Geocode Excel Data with Yahoo Placemaker
GeoCoding with Yahoo Placemaker – vs – Google Maps -vs- Bing Maps
- Yahoo require you to get a Key to use Placemaker which they call and Application ID. In this downloadable example, I am using my key. If you use this code for anything, please get your own and follow the Yahoo rules on usage. Google do not require you to get a key, but limit your usage to a small number of queries daily.
- Yahoo was as good as or better than Google in dealing with ambiguity.
- The Yahoo response is clean and does not contain a bunch of unnecessary waffle.
- The Yahoo response is even simpler than the Bing one, and easier to deal with and decode. It is so similar to Bing that I was able to use the same modules to deal with both, so implementing Placeholder was about a 30 minute job, mainly to find out what the field names were.
- Yahoo provides less detail than both Google and Bing, but most of what you would need is there. It does not provide a ‘cleaned up, full address’ field though, which the other 2 do. On the other hand, this can easily be constructed from other fields.
- Its confusing that Yahoo Placeholder is not actually Yahoo Maps. Yahoo Maps is actually OVI maps, which I haven’t tried .. yet.
The implementation
The parameter sheet
Note that the response from both Bing and Yahoo are simpler, so we can use the ‘fullkey’ parameter to identify the field within that response.
The Yahoo Placemaker Key
The Response
An example call is generated as below Pkwy%2C%20Mountain%20View%2C%20CA%2094043%2C%20USA &flags=J&appid=xxxxxxxxxx
and this the response – a lot briefer and more to the point than Bing or Google.{“ResultSet”:{“version”:”1.0″,”Error”:0,”ErrorMessage”:”No error”,”Locale”:”us_US”,”Quality”:87, “Found”:1,”Results”: [{“quality”:87, “latitude”:”37.423232″, “longitude”:”-122.085569″,”offsetlat”:”37.423109″, “offsetlon”:”-122.085598″, “radius”:500,”name”:””, “line1″:”1600 Amphitheatre Pky”, “line2″:”Mountain View, CA 94043-1351″,”line3″:””, “line4″:”United States”, “house”:”1600″,”street”:”Amphitheatre Pky”,”xstreet”:””,”unittype”:””, “unit”:””, “postal”:”94043-1351″,”neighborhood”: “”, “city”:”Mountain View”, “county”:”Santa Clara County”,”state”: “California”, “country”:”United States”,”countrycode”:”US”,”statecode”:”CA”, “countycode”:””,”uzip”:”94043″, “hash”:”92F5774D0FC9C1AA”, “woeid”:12797130,”woetype”:11}]}}
This response gets decoded into a cJobject and this data is used in populating the sheet.The code
This is very similar to Complete Excel Address Data with Bing Maps API, and calls many of the same modules which I won’t bother repeating here. We are doing the same thing – namely geoCoding and filling in named fields such as country etc as specified, and according to the rules in a parameter sheet. This is the yahooMappingExample module in the downloadable GoogleMapping.xlsm file.
Option Explicit ' NOTE: before using this please read the Yahoo terms and conditions ' ' ' this example is purely for educational purposes and is a step in creating a yahoo map ' YOU NEED TO GET YOUR OWN Yahoo KEY TO BUILD AN APPLICATION WITH THIS CODE Const cYahooApiUrl = "" Public Sub yahooMappingExample() Dim dSets As cDataSets, dr As cDataRow, sInput As String Dim jo As cJobject, cb As cBrowser, sReq As String, sWire As String iDebug = 1 Set dSets = dSetsSetup If dSets Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' now we have the data file and know that it contains an ID column and an address column ' now geocode the addresses - one by one (the final version will do it as a batch) Set cb = New cBrowser With dSets For Each dr In .DataSet(cMaster).Rows sInput = rxReplace("nonprintable", _ dr.Cell(.DataSet(cParamFields).Cell _ (cFieldAddress, cFieldValue).toString).toString, " ") sReq = cYahooApiUrl & URLEncode(sInput) & _ "&flags=J&appid=" & _ dSets.DataSet(cYahooParameters).Cell("Key", "Value").toString ' get mapping result sWire = cb.httpGET(sReq) Set jo = New cJobject With jo.deSerialize(sWire) If .isValid And Not .ChildExists("ResultSet") Is Nothing Then ' now we have a cjobject of every field in the response With .Child("ResultSet") If .Child("Error").Value = 0 Then ' all is good go and find necessary fields If Not .Child("Results").hasChildren Then MsgBox ("No results for " & ":url" & sReq) Else fullkeySuitableJob .Child("Results"), _ dr, "yahoo component", "yahoo special", _ Range("debug!a2") End If Else MsgBox ("Unable to geomap - status " & .Child("ErrorMessage").toString & ":url" & sReq) End If End With Else MsgBox ("Badly formed jSon response received to " & sReq) End If End With Set jo = Nothing Next dr End With Set dSets = Nothing Set cb = Nothing End Sub
In fact since this was so close to the Complete Excel Address Data with Bing Maps API example, I generalized a few more procedures that could be used by both. These can be found in the Publics module in the downloadable GoogleMapping.xlsm file.
