flattened data row
   * @param {object} fob a flattened object
   * @param {object} k the index of the query item to process
   * @return {boolean} whether this row should be included in the result
  this.constraintFilter = function (rd,qob,k) {
    if (qob[k].hasOwnProperty(enums.SETTINGS.CONSTRAINT)) {
      return qob[k][enums.SETTINGS.CONSTRAINT].every ( function (c) {
        var good=  ( c.constraint === enums.CONSTRAINTS.LT && rd[k] < c.value ) ||
                 ( c.constraint === enums.CONSTRAINTS.LTE && rd[k] <= c.value ) ||
                 ( c.constraint === enums.CONSTRAINTS.GT && rd[k] > c.value ) ||
                 ( c.constraint === enums.CONSTRAINTS.GTE && rd[k] >= c.value ) ||
                 ( c.constraint === enums.CONSTRAINTS.NE && rd[k] !== c.value ) ||
                 ( c.constraint === enums.CONSTRAINTS.EQ && rd[k] === c.value ) ||
                 ( c.constraint === enums.CONSTRAINTS.IN && c.value.indexOf(rd[k]) >= 0) ||
                 ( c.constraint === enums.CONSTRAINTS.NIN && c.value.indexOf(rd[k]) < 0 ) ;
        return good;
    else if (rd.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
      return rd[k] === qob[k];
    else {
      handleError =  k;
      handleCode = enums.CODE.PROPERTY;
      return false;
  * checks that the transaction matches the one stored
  * @param {string} id transaction id
  * @return {boolean} whether id matches
  self.isTransaction = function (id) {
    return driver.getTransactionBox && driver.getTransactionBox() && driver.getTransactionBox().id === id ;
  self.inTransaction = function () {
    return self.isTransaction( self.getTransactionId());
   * transaction wrapper
   * @param {function} transactionFunction things that need to happen inside a transaction
   * @param {object} options any options you want to pass on to your transaction function
   * @return {object} a normal result package
  this.transaction = function (transactionFunction , options) {
    // get id of current transaction if any
    var id = self.getTransactionId();
    // if there was already one under way that's a bad thing
    if (id) { 
      // report a transaction within a transaction as an error
      var results= makeResults (enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_FAILURE);
      results.transaction = {
        id: id,
        code: enums.CODE.OK,
      results.transaction = transaction;
      return results;

    // set up new transaction
    var transaction = {
      id: self.setTransaction(),
      code: enums.CODE.OK,

    // the rules
    // if a driver is transaction aware
    //   it knows about locking regime of a transaction
    //   the entire transaction will be locked
    //   the items of the transaction are forbidden to do any locking
    // further, a transaction capable driver will be able to do rollback etc.
    // for non-aware drivers, a transaction is a non event - nothing happens, the parts of it are executed normally
    // if transactions are disabled, then all drivers are treated as non-transaction aware
    var transactionAware = driver.transactionAware && self.transactionsState() === enums.TRANSACTIONS.ENABLED;
    var transactionCapable = transactionAware && driver.transactionCapable;
    // if locking is disabled then no locking is done on the transaction
    var lockingEnabled = self.lockingState() !== enums.LOCKING.DISABLED && !driver.lockingBypass;
    var transactionLockBypass = !transactionAware || !lockingEnabled;    
    // enclose the whole transaction 
    var result = doGuts_ ( transactionLockBypass ,  "transaction:" , function (bypass) {
      // only applies to drivers that are able to do transactions
      if (transactionCapable) {

        // let the driver know it's doing a transaction
        // do the work
        try {
          // get the current state data, and execute the transaction contents
          var r = transactionFunction (self , options);
          if (r.handleCode < 0 ) {
          else {
            // commit the transaction
            if (driver.getTransactionBox().dirty) {
            var r = driver.commitTransaction(;
            transaction.code = r.handleCode;
            transaction.error = r.handleError;
        catch (err) {
          var r = self.makeResults(enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_FAILURE, err);

        return r;
      else {
        // the function is executed normally.
        // the driver should detect whether it is part of a transaction and act accordingly
        transaction.code = enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_INCAPABLE;
        transaction.error = self.getErrorText(transaction.code);
        // do the thing
        return transactionFunction (self , options); 
    // mark transaction as over
    result.transaction = transaction;
    return result;
    function localRollBack() {
      var r = driver.rollbackTransaction(;
      transaction.code = r.handleCode < 0 ? enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_FAILED :  enums.CODE.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK;
      transaction.error = self.getErrorText(transaction.code);
  self.getCurrentLock = function () {
    return currentLock_;
  * convenience function to apply  locking on a write type operation
  * @param {string} what comment for locking debuging
  * @param {function} func what to wrap if not in transaction
  * @param {function} transactionFunc to wrap
  * @return {object} whatever func() returns
  self.readGuts = function (what, func, transactionFunc) {
    return doGuts_ (self.lockingState() !== enums.LOCKING.AGGRESSIVE  , 'aggressive ' + what , func, transactionFunc) ;
  * convenience function to apply  locking on a write type operation
  * @param {string} what comment for locking debuging
  * @param {function} func what to wrap if not in transaction
  * @param {function} transactionFunc to wrap
  * @return {object} whatever func() returns
  self.writeGuts = function (what, func, transactionFunc) {
    return self.waitAfter( function () {
      return doGuts_ (self.lockingState() === enums.LOCKING.DISABLED   ,  what , func , transactionFunc) ;
  function doGuts_ (bypass , what , func, transactionFunc ) {

    if (self.getCurrentLock()) {
      return transactionFunc ? transactionFunc(bypass) : func(bypass);
    else {
      if (bypass) {
        // been told not to bother
        return func(bypass);
      else {
          // need to get a lock and execute the function
          return self.lock().protect (what, function (lock) { 

            // save the allocated lock to avoid  deadlocking inside the lamda
            currentLock_ = lock;
            // run the function
            var result  = func(bypass) ;
            // all is good lock can be forgotten
            currentLock_ = null;
            return result;


  return self;

For more on this see Parallel processing in Apps Script and  Database abstraction with google apps script