js proxy
Apps Script

Extending a cache client with a proxy

Extend a client library object by proxying and intercepting calls to its native methods. This example adds functionality to a redis client, and also gives tips on using GCP secret manger for configuration. […]

Full Stack

Local variables in Redis Lua scripts

In Redis and Lua scripting I described getting started with the Lua scripting language for Redis. It is a great way to make sure that all the Redis actions that need to, can execute without interruption. In […]

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Full Stack

Fixing out of sync server times

In My server times are out of sync! I showed a formula to smooth the time differences between multiple servers when working in a collaborative environment, but I started not to believe the results so set out […]

Full Stack

Redis and Lua scripting

If you are not familiar with Redis, then you should go check it out. It’s a persistent cache that has many great features. Of course it’s not really a database, so preserving atomicity during transactions can […]

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Full Stack

My server times are out of sync!

When you are dealing with an app that uses several different servers, and which relies on timestamps for workflow activities, it’s very hard to understand what’s going on when the server times are out of […]

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Full Stack

Preserving TTL for redis item update

When you update an item in Redis, there’s no real difference than setting it for the first time. That means that the expire time (TTL) on the original record will be lost, but if you […]