Option Explicit Public Const cFieldID = "ID" Public Const cFieldAddress = "Address" Public Const cFieldValue = "Column Name" Public Const cParamSheet = "Parameters" Public Const cParamFields = "Fields" Public Const cParamRules = "Column Name" Public Const cTransactions = "Transactions" Public Const cMaster = "Master" Public Const cCopyFields = "Clone from Master" Public Const cJoin = "Join" Public Const cTab = "Tabs" Public Const cName = "Name" Public Const cSheet = "Worksheet" Public Const cMeasure = "Measures" Public Const cBingParameters = "Bing" Public Const cYahooParameters = "Yahoo" Public iDebug As Long Public Function dSetsSetup() As cDataSets Dim dSets As cDataSets ' populate the customer master Set dSets = New cDataSets With dSets .create ' get the names of all the sheets .init wholeSheet(cParamSheet), , cName, True, cName ' create the parameter page deserialization data set .init wholeSheet(cParamSheet), , cParamRules, True, cParamRules .init wholeSheet(.DataSet(cName).Cell(cMaster, cSheet).toString), , cMaster, , , True ' create the parameter page data set .init wholeSheet(cParamSheet), , cParamFields, True, cParamFields .init wholeSheet(cParamSheet), , cBingParameters, True, cBingParameters .init wholeSheet(cParamSheet), , cYahooParameters, True, cYahooParameters With .DataSet(cParamFields) ' check that the required fields are present in the input data If Not dSets.DataSet(cMaster).HeadingRow.Validate(True, _ .Cell(cFieldID, cFieldValue).toString, _ .Cell(cFieldAddress, cFieldValue).toString) Then Exit Function End If End With End With Set dSetsSetup = dSets End Function Public Sub fullkeySuitableJob(job As cJobject, dr As cDataRow, _ spComponent As String, spSpecial As String, _ Optional rDebug As Range = Nothing) 'given a row, find the most appropriate object to populate it with Dim dc As cCell, pc As cCell, jo As cJobject, sName As String For Each dc In dr.Columns ' is this an interesting column ? sName = dr.Parent.Headings(dc.Column).toString With dr.Parent.Parent.DataSet(cParamRules) Set pc = .Cell(sName, 1) If Not pc Is Nothing Then ' it is a cell that needs filling in Set jo = fullkeyMappingFind(job, _ LCase(.Cell(sName, spComponent).toString), _ LCase(.Cell(sName, spSpecial).toString), _ rDebug) With dc If jo Is Nothing Then .Value = Empty Else .Value = jo.Value End If .Commit End With End If End With Next dc End Sub Public Function fullkeyMappingFind(job As cJobject, _ sComponent As String, sSpecial As String, _ Optional rDebug As Range = Nothing) As cJobject ' given a column name, what's the best fit in the structure response from geocoding Dim sValue As String, jo As cJobject, jResult As cJobject, sKey As String Dim st As String ' these are the parameters we will work with sKey = LCase(job.fullKey) sValue = LCase(job.toString) ' if you need a list this will show all seen api response values If Not rDebug Is Nothing Then rDebug.Offset(iDebug, 0).Value = sKey rDebug.Offset(iDebug, 1).Value = job.Value iDebug = iDebug + 1 End If If sSpecial = "fullkey" Then ' fullkey needs no further matching If sKey = sComponent Then Set fullkeyMappingFind = job Exit Function End If Else MsgBox ("Only full key implemented for this provider") End If ' recurse for children If job.hasChildren Then For Each jo In job.Children Set jResult = fullkeyMappingFind(jo, sComponent, sSpecial, rDebug) If Not jResult Is Nothing Then Set fullkeyMappingFind = jResult Exit Function End If Next jo End If End Function
Complete Excel Address Data with Yahoo Placemaker Maps API was a breeze to implement, partly because the work had already been done with Complete Excel Address Data with Bing Maps API and Complete Excel Address Data with Google Mapping API. Nevertheless, the simple jSon response to the REST query was refreshingly clutter free, with only a couple of minor things missing. Although I am focusing on Google Maps API for the projects in this section, I may return to this at a later date. I look forward to your questions and comments at our forum.