In GAS Rest Library migration, you can see a port of Rest to Excel library from VBA to Google Apps Script. This handles many complex queries and generally can execute them in a few lines of code using the libraries – see Using the mcpher library in your code. GAS is more suited to this kind of work, and it’s kind of suboptimal to do things in a VBA way – unless you are planning to support both platforms with the same apps.
Here’s a simple GAS restquery without any dependencies. The objective for this example is to use the Wikipedia stats API (stats.grok.api), to concatenate a bunch of queries into a single Google Sheet.
The grok data looks like this. I chose this since it’s a little funky, in that it uses data values as key names, so we have to do a little bit of unusual coding compared to normal rest query response data.
{ "daily_views": { "2014-01-07": 13763, "2014-01-04": 9673, "2014-01-05": 1533, "2014-01-02": 10111, "2014-01-03": 10558, "2014-01-13": 13507, "2014-01-01": 9588, "2014-01-12": 11835, "2014-01-08": 13685, "2014-01-09": 13534, "2014-01-11": 10200, "2014-01-10": 12154 }, "project": "en", "month": "201401", "rank": 255, "title": "london" }
The results
After creating an empty sheet called ‘grok’, I run the function testGroks()
and get this
The code
// get wiki stats function testGroks() { // we'll use these headings var headings = ["month", "title","date", "dailyViews"]; // run these queries var queries = [ {month:"201308", title: "London"} ,{month:"201308", title: "Paris"} ]; // build up an array of results var values = []; // append each query to the last for (var j = 0 ; j < queries.length ; j++ ) { values.push.apply (values,testGrok (headings, queries[j])); } // clear the sheet var ss= SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("grok"); ss.getDataRange().clearContent(); // need to extend the sheet if necessary var howMany = ss.getMaxRows() - values.length ; if (howMany < 0 ) ss.insertRowsAfter(ss.getMaxRows(), -howMany); var howMany = ss.getMaxColumns() - headings.length ; if (howMany < 0 ) ss.insertColumnsAfter(ss.getMaxColumns(), -howMany); // add the headings ss.getRange(1, 1,1,headings.length).setValues([headings]); // and the data if (values.length) { ss.getRange(2, 1, values.length,headings.length).setValues(values); } // called for each query function testGrok (headers,q) { var v= [] , url = ""; // construct URL and do the rest query var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + q.month + "/" + q.title); var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); var results = data["daily_views"]; // strangely, the data returns date values as keys, rather than members of an array for ( var k in results) { // date format is yyyy-mm-dd - convert so we can parse var r = [], y = parseInt(k.slice(0,4),10), m = parseInt(k.slice(5,7),10) , d = parseInt(k.slice(8,10),10); r[headers.indexOf("date")] = new Date(y, m - 1, d); r[headers.indexOf("dailyViews")] = results[k]; r[headers.indexOf("month")] = data.month; r[headers.indexOf("title")] = data.title; // another row v.push (r); } return v; } }
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