cDataRow is a row of cCell . The sid argument refers to the column either by column name or number. Where sid optional and omitted the complete row is operated on. Where sid is present the cCell it addresses in the cDataRow is operated on.
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For example
will refresh the entire row and cDataRow.cell("London").Refresh()
will refresh a specific cell. cDataRow.refresh()
is equivalent to cDataSet.row("some rowid").refresh()
You can find the methods and properties documentation on github and the source colde below or on Github
' :do not modify this line - see for details: updated on 8/18/2014 4:47:43 PM : from manifest:3414394 gist
'a collection of data Cells representing one row of data '
Option Explicit
'v 2.02
'for more about this
'to contact me ''
'reuse of code '
Private pCollect As Collection ' a collection of data Cells - one for every column in this row
Private pWhere As Range
Private pParent As cDataSet
Private pRow As Long
Private pHidden As Boolean
Public Property Get hidden()
hidden = pHidden
End Property
Public Property Get parent() As cDataSet
Set parent = pParent
End Property
Public Property Get row() As Long
row = pRow
End Property
Public Property Get columns() As Collection
Set columns = pCollect
End Property
Public Property Get where() As Range
Set where = pWhere
End Property
Public Property Get cell(sid As Variant, Optional complain As Boolean = False) As cCell
Dim c As cCell
Set c = exists(sid)
If c Is Nothing And complain Then
MsgBox (CStr(sid) & " is not a known column heading")
End If
Set cell = c
End Property
Public Property Get value(sid As Variant) As Variant
Dim cc As cCell
Set cc = cell(sid)
If Not cc Is Nothing Then
value = cc.value
End If
End Property
Public Property Get values(Optional bIncludeKey = False) As Variant
Dim cc As cCell
ReDim a(1 To columns.count) As Variant
For Each cc In columns
If cc.column <> pParent.keyColumn Or bIncludeKey Then
a(cc.column) = cc.value Else
a(cc.column) = Empty
End If
Next cc
values = a
End Property
Public Function find(v As Variant, Optional bIncludeKey = False) As cCell
Dim cc As cCell
For Each cc In columns
If cc.column <> pParent.keyColumn Or bIncludeKey Then
If makeKey(cc.value) = makeKey(v) Then
Set find = cc
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next cc
End Function
Public Function max(Optional bIncludeKey = False) As Variant
max = Application.WorksheetFunction.max(values(bIncludeKey))
End Function
Public Function min(Optional bIncludeKey = False) As Variant
max = Application.WorksheetFunction.min(values(bIncludeKey))
End Function
Public Function refresh(Optional sid As Variant) As Variant
Dim dt As cCell, v As Variant
If IsMissing(sid) Then
For Each dt In columns v = dt.refresh
Next dt Else refresh = cell(sid).refresh
End If
End Function
Public Sub Commit(Optional p As Variant, Optional sid As Variant)
Dim dt As cCell
If IsMissing(sid) Then
For Each dt In columns dt.Commit p
Next dt Else cell(sid).Commit p
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get toString(sid As Variant, Optional sFormat As String = vbNullString) As String toString = cell(sid).toString(sFormat)
End Property
Public Function create(dset As cDataSet, rDataRow As Range, nRow As Long, _ rv As Variant) As cDataRow
Dim rCell As Range, dcell As cCell, hcell As cCell, hr As cHeadingRow, n As Long
Dim r As Range, dc As cDataColumn
Set pWhere = rDataRow
Set pParent = dset pRow = nRow n = 0 ' recordfilter
pHidden = False
If (pParent.recordFilter) Then
pHidden = rDataRow.EntireRow.hidden
End If
If pRow = 0 Then ' we are doing a headingrow
For Each r In pWhere.Cells n = n 1
If IsEmpty(r) Then
MsgBox ("unexpected blank heading cell at " & SAd(r))
Exit Function
End If
Debug.Assert Not IsEmpty(r)
Set dcell = New cCell With
dcell pCollect.add .create(Me, n, r), makeKey(CStr(r.value))
End With
Next r
Set hr = pParent.headingRow
For Each hcell In hr.headings
' create a cell to hold it in
Set rCell = rDataRow.Cells(1, hcell.column)
Set dcell = New cCell dcell.create Me, hcell.column,
rCell, rv(nRow - 1 LBound(rv, 1),
hcell.column - 1 LBound(rv, 2))
pCollect.add dcell
' set the type of column
Set dc = pParent.columns(hcell.column)
With dc
If Not IsEmpty(rCell) Then
If .typeofColumn <> eTCmixed Then
If IsDate(rCell.value) Then
If .typeofColumn <> eTCdate Then
If .typeofColumn = eTCunknown Then
.typeofColumn = eTCdate
Else .typeofColumn = eTCmixed
End If
End If
ElseIf IsNumeric(rCell.value) Then
If .typeofColumn <> eTCnumeric Then
If .typeofColumn = eTCunknown Then
.typeofColumn = eTCnumeric Else
.typeofColumn = eTCmixed
End If
End If
Else If .typeofColumn <> eTCtext Then
If .typeofColumn = eTCunknown Then
.typeofColumn = eTCtext Else
.typeofColumn = eTCmixed
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End With
Next hcell
End If
Set create = Me
End Function
Private Function exists(sid As Variant) As cCell
On Error GoTo handle
If VarType(sid) = vbLong Or VarType(sid) = vbInteger Then
Set exists = pCollect(sid) Else
Set exists = pCollect(pParent.headings(makeKey(CStr(sid))).column)
End If
Exit Function
handle: Set exists = Nothing
End Function
Public Sub tearDown()
' clean up
Dim cc As cCell
If Not pCollect Is Nothing Then
For Each cc In columns cc.tearDown Next
cc Set pCollect = Nothing
End If
Set pParent = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pCollect = New Collection
End Sub
methods and properties