Each night I used to run a scheduled task which took the Google Analytics data for this site when it was on Google Sites and matched it up to the site pages. At the time of writing I had 1000 different pages in analytics to match over 500 pages on my site.

You can take a copy of the code here

Avoiding the 6 minute limit.

As usual, with such a lot of content, I have to worry about the 6 minute execution time limit. There were a number of approaches I could have taken to cut the work into chunks – such as Parallel processing in Apps Script, but this process is a recursive one – and it’s kind of complicated to cut up. The thing that takes most time is to go off and get G+ counts for each page, and domain name variants on that page (for example sites.google.com/a/mcpher.com/abc is actually the same page as ramblings.mcpher.com/abc and www.mcpher.com/abc but they are, sometimes .. but strangely not always, seen as different pages by G+).
So that’s 2000 URL fetches right there. Allow .3 seconds for each and i’ve already blown the limit, not even accounting for having to backoff when I hit URLFetch per second quota.
Luckily caching can come to rescue. I use this method – Extract the plus one counts from a page to get the g+ data, but I run a section of the overall process a few times first, knowing that it will probably run out of execution time. However running it, fills up cache  (about 10 times as fast) with the results , so that when I come to run the real process, all the g+ results will already be in cache and everything can finish comfortably within the quotas.
Here’s the snippet that I run a few times
function preCachePlusOnes() {
  // if we do this first & seperately we can limit execution time
  // all this does is get the site and populate cache so that when we run the real thing it picks it up from cache
  // can be scheduled to run a couple of times to make sure it picks up everything
  // get the parameters for this site
  var options = cSiteStats.getOptions('ramblings');
    // this is the site i'm working with
  var site = SitesApp.getSite(options.domain, options.site);
  // get all the pages on the site
  var root = getPages(site);
  // add plus 1 counts
  addPlusOneCounts (root,options,true);

So my scheduled triggers look like this

Here is what ran less regularly and populated the database with all the statistics
 * create an popularity page for each page on a site and update each page with it
var DEBUGGING = false;

var p1SAFE = {

// keep plus ones in cache for a few hours
var cache = new cCacheHandler.CacheHandler(60*60*5,'sitePlusOnes',false);

// leave comment - hack to provoke an authorization dialog. Drive.Files.copy(resource, fileId)
// create tracing object - need to have enabled drive advanced service to get a properly scoped token
var trace = new cChromeTrace.ChromeTrace().setAccessToken(ScriptApp.getOAuthToken());

function onceCachePlusOnes() {
  /** dont run this again
  var data = getDb()

  .map  (function (d) {
    return {
      url: d.page.url ,
      plusOnes: d.page.plusOnes
  .filter (function (d) {
    return d.pageType !== PAGETYPES.SECTION;

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(p1SAFE.id).getSheetByName(p1SAFE.name)

  // write to sheet for safety
  new cUseful.Fiddler(sheet)
  .setData (data)
  return data;

//dont want to lose the old data as plusOnes have disappeared
function simCachePlusOnes() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(p1SAFE.id).getSheetByName(p1SAFE.name);
  Logger.log ('opening ' + JSON.stringify(p1SAFE));
  var data =  new cUseful.Fiddler(sheet).getData();

  var result = data.reduce (function (p,c) {
    p[c.url] = c.plusOnes;  
    return p;

  return result;

function oldpreCachePlusOnes() {
  // if we do this first & seperately we can limit execution time
  // all this does is get the site and populate cache so that when we run the real thing it picks it up from cache
  // can be scheduled to run a couple of times to make sure it picks up everything
  trace.begin ("preCachePlusOnes");
  try {
    trace.begin ("setup");
    // get the parameters for this site
    var options = cSiteStats.getOptions('ramblings');
      // this is the site i'm working with
    var site = SitesApp.getSite(options.domain, options.site);
    trace.end ("setup");
    // get all the pages on the site
    var root = getPages(site);
    trace.end ("getPages");
    // add plus 1 counts
    addPlusOneCounts (root,options,true);
    done ({args:{success:true}});
  catch (err) {
    done ({args:{success:false, err:err}});
    throw err;

