
cDataColumn is a column of cCell . The rowId argument refers to the row either by row name (where we have enabled labels) or a row number. Where rowId optional and omitted the complete column is operated on. Where rowId is present the the cCell it addresses in the cDataColumn is operated on. 

For example

cDataColumn.Refresh will refresh the entire column, and cDataColumn(“South”).Refresh or cDataColumn(22) would refresh a single cell. In other words, cDataColumn(201).Refresh is equivalent to cDataColumn(201).Cell.Refresh

You can find the methods and properties documentation on github and the source code below or on github

' :do not modify this line - see for details: updated on 8/18/2014 4:47:42 PM : from manifest:3414394 gist
' a collection of data Cells representing one column of data
' v2.04 -
Option Explicit
'for more about this
'to contact me
'reuse of code
Private pCollect As Collection                      ' a collection of data Cells - one for every row in this column
Private pWhere As Range
Private pParent As cDataSet
Private pColumn As Long
Private pTypeofColumn As eTypeofColumn
Private pHeadingCell As cCell    ' we can use this to find the heading for this column
Private pDirty As Boolean

Public Property Get googleType() As String
    Select Case pTypeofColumn
        Case eTCnumeric
            googleType = "number"
        Case eTCdate
            googleType = "date"
        Case Else
            googleType = "string"
    End Select
End Property
Public Property Get dirty() As Boolean
    dirty = pDirty
End Property
Public Property Let dirty(p As Boolean)
        pDirty = p
End Property
Public Property Get typeofColumn() As eTypeofColumn
    typeofColumn = pTypeofColumn
End Property
Public Property Let typeofColumn(p As eTypeofColumn)
    pTypeofColumn = p
End Property
Public Property Get column() As Long
    column = pColumn
End Property
Public Property Get rows() As Collection
    Set rows = pCollect
End Property
Public Property Get parent() As cDataSet
    Set parent = pParent
End Property
Public Property Get where() As Range
    If Not pWhere Is Nothing Then
        Set where = pWhere.Resize(pParent.rows.count)
    End If
End Property
Public Property Get cell(rowID As Variant) As cCell
    Set cell = pParent.cell(rowID, pHeadingCell.column)
End Property
Public Property Get value(rowID As Variant) As Variant
    value = cell(rowID).value
End Property
Public Function refresh(Optional rowID As Variant) As Variant
    Dim dt As cCell
    If IsMissing(rowID) Then
        For Each dt In rows
            refresh = dt.refresh
        Next dt
        refresh = Empty
        refresh = cell(rowID).refresh
    End If

End Function
Public Function filtered(v As Variant) As Collection
    ' this creates a filtered collection of cells for this column based on matching some value
    Dim c As Collection, cc As cCell
    Set c = New Collection
    For Each cc In rows
        ' this filter is in addition to any excel ones in operations
        If Not cc.parent.hidden And v = cc.value Then c.add cc
    Next cc
    Set filtered = c
End Function

Public Property Get uniqueValues(Optional es As eSort = eSortNone) As Collection
    ' return a collection of unique values for this column
    Dim cc As cCell
    Dim vUnique As Collection
    Set vUnique = New Collection
    For Each cc In rows
        If (Not cc.parent.hidden) Then
            If exists(vUnique, cc.toString) Is Nothing Then vUnique.add cc, CStr(cc.value)
        End If
    Next cc
    If es <> eSortNone Then SortColl vUnique, es

    Set uniqueValues = vUnique
End Property
Public Sub Commit(Optional p As Variant, Optional rowID As Variant)
    Dim dt As cCell, v As Variant
    If IsMissing(rowID) Then
        For Each dt In pCollect
            dt.Commit p
        Next dt
       cell(rowID).Commit p
    End If
End Sub
Public Property Get values() As Variant
    Dim cc As cCell
    ReDim a(1 To parent.visibleRowsCount) As Variant
    For Each cc In rows
        If Not cc.parent.hidden Then a(cc.row) = cc.value
    Next cc
    values = a
End Property
Public Function find(v As Variant) As cCell
    Dim cc As cCell
    For Each cc In rows
        If makeKey(cc.value) = makeKey(v) Then
            Set find = cc
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next cc
End Function
Public Function max() As Variant
    max = Application.WorksheetFunction.max(values)
End Function
Public Function min() As Variant
    min = Application.WorksheetFunction.min(values)
End Function
Public Property Get toString(rowNum As Long, Optional sFormat As String = vbNullString) As String
    toString = cell(rowNum).toString(sFormat)
End Property
Public Function create(dset As cDataSet, hcell As cCell, ncol As Long) As cDataColumn
    Dim rCell As Range, dcell As cCell
    pTypeofColumn = eTCunknown
    Set pParent = dset

    pColumn = ncol
    If Not pParent.where Is Nothing Then
        Set pWhere = hcell.where.Offset(1).Resize(dset.where.rows.count)
    End If
    Set pHeadingCell = hcell
    Set create = Me
End Function
Private Function exists(vCollect As Collection, sid As Variant) As cCell
    If Not vCollect Is Nothing Then
        On Error GoTo handle
        Set exists = vCollect(sid)
        Exit Function
    End If
    Set exists = Nothing
End Function

Public Sub tearDown()
    ' clean up
    Set pCollect = Nothing
    Set pParent = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set pCollect = New Collection
End Sub