What can you learn here?
- RGB for html
- How to convert
The RGB function in VBA returns the code that represents the mixture of red, green and blue. All Red?hex(rgb(255,0,0))
All Green?hex(rgb(0,255,0))
All Blue?hex(rgb(0,0,255))
so rgb(red,green, blue) simply does this – which is in fact right to left bbggrr
hex(blue * &h10000 + green * &h100 + red)
But RGB codes in html/css ( for example “style=color:#ff0000”) read left to right, so we need a function to reverse them to generate an html style color code.
Public Function rgbToHTMLHex(rgbColor As Long) As String
Dim r As Long, b As Long, g As Long
' extract components
r = rgbColor Mod &H100
g = (rgbColor &H100) Mod &H100
b = (rgbColor &H10000) Mod &H100
' just swap the colors round for rgb to bgr
rgbToHTMLHex = "#" & maskFormat(Hex(RGB(b, g, r)), "000000")
End Function
Private Function maskFormat(sIn As String, f As String) As String
Dim s As String
s = sIn
If Len(s)
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See A tagCloud in Outlook for an example of this function.