  function done (args) {
    trace.end ('preCachePlusOnes' , args );
    trace.dump ('/Published Scripts/analytics');
function analyzePages() {
  // describe the analytics and database and analytics
  var now = new Date();
  // get the parameters for this site
  var options = cSiteStats.getOptions('ramblings');
  // set the dates for this analysis
  options.periods = [ 
        name:'Past Month', 
        start:new Date(now.getYear() , now.getMonth() -1 , now.getDate()),
        end:new Date(now.getYear() , now.getMonth() , now.getDate()-1,23,59,59,999)
        name:'Past Year', 
        start:new Date(now.getYear() -1 , now.getMonth() ,now.getDate()),
        end:new Date(now.getYear() , now.getMonth() , now.getDate()-1,23,59,59,999)
        name:'All Time'
  // this is the site i'm working with
  var site = SitesApp.getSite(options.domain, options.site);
  // get all the pages on the site
  var root = getPages(site);
  // nowadays, the plusOnes are not updated - so just keep carrying them forward
  var plusOnes = simCachePlusOnes();

  // add plus 1 counts
  addPlusOneCounts (plusOnes,root,options,true);
  // add analytics objects
  addAnalyticStats (root, options);
  // find potential topics
  markPageTypes (root, options , site.getUrl());
  var topics = makeTopics(root,options);
  addAnalyticStats (topics, options);
  // create a set of analytics for each of these periods
  options.periods.forEach ( function(d,i) {
    // now get the analytics data - for each period
    matchAnalytics ( getAnalytics(options.propertyId,d.start,d.end) , root, site.getUrl(),i);
  // accumulate topics
  accumulate ( topics, options);
  // rank within topics
  rank (topics, options);
  // combine the topic and page data
  var tood = combine(topics,topics, site.getUrl());
  // commit
  refreshDb ( options, tood);


// the model for the stats package
function newAnalyticObject(periodName) {
  return { 
      name: periodName,

function rank (topicRoot, options) {

  options.periods.forEach (function(period, j ) {

    [topicRoot.pages, topicRoot.children].forEach (function (m) {
      cUseful.arrayRank( m,
        function (a,b) {
          return b.analytics[j].pageViews - a.analytics[j].pageViews;
        function (d,r,a) {
          d.analytics[j].rank = r; 
          d.analytics[j].universe = a.length;
          d.analytics[j].favorite = a[0].getUrl();
          d.analytics[j].favoriteTitle = a[0].getTitle();
          return d;
        function (d) {
          return d.analytics[j].rank;
  topicRoot.children.forEach (function (d) {
    rank (d, options);
  return topicRoot;

// discovers which pages are topic roots
function markPageTypes (root, options, siteUrl) {

  // identify urls that can be used as topics
  var url = root.getUrl();
  if (!root.getParent()) {
    root.setPageType ( PAGETYPES.TOPICROOT);
  else if (url === siteUrl + options.base + options.root || url === siteUrl ) {
    root.setPageType (PAGETYPES.SECTION);

  root.children.forEach (function (d) {
    if (root.getPageType() === PAGETYPES.SECTION) {
      d.setPageType (PAGETYPES.TOPICROOT);
    markPageTypes (d , options, siteUrl);

 * this is a stats package to accumulate pageview summaries in
 * @param {PageTreeObject} root the top of the branch to look at
 * @param {object} options
function addAnalyticStats (root, options) {
  options.periods.forEach (function (d) {
  root.children.forEach (function (d) {
    addAnalyticStats ( d , options);

function addPlusOneCounts (plusOnes,root) {

  root.plusOnes = plusOnes [root.getUrl()] || 1;  
  root.children.forEach( function (d) {
    addPlusOneCounts (plusOnes,d);

