A radian is the ratio of an arc’s length to its radius. See the wiki diagram below
Radians tend to be used in most trig formulas related to distance calculation, so we are definitely going to need a couple of functions to convert back and forwards to degrees, since mapping software is typically concerned with degrees of latitude and longtitude. Luckily the formula is very simple.
Public Function toRadians(deg) toRadians = Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi / 180 * deg End Function Public Function fromRadians(rad) As Double 'convert radians to degress fromRadians = 180 / Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi * rad End Function
Google Apps Script
/** * convert degrees to Radians * @param {number} deg degrees to convert * @return {number} eqivalent radians */ function toRadians(deg) { return Math.PI() / 180 * deg; } /** * convert Radians to degrees * @param {rad} rad radians to convert * @return {number} eqivalent degrees */ function fromRadians(rad) { return 180/Math.PI() * rad; }
Earth Radius
Another thing we are going to need to know is the earth’s radius, so lets create a function to return that consistently. The earth is not completely spherical, so I use the mean radius here – this is the value usually used for these kind of calculations.
Public Function earthRadius() As Double ' earth radius in km. earthRadius = 6371 End Function
Google Apps Script
function earthRadius() { return 6371.0; }
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