Note that this uses scriptDB which has now been deprecated. I haven’t yet got round to changing the backend. Please check back later. Mozilla Badges have also been updated with a new Web API. This page is therefore deprecated but you can adapt the codes.

What are badges? Check here

What has openbadges to do with Excel Liberation

Open badges are a great way of recognizing competence, and I’m interested in seeing whether I might be able to personalize the site experience to what you have already learned or covered. My objective is to create a personal achievements panel on each page on this site, showing your expertise on the topic being discussed (the badges you have already earned through demonstrating an understanding of the topic), versus what you still could learn on related topics (the badges that could still be learned on this site)

Next steps

I’ll gradually be introducing questions on each page that by answering, you can earn a badge. Next time you visit that page, I’ll show the badges you’ve earned, along with the related ones you might consider. For details of the open badges platform see here

Technical implementation

I’ll create a section on how I’m implementing this as I go along, so you can implement something similar on your site.