 * this add gplus summaries
 * @param {PageTreeObject} root the top of the branch to look at
 * @param {Object} options site options for alternate roots
 * @return {PageTreeObject} root
function oldAddPlusOneCounts (root,options,optCache) {
  trace.begin (root.getUrl());
  root.plusOnes = canonPlusOnes ( root.getUrl() , options, optCache);
  trace.counter("recurseChildren",{args:{ childrenCount:root.children.length}});
  root.children.forEach( function (d) {
    addPlusOneCounts (d,options,optCache);
  trace.end (root.getUrl());
  return root;

function canonPlusOnes (pageUrl,options,optCache) {

  var r = getPlusOneCount (pageUrl,true);
  Logger.log(pageUrl + r);
  // if you have a Google Site with redirection .. eg 
  // https://sites.google.com/a/mcpher.com/share/Home/somewhere
  // mapping to 
  // https://ramblings.mcpher.com/somewhere
  // then for g+ stats they are not recognized as the same after the base of the site
  // so this is about trying various variants if we get a zero
  if (options) {
    // add alternate roots
    options.alternateRoots.forEach ( function(d) {
      if (!r) {
        var qPage = pageUrl.replace (options.siteRoot + options.domain + '/' + options.site, d);
        if (qPage !== pageUrl) { 
          r += getPlusOneCount(qPage,optCache); 
  return r;

// match up the site pages to the analytics pages
function matchAnalytics ( analytics, root, siteUrl, period) {

  // create somewhere to store non-matches
  var base = siteUrl.replace(/\/$/,"");
  // for each analytics record, attempt to match it to a site url 
  var x =0;
  analytics.forEach (function(d) {
    var pto = matchToPto (root , d ,base);
    if (!pto) {
      // could not find a good match
      Logger.log('no match for ' + JSON.stringify(d));
    else {
      // found a good match add the counts
  function addAnalytics(pto,d,period){
    // find the period for this item or add it
    var p = pto.analytics[period] ;
    // we have some pageviews for this site page
    p.pageViews += parseInt(d.pageViews,10);
    p.varieties ++;

function matchToPto( root, data ,base) {
  // match analytics url to page url so far
  var match;
  // objective is to find the best match .. continuing to drill down until no more.
  if (root.getUrl() === (base + data.pagePath).slice (0,root.getUrl().length)) {
    match = root;
    // may it matches the children of this guy
    root.children.forEach (function (d) {
      var m = matchToPto (d , data , base);
       // pick the match with the longest url (for example x/y/long would match, but x/y/longer would be better.
      if (match && m && m.getUrl().length > match.getUrl().length) match = m;
  return match;

function TopicTreeObject(parent,pto) {
  var page_ = pto;
  var parent_ = parent;
  var self = this;
  this.pages = [];
  this.children = [];
  this.analytics = [];
  this.plusOnes = 0;
  this.getPage = function() {
    return page_;

  self.getParent = function () {
    return parent_;
  self.getUrl = function () {
    return self.getPage().getUrl();
  self.getTitle = function () {
    return self.getPage().getTitle();
  self.getName = function () {
    return self.getPage().getName();
  this.express = function () {
    return {
      url: self.getUrl(),
      numChildren: self.children.length,
      analytics: self.analytics,
      name: self.getName(),
      title: self.getTitle(),

function accumulate(topicRoot,options) {

  topicRoot.pages.forEach(function(d) {
    for (t = topicRoot ; t && t.analytics ; t = t.getParent() ) {
      accumulateItems (t , d , options);
  topicRoot.children.forEach(function(d) {
    accumulate (d,options);
  return topicRoot;
  function accumulateItems (topicRoot, item , options) {
    options.periods.forEach(function(p,j) {
      topicRoot.analytics[j].pageViews += item.analytics[j].pageViews;
      topicRoot.analytics[j].varieties += item.analytics[j].varieties;
    topicRoot.plusOnes += item.plusOnes;


