These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GASfrom VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available directly from O’Reilly or Amazon.

To be able to use the Execution API, various assets that are not naturally found in VBA are required. Those of you who are regular visitors to this site may already be using the tools that have been available here for a long time. They are all available on GitHub.

Inventory required for this demo of Execution API use case.

asset purpose
Execution API the Google API to execute Apps Script functions remotely.
Executable examples Apps Script examples of functions to be executed remotely.
VBA examples VBA examples of delegating to Apps Script.
SheetExec (Apps Script) A generic Apps Script function which can be used to manipulate Sheets remotely.
SheetExec (VBA) The same thing implemented to access Excel sheets.
cExecuteApi Execution api access class for VBA
cOauth2 Google OAuth2 Authentication class for VBA
cJavaScript A VBA class to run JavaScript locally on the PC directly from VBA, after retrieving the code from Apps Script using the execution API. This is not strictly required for incremental migration but handy for testing VBA that has been migrated to JavaScript in situ.

All code samples can be found on Github. Note that that VBA samples have been developed for Office for Windows and may need some tweaking for Office for Mac.

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