Apps Script Vizzy update

Every Google Apps Script project on Github visualized introduces a way of visualizing  public Apps Script projects on github. Showcase your Apps Script work and get hired via vizzy shows how Apps Script developers can show off what they’ve made, and possible get hires as a result. This new version of vizzy adds more views so that the visualization can be ordered in any way you want to ask specific questions such as

  • Who is using my library ?
  • Is there anybody who has used the gmail scope along with the Drive advanced service ?
  • Is there a developer for hire in Brazil who has used the Asana Data studio ?

And because all the projects are in Github you have the chance to learn from others or see their work.

Here’s some examples of the a selection of the new views.

Who is using various libraries for which projects?


Is there a gmail addon with the calendar oauthscope enabled?

Has anybody connected facebook and datastudio?

facebook datastudio

Anybody in the Paris timezone available for hire?

Who has experience of the classroom API , and what else have they done?

classroom advanced Service experience


All of these attributes can be filtered on


And the visualization can organize itself by any of them

vizzy toolbar

What’s next

Each day the number of Apps script projects on Github is creeping up long with the number of people contributing. I think tools like this will help to promote this kind of sharing of knowledge.

As of Feb 2021, here’s what we have.

repos: 1553,
owners: 1122,
files: 2405,
shaxs: 1209,
advancedServices: 31,
libraries: 215,
timeZones: 78,
runtimeVersions: 3,
webapps: 4,
addOns: 7,
oauthScopes: 118,
dataStudios: 104


Some of the feature I’m planning for next releases are

  • A stats page with the data above and some charts showing progress over time
  • An ‘advertising’ page. The idea is that those that want to advertise their services just need to put a vizzy.html file in their repos – either by creating them in the apps script project itself or pushing to github in some other way. Then I can display it in the vizzy.
  • A way to pull in complete projects and create them as an apps script project in your account.

Any other suggestions ?






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