cProcProfiler Class

Your main interaction with the profiler is through this class. The Usage column indicates the type of profiling session in which you are likely to need to access a particular property or method.
Public Methods
Usage  Name  Returns Argument(s)  Summary
 Advanced  StartProfiler  none  StartProfiler(sname As String, Optional pLevel As ptLevels = ptLevelAll) Create required objects and start a profiling session. Will be called automatically if you use procProfilerConstruct instead of creating your own cProfileTimer
 Always  FinishProfiler  none  FinishProfiler Finish profiling session
 Advanced  DestroyTimers  none  none Cleans up at end of a  Profiling session after reporting the results. Will be called automatically if you use procProfilerDestroy.
 Always  Start
 Start (Section As String, Optional ProcName As String = “Not given”, Optional pLevel As ptLevels = ptLevelLow)
Marks Start of a timing section
 Always  Finish  none  Finish(Section As String) Marks finish of a timing section
 Sometimes  Pause  none  Pause(Section as String) Marks the beginning of some code within a section that should be excluded from the total timing for that section, until the section is restarted with the Start method.
 Always  Results  none  Results (rOutput as Range) Creates a table of profiling results starting at rOutput, which should reference a valid range in your workbook.
Public Properties
Usage  Name  Type Summary
 Advanced  Timers readonly collection of cProcTimers  Timing information on each Section
 Advanced  Created  readonly Date  When thiis cProcTimer was first created
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