Can you make any adSense money with a blog ?

I guess it’s time to look at what’s been going on with the website and blog for 2012, after Martin Hawksey got me wondering after publishing his 2012 stats.

Excel Liberation Blog

Aside from a dip in December for the holiday, this blog is continuing to trend upwards with 213,000 views in 2012. Current run rate is about 35,000 a month, or about 1,500 per weekday, so even with no further growth I’d expect 2013 to be about 400,000.


Most popular posts

Out of the 130 posts in 2012, these were the most popular

  1. Rest – jSon – Excel in one line of code 
  2. Batman plot in Excel
  3. Playing around with awarding badges on sites
  4. Creating heat maps with VBA/Excel
  5. Transforming data for d3 tree
  6. Getting physical again
  7. Client oAuth calls using a Google Apps scriptDB lockbox
  8. Color Ramps and topographic maps in Excel
  9. Excel-jSon-Excel in one line of code
  10. Google Moderator – Embedding in Google Sites
Probably not the ones I would have picked, but there they are. The Batman plot in Excel is a particularly odd one. I just did that for fun, and the blog had the most views in any day (2000+) the day after with a long tail. The steep rise in October is almost all that. The Excel stuff is still a little more popular than the Google Apps Script and javaScript, but I see that trending now away from Excel.
Excel Liberation Site
The Excel liberation site shows a similar trend, with a dip for the holidays, and that batman spike in October. About 300,000 views in 2012, with a run rate about the same as the blog – 35,000 a month. In addition to that there are about 1000 a month on the forum.
Most popular posts

Out of the 130 posts in 2012, these were the most popular
  2. JSON
  3. Excel json conversion
  4. Integrating Excel with maps and Earth
  5. Heatmap in Excel
  6. Rest to Excel Library
  7. Get Data From Google Docs
  8. Sankey diagrams from Excel
  9. Roadmap Generation
  10. From VBA to Google Apps Script
Of course, some of these topics go into much more detail than the blog, with multiple pages, so the result might be different if i were to group these into the topic rather than individual page, but that’s enough for now.
What about adSense revenue ?
The title of this post asks whether money can be made with a technical resource such as this. I do have a little advertising on each page of both the blog and the site. You can see that the revenue follows much the same pattern as the views (with Batman being a big revenue generator in October), so the question is .. how much revenue does half a million views give you. Answer – about $300. Anybody else have any experience to share?


About brucemcp 225 Articles
I am a Google Developer Expert and decided to investigate Google Apps Script in my spare time. The more I investigated the more content I created so this site is extremely rich. Now, in 2019, a lot of things have disappeared or don’t work anymore due to Google having retired some stuff. I am however leaving things as is and where I came across some deprecated stuff, I have indicated it. I decided to write a book about it and to also create videos to teach developers who want to learn Google Apps Script. If you find the material contained in this site useful, you can support me by buying my books and or videos.