 * make an array of single rows for each page with the stats of its opic and the site
 * @param {object} topics the root of the topics object
 * @param {object} topicRoot the currently processing the topics object
 * @param {string} siteUrl the url of the site
 * @return {Array.object} the results ready for storing
function combine (topics,topicRoot,siteUrl,result) {

  result = result || [];
  topicRoot.pages.forEach(function(d) {
    result.push ( {siteUrl:siteUrl, topic:topicRoot.express(), page:d.express(), site:topics.express()} ) ;
  topicRoot.children.forEach(function(d) {
    combine (topics,d,siteUrl,result);
  return result;


 * make a topic tree with each page belonging to it
 * @param {object} root the page to add
 * @param {object} topicRoot the currently processing the topics object
 * @return {Array.object} the results ready for storing
function makeTopics(root,topicRoot) {  
  // make a topic tree
  if ( root.getTopicRoot()) {
    var link = topicRoot ? topicRoot.children : null;
    topicRoot = new TopicTreeObject (topicRoot, root);
    if (link) link.push (topicRoot);
  topicRoot.pages.push (root);
  root.children.forEach(function(d) {
    makeTopics (d,topicRoot);
  return topicRoot;

 * PageTreeObject
 * @constructor
 * @param {PageTreeObject} parent the parent
 * @param {Page} page a Sites Page
 * @return {PageTreeObject} self
function PageTreeObject (parent,page) {
  // one of these for each known page
  var parent_ = parent;
  var page_ = page;
  var topicRoot_ = false;
  var topic_;
  var self = this;
  var url_, pageType_=  PAGETYPES.REGULAR;

  this.analytics =[];
  this.children = [];
  this.plusOnes = 0;
  this.getParent = function() {
    return parent;
  this.getPage = function () {
    return page_;
  this.getPageType = function () {
    return pageType_;
  this.setPageType = function (pageType) {
    pageType_ = pageType;

  this.getTopicRoot = function () {
    return pageType_ === PAGETYPES.TOPICROOT ;
  this.setTopic = function (topic) {
    topic_ = topic;
  this.getTopic = function () {
    return topic_;
  this.getName = function () {
    return page_ ? page_.getName() : null;
  this.getUrl = function () {
    if(!url_) {
      url_ = page_ ? page_.getUrl() : null;
    return url_;
  this.getTitle = function () {
    return page_ ? page_.getTitle() : null;
  this.express = function () {
    return {
      url: self.getUrl(),
      numChildren: self.children.length,
      analytics: self.getAnalytics(),
      topicRoot: self.getTopicRoot(),
        created: page_  && page_.getDatePublished ? page_.getDatePublished().getTime() : null,
        updates: page_  && page_.getLastUpdated ? page_.getLastUpdated().getTime() : null
  this.getAnalytics = function () {
    return this.analytics ;
  this.stringify = function () {
    return JSON.stringify(this.express());
  function express (ob) {
      return ob ? { name: ob.getName(), url:ob.getUrl() , title:ob.getTitle()} : null;
 * get all the pages on my site - into a heirach object
 * @param {Site} site the site
 * @return {Array.Page} all the pages on the site
function getPages(site) {

  var root = new PageTreeObject (null, site);
  getChildPages (root, site);
  // assume the site has a top level page
  if (root.children.length != 1 ) throw 'site has no root page';
  return root;
  function getChildPages (parent,page) {
    var result,start = 0,pages=[];
    var pto = new PageTreeObject (parent,page);
    parent.children.push (pto);

    // this deals with any limits to get all the children
    while (!result || result.length) {
      Logger.log("working on " + page.getUrl());

      var result = cUseful.rateLimitExpBackoff(function () {
        return page.getChildren({
          start: start
      Array.prototype.push.apply (pages,result);
      start = pages.length;
    // now pages contain all the direct children of this ob - get each of their children
    pages.forEach (function(d,i) {
      if (!DEBUGGING || i < 9) {
        getChildPages(pto , d);
    return pto;

