To take the idea covered in Getting lists as a restquery a little further, why not simple expose all the custom blister functions so they can be queried too. This means that you can use exactly the same lists, and have the same lookup, filtering and sorting capability as from the custom functions in GAS.

The Google Script API URL


These are passed on the URL as usual. Remember that everything is case sensitive, and not all functions need all parameters.
 parameter  usage
 func  the name of any custom blister functions. For example, func=blisterData
 listName  the name of the list to get the data for. For example, listName=blister.airlines
 sortId  the listId to sort on, for example, sortId=carrier
 sortDescending  whether to sort descending or not
 listId  the listId to select, for example, listId=name
 idx  the position of the item, for example, idx=20
 value  the value to lookup, for example value=UA
 returnListId  the listId of the data to return, for example, returnListId=name
 library  the name of the library to directory, for example, library=blister
 filters  the list of filterIDs and filterValue pairs to apply, separated by commas, for example, filters=carrier,UA


[["currencies","List of currencies and exchange rates by country and ISO code"],["languageCodes","list of language codes by country"],["champagne","volume of champagne shipped"],["billboardhot100","billboard top 100"],["airlines","list of airlines and their flight codes"]]


Try some of the examples in Using blister custom functions as these type of rest queries.

The Code

is fairly trivial – all we are doing is calling existing functions
// Handle rest calls to custom blister queries
function doGet(e) {

       return ContentService
            .setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON); ;     


function handleCalls(e) {
  //example ?func=blisterList&listName=blister.airlines&listId=name&filters=carrier,UA
  // emulate what the custom function would pass
  var p = e.parameter, 
      fun = p.func, 
      sortId = p.sortId || null, 
      sortDescending = p.sortDescending || null,
      maxMatch = p.maxMatch || null,
      listId = p.listId || null,
      idx = p.idx || null, 
      value = p.value || null, 
      listName = p.listName || null,
      returnListId = p.returnListId || null,
      library=p.library|| null,
      filters = p.filters ? p.filters.split(",") : null;
  if (fun != 'blisterDirectory' && !listName) throw ("you must provide a listName");
  switch (fun) {
    case 'blisterData':
      return blisterData.apply(null, stackArguments(filters,listName, sortId, sortDescending, maxMatch));
    case 'blisterList': 
      return blisterList.apply(null, stackArguments(filters,listName, listId, sortId, sortDescending, maxMatch));       
    case 'blisterIndex':
      return blisterIndex.apply(null, stackArguments(filters, listName, idx, listId, sortId, sortDescending)); 
    case 'blisterMatch':
      return blisterMatch.apply(null, stackArguments( filters,listName, value, listId, sortId, sortDescending, maxMatch));

    case 'blisterLookup':
      return blisterLookup.apply(null, stackArguments(filters, listName, value, listId, returnListId, sortId, sortDescending, maxMatch));
    case 'blisterUnique':
      return blisterUnique.apply(null, stackArguments( filters,listName,  listId, sortId, sortDescending, maxMatch));

    case 'blisterHeaders':
      return blisterHeaders.apply(null, stackArguments(filters, listName,  listId));
    case 'blisterDescription':
      return blisterDescription.apply(null,stackArguments(filters, listName));

    case 'blisterUpdateDate':
      return blisterUpdateDate.apply(null,stackArguments(filters, listName));
    case 'blisterDirectory':
      return blisterDirectory.apply(null,stackArguments(filters,library));

      throw (fun + ' is not a valid blister function (remember it is case sensitive)');

// kind of funky since we need to create a paramarray of optional arguments for filters
function stackArguments () {
  // the first arg is the array to tag on at end - the rest are the arguments
  var a = Array.slice(arguments);
  // these are the regular arguments
  var b = a.slice(1);
  // these are the optional filter ones
  if (a[0]) {
    for (var i=0;i<a[0].length;i++) b.push(a[0][i]);
  return b;
All comments, suggestions, assistance, good lists are welcome as I develop this capability. You can get me on Google plus, Twitter or this forum.