Twt is a SuperFetch plugin to easily access to the Twitter v2 API.  SuperFetch is a proxy for UrlFetchApp with additional features – see SuperFetch – a proxy enhancement to Apps Script UrlFetch for how it works and what it does.

This is another in my series on SuperFetch plugins.

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1 Motivation


This is a follow on from SuperFetch plugin – Twitter client for Apps Script – Search and Get but will cover the counts method. This counts the number of occurences of a given query in a period.

Script and Twitter Preparation

You’ll need the bmSuperFetch and cGoa libraries and if you want to run some tests, the bmUnitTest library – details at the end of the article.

Unlike SuperFetch plugin – Twitter client for Apps Script – Search and Get which can use either Twitter Oauth2 User flow or the less secure OAuth2 and Twitter API – App only flow for Apps Script (giving subtly different results), the counts method only accepts queries with the App flow. This is because it accesses purely public data without any specific user filtering.


There’s a few things you need to initialize before you can start running your script


First you’ll need a Goa to provide a token service – see OAuth2 and Twitter API – App only flow for Apps Script for how to set up. You can have multiple Goas in the same app, so you you can have both User and App only flow enabled.

  // we can use this for user flow token service for normal searching etc.
// this one won't work with .counts()
const goa = makeTwitterGoa()

// for counts we'll use a different service
// app only oauth
const goaApp = makeTwitterGoaAppOnly()

// here's how to make an app only token service
// this is the one you'll need for .counts()
twitterAppOnly: {
propertyService: PropertiesService.getScriptProperties(),
name: 'twitterAppOnly'
const makeTwitterGoaAppOnly = () => {

const { twitterAppOnly } = SETTINGS
return cGoa.make(,

get an app only Goa


You need to include the plugins you need, and an instaniated SuperFetch instance. If you don’t need caching, then just omit the cacheService property (but I highly recommend caching with this API). If you are using both types of OAuth2  tokenService make a superFetch instance for each.

  // import required modules
const { Plugins, SuperFetch } = bmSuperFetch
const { Twt } = Plugins

// for .counts() we need an app only Oauth2 token service service
const superFetchApp = new SuperFetch({
fetcherApp: UrlFetchApp,
tokenService: goaApp.getToken,
cacheService: CacheService.getScriptCache(),
superfetch instance

Twt instance

​This will be the handle for accessing Twitter.

// clone and user the app only superfetch instance
const twtApp = new Twt({
superFetch: superFetchApp

twt instance

There are various other standard SuperFetch Plugin parameters that I’ll deal with later, but the ones of most interest are:

superFetch (required)

The instance you created earlier

noCache property (optional)

In this instance, I’m turning caching off for now.

showUrl property (optional)

Normally this would be false, but if you want to see you how your calls to the twt client are translated to native Rest calls, you can add this and set it to true.

Calling structure

The twt plugin uses closures heavily. A closure is a function which carries the references to its state (the lexical environment) with it.  This encapsulation is very handy for creating reusable short cuts to standard queries, as we’ll cover later.


Here’s how you’d get the recent count of tweets that match a particular query . The query is constructed using the same syntax as you’d use in the normal web  client. The full details are here.

  // get lastest tweets about apps script
// we need app only auth for counting
const data = twtApp.tweets.counts("Apps Script").throw().data
simple counts

All responses have exactly the same format. You’ll get back a standard SuperFetch Response, which looks like this

* This is the response from the apply proxied function
* @typedef PackResponse
* @property {boolean} cached whether item was retrieved from cache
* @property {object||null} data parsed data
* @property {number} age age in ms of the cached data
* @property {Blob|| null} blob the recreated blob if there was one
* @property {boolean} parsed whether the data was parsed
* @property {HttpResponse} response fetch response
* @property {function} throw a function to throw on error
* @property {Error || string || null} the error if there was one
* @property {number} responseCode the http response code
* @property {string} url the url that provoked this response
* @property {string} pageToken optional restart point passed back in the page paramter
[ 'response',
'pageToken' ]
Pack response
Twitter API data

The response from the Twitter API will be in the data property of the SuperFetch response.

[ 'items']
results from twitter API

Actually the twitter response will have been massaged a bit so that every API call has exactly the same format. There is 1 property of interest

  • items – an array of standard data from the Twitter API
Data items

The items are an array of basic data matching the search criteria


/* looks like this by hour
[{ end: '2022-06-23T19:00:00.000Z',
start: '2022-06-23T18:00:00.000Z',
tweet_count: 5 }, ... ]
typical basic tweet data

You can specify the search query in a number of ways, including creating a query closure.

