Google Apps Script Color Ramp

For those of you that have been following VBA to Google Apps Script, here is another one. This time, it’s a conversion of the Excel color ramp library.

You can download the code for and learn how to create a color ramp library in Google Apps Script. Here’s the output from the given test script at Google Apps Script Color Ramp workbook


About brucemcp 225 Articles
I am a Google Developer Expert and decided to investigate Google Apps Script in my spare time. The more I investigated the more content I created so this site is extremely rich. Now, in 2019, a lot of things have disappeared or don’t work anymore due to Google having retired some stuff. I am however leaving things as is and where I came across some deprecated stuff, I have indicated it. I decided to write a book about it and to also create videos to teach developers who want to learn Google Apps Script. If you find the material contained in this site useful, you can support me by buying my books and or videos.