Apologies – The page your were looking for has been renamed
But all is not lost – Read below

This site is new and an exact copy of the old one that was hosted on Google Sites. In the process of replicating it, some pages have been renamed. Since you found me through search engines that seem to take for ages to update the new links, the page you tried to access has the wrong name on this new site.

Use the search box above to type the query you entered in Google (simplify it with the key topic you were after) – it will open all the pages that are relevant to this topic.

I am catching up all the 404 errors and putting 302 redirects every day therefore if you are unsuccessful in finding the page you were after, come back in a few hours (or tomorrow) and it will be available.

Once again, apologies for this hiccup!.

Hopefully, you will find what you were looking for! If not, contact me on Gitter

Happy reading!