// simple query
twtApp.tweets.counts("Apps Script").throw().data

// is equivalent to
const query = twtApp.tweets.query({query: "Apps Script"})
alternative query structures
Additional parameters

You can enhance the results by adding parameters – these are documented in the API reference detail.

The most interesting one is granuarity – (minute, hour or day) – hour is the default

 console.log(twtApp.tweets.counts("Apps Script", { granularity: 'day' }).throw().data.items)

// you can also create a reusable closure
const dayQuery = twtApp.tweets.query({fields: { granularity: 'day' }})
console.log(dayQuery.counts("Apps Script").data.items)
Using .throw

If SuperFetch encounters an error it’ll be in the error property of the response

  • you can handle this yourself by checking the response error property.
  • The plugin can automatically throw an error on your behalf if you can add the .throw() method to any request. All SuperFetch plugins have the same error handling approach. Think of it as a built in try/catch.
  // error handling
// data will be in
const hResult = tweets.counts (queryString)
if (hResult.error) {
// handle it yourself
// throw an error if there is one
// data will still be in
const iResult = tweets.counts (queryString).throw()
throw() error handling


Caching is built into SuperFetch  (for details see SuperFetch – a proxy enhancement to Apps Script UrlFetch) so you get caching out of the box. For more details on caching with this api see SuperFetch plugin – Twitter client for Apps Script – Search and Get

Recent and All
There are 2 levels of searching counting depending on your account permissions
  • recent – tweets from the last 7 days
  • all – all the twitter archive

The plugin supports both, but – from the API docs regarding the ‘all’ endpoint.

“This endpoint is only available to those users who have been approved for Academic Research access.

The full-archive Tweet counts endpoint returns the count of Tweets that match your query from the complete history of public Tweets; since the first Tweet was created March 26, 2006.”


This is the default, and you never need to specify it. For completeness it looks like this

twtApp.tweets.recent.counts("Apps Script").throw().data.items
.recent is the default

Only Academic researchers have access to this, and most of us will get this error – which strangely enough is not an accurate description of the error anyway.

 console.log(twt.tweets.all.counts("Google Apps Script").throw().data.items) // error
Error: {
"detail":"When authenticating requests to the Twitter API v2 endpoints, you must use keys and tokens from a Twitter developer App that is attached to a Project. You can create a project via the developer portal.",
"title":"Client Forbidden",
"required_enrollment":"Standard Basic","
all returns an error for non researcher permission accounts

Unit testing

I’ll use Simple but powerful Apps Script Unit Test library to demonstrate calls and responses. It should be straightforward to see how this works and the responsese to expect from calls. These tests demonstrate in detail each of the topics mentioned in this article, and a few others, and could serve as a useful crib sheet for the plugin

  unit.section(() => {
// some of the api endpoint require credential OAuth
const goa = makeTwitterGoaAppOnly()
// we need a different tokenService
const superFetch = new SuperFetch({
fetcherApp: UrlFetchApp,
tokenService: goa.getToken,
cacheService: CacheService.getUserCache(),
missingPropertyIsFatal: true,
showUrl: true
const twt = new Twt({
noCache: true
const tn = twt.ref({ noCache: true }).tweets
const tc = twt.ref({ noCache: false }).tweets
const query = "Apps Script"

const cQuery = tc.query({ query })
const nQuery = tn.query({ query })

const { actual: counts } = unit.not(null, nQuery.counts().throw(), {
description: 'counts per hour for query'
})'number', typeof[0].tweet_count, {
description: 'count is a number'
const total = (items) => items.reduce((p, c) => p c.tweet_count, 0)
const { actual: seed } = unit.not(null, cQuery.counts().throw(), {
description: 'seeding cache'
}), seed.cached, {
description: 'seed wasnt cached'
}), total(, {
description: 'same tweet total'
}), cQuery.counts().throw().cached, {
description: 'seed is cached'
}), cQuery.counts().throw().data, {
description: 'cache matches seed'
const {actual: days} = unit.not (null ,tn.counts(query, { granularity: 'day' }) ,{
description: 'daily counts'
}) (8 ,tn.counts(query, { granularity: 'day' }).data.items.length ,{
description: '8 day inclusive count'
}, {
description: "counts",
skip: skipTest.tweetCounts


bmSuperFetch: 1B2scq2fYEcfoGyt9aXxUdoUPuLy-qbUC2_8lboUEdnNlzpGGWldoVYg2



bmUnitTester: 1zOlHMOpO89vqLPe5XpC-wzA9r5yaBkWt_qFjKqFNsIZtNJ-iUjBYDt-x



cGoa library 1v_l4xN3ICa0lAW315NQEzAHPSoNiFdWHsMEwj2qA5t9cgZ5VWci2Qxv2




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Twitter Developer profile

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