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Complex stuff in a few lines of code  get it now

This section is going to cover how to do complex stuff in just a few lines, mainly using the classes and modules you can find in the cDataSet.xlsm (or the Google Apps Version), which you can download here. In many cases you may not actually be using these classes, just leveraging some of their inbuilt properties and methods. They probably wont be exactly ‘one liners’, but pretty close.


You may need some additional VBA references, all of which are defined in the cDataSet.xlsm file. If you use that, all the references are already defined.

cDataSet class

This class abstracts data from its physical location and lays  a common object model over Excel and Google Apps Script to allow for easy migration. See How to use cDataSet to get started.

Clear data cells with cDataSet
Clear data cells with cDataSet
Hopefully you will have read How to use cDataSet to see how to abstract data from your sheet and taken ...
Coloring maps and other shapes
Coloring maps and other shapes
In Using Google Maps I covered how to create various web based interactive maps. Of course many would like to use Excel ...
Create a list of unique values
Create a list of unique values
How to use cDataColumn.uniqueValues() to create a list The .uniqueValues() method of cDataColumn will return a collection of cells - ...
Excel to Json and output to file
Excel to Json and output to file
Let's say you want to do Excel JSON conversion and output the result to a file. Here's how Sub ExCelToWebFile() ...
General copy and filter worksheet
General copy and filter worksheet
Copying and filtering to columns on a target worksheet In Make a filtered copy of a worksheet I covered how ...
Getting data out of scraperWiki
Getting data out of scraperWiki
What is scraper wiki Scraper wiki is an environment which allows you to put some structure around data published in web ...
How to identify and modify rows hidden by autofilter
How to identify and modify rows hidden by autofilter
In Make a copy of a sheet and respect autofilter I covered a one liner to make a copy only ...
Make a copy of a sheet and respect autofilter
Make a copy of a sheet and respect autofilter
In General copy and filter worksheet I showed how to copy a sheet using filters passed as arguments to the ...
Make a copy of a worksheet
Make a copy of a worksheet
How to use cDataSet.bigCommit() to create a copy of the values in a sheet The .bigCommit() method of cDataSet will ...
Make a copy of some of the columns in a worksheet
Make a copy of some of the columns in a worksheet
How to use cDataSet.bigCommit() to create a copy of the values in a sheet, re-ordering and/or only copying some of ...
Make a filtered copy of a worksheet
Make a filtered copy of a worksheet
How to use cDataSet.bigCommit() to create a copy of the values in a sheet, and filter the results In Make ...

cJobject class

This class is used to make javaScript like objects available in VBA, and to convert stuff to and from jSon. See How to use cJobject for more information and is available in both VBA and Google Apps Script

cRest class

This class is used in the Rest to Excel library in order to query REST APIs and decode the responses. There is both a VBA   version and a Google Apps Script version

cPersistence class

This class is used to store data from user forms in a hidden shape to make it persistent from one use to the next.

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