 * refreshDb
 * @param {object} options with properties needed to open a dbabstraction database
 * @param {Array.object} pages and array of pages with their stats;
function refreshDb (options,pages) {
  if (DEBUGGING) {

    // for debugging use this to a spreadsheet
    var debugOptions = cUseful.clone(options);
    debugOptions.dbid = '11cwvSmkgWJPzPyoxPycVI_3W1OkSoEsLfVHlA7ppW1g';
    var handler = new cDbAbstraction.DbAbstraction ( cDriverSheet , debugOptions );

  else {
    // whatever the normal database is
    var handler = cSiteStats.getDataHandle(options.siteCode);
  if (!handler.isHappy()) throw 'unable to get handler' + JSON.stringify(options);
  // delete all thats there
  var result  = handler.remove();
  if (result.handleCode < 0) throw result;
  var result = handler.save(pages);
  if (result.handleCode < 0) throw result;

 * get current data
function getDb () {

  var options = cSiteStats.getOptions('ramblings');
  // whatever the normal database is
  var handler = cSiteStats.getDataHandle(options.siteCode);
  if (!handler.isHappy()) throw 'unable to get handler' + JSON.stringify(options);
  // delete all thats there
  var result  = handler.query ();
  if (result.handleCode < 0) throw result;
  return result.data;

 * get analytics data
 * @param {string} propertyId the analytics property id
 * @param {Date} optStart start date
 * @param {Date} optEnd end date
 * @return {Array.objects} array of objects showing url and pageviews
function getAnalytics(propertyId,optStart,optEnd,optDimension) {

  // get all data ever for this property
  var data = pageViews (propertyId, optStart || new Date(2010,0 ,1 ), optEnd || new Date(), optDimension || 'ga:pagePath');
  // clean up into a json object
  return data.rows.map ( function (row) {
    var i =0;
    return row.reduce(function (p,c) {
      p[data.columnHeaders[i++]['name'].replace("ga:","")] = c;
      return p;
  .sort ( function (a,b) {
    return (a.pagePath > b.pagePath ? 1 : (a.pagePath === b.pagePath ? 0 : -1)) ;

function pageViews (propertyId, start , finish, dimensions) {
  return cUseful.rateLimitExpBackoff(function () { 
    return Analytics.Data.Ga.get('ga:' + propertyId , gaDate(start), gaDate(finish),  'ga:pageViews', {
      "dimensions":  dimensions,

function gaDate (dt) {
  return Utilities.formatDate(dt, Session.getScriptTimeZone(), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
 * @param {string} url the url to get the plus 1 count for
 * @return {number} the plus one count
 // thanks to http://www.helmutgranda.com/2011/11/01/get-a-url-google-count-via-php/ for his PHP hack for the idea.
function getPlusOneCount(url,optCache) {
  // this is hack from how the plus 1 button with count on a page gets its data. 
  // the g+ api doesnt seem to have this capability, so here's a workaround

  // we'll use cache if we can since these calls take up to a second to deal with
  var query = "https://plusone.google.com/u/0/_/+1/fastbutton?count=true&url=" + encodeURIComponent(url);
  var cached;
  if (optCache) {
    cached = cache.getCache(query);
  if (!cached) {
    // do ab exp backoff in case this is called loads of times
    var result = cUseful.rateLimitExpBackoff(function () {
      return UrlFetchApp.fetch ( query);
    // find the result and return - XML service is unable to parse, so I'll just use a regex
    var match = /.*<div.*id=["']aggregateCount["'].*>\s*(\d+)\s*<.*/i.exec(result.getContentText());
    if (match.length < 2) {
      Logger.log ("no g+ found for " + url);
    var r = match.length === 2 ? match[1] : '0' ;
    if(optCache) {
      cache.putCache (r,query);
  else {
    var r = cached;
  return Number(r);


See more like this in Displaying analytics data on site pages

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