The data that comes back from GraphQL is not ideal for input to Elastic Search which is designed for full-text searching, which means it loses context when searching arrays. Consider this response from some fictional GraphQL API.

  "franchise": {
    "name": "rambo",
    "episodes": [{
      "name": "first blood",
      "year": 1982,
      "actors": [{
        "dob": "1946-07-06",
        "name": "Sylvester Stallone",
        "nicknames": ["sly"]
      }, {
        "name": "Jack Starrett"
      }, {
        "name": "Richard Crenna",
        "nationality": "American"
    }, {
      "name": "first blood part 2",
      "year": 1985,
      "actors": [{
        "dob": "1946-07-06",
        "name": "Sylvester Stallone",
        "nicknames": ["sly"]
      }, {
        "name": "Richard Crenna",
        "nationality": "American"
}, {
  "franchise": {
    "name": "terminator",
    "episodes": [{
      "name": "the terminator",
      "year": 1984,
      "actors": [{
        "dob": "1947-07-30",
        "name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger",
        "nicknames": ["arnie"]
      }, {
        "name": "Linda Hamilton"
    }, {
      "name": "terminator 2: judgement day",
      "year": 1985,
      "actors": [{
        "dob": "1947-07-30",
        "name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger",
        "nicknames": ["arnie", "schwarzie"]
      }, {
        "name": "Michael Biehn"

To make a success of this in Elastic search we need to turn it back into a tabular format, a little like you might get back from a complex SQL join. Something like this.

That’s a little more complex than simple object flattening, as we need to create a duplicate row each time there is an array element, and of course, these arrays might occur at any level.

The code

const blowup = ({ ob, sep = '_', cloner = item => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item)) }) => {

  // initial value must be an array of objects
  //if(!Array.isArray(ob)) ob = [ob];  

  // recursive piece
  const makeRows = (sob, rows = [], currentKey = '', cob = {}) => {

    // ignore undefined or null items
    if (typeof sob === typeof undefined || sob === null) {
      return rows;
    } else if (Array.isArray(sob)) {
      // going to work through an array creating 1 row for each element
      // but without adding to the current key
      // make deep clone of current object
      sob.forEach((f, i) => {
        // make clone of what we have so far to replicate across
        const clob = cloner(cob);
        // the first element updates an existing row
        // subsequent elements add to the number of rows
        if (i) {
        } else {
          rows[rows.length ? rows.length - 1 : 0] = clob;
        // recurse for each element
        makeRows(f, rows, currentKey, clob);

    } else if (typeof (sob) === 'object' && !(sob instanceof Date)) {
      Object.keys(sob).forEach((k, i) => {
        // add to the key, but nothing to the accumulating object
        makeRows(sob[k], rows, currentKey ? currentKey + sep + k : k, cob);
    } else {
      // its a natural value
      if (cob.hasOwnProperty('currentKey')) {
        // something has gone wrong here - show should probably be a throw
        console.log('attempt to to overwrite property', cob, currentKey, 'row', rows.length);
      } else {
        cob[currentKey] = sob;
    return rows;

  // do the work - the input data should be a single item in an array of objects
  return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], => makeRows(f)));

That will give this result

 "franchise_name": "rambo",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "first blood",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1982,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_dob": "1946-07-06",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Sylvester Stallone",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_nicknames": "sly"
}, {
 "franchise_name": "rambo",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "first blood",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1982,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Jack Starrett"
}, {
 "franchise_name": "rambo",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "first blood",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1982,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Richard Crenna",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_nationality": "American"
}, {
 "franchise_name": "rambo",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "first blood part 2",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1985,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_dob": "1946-07-06",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Sylvester Stallone",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_nicknames": "sly"
}, {
 "franchise_name": "rambo",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "first blood part 2",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1985,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Richard Crenna",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_nationality": "American"
}, {
 "franchise_name": "terminator",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "the terminator",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1984,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_dob": "1947-07-30",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_nicknames": "arnie"
}, {
 "franchise_name": "terminator",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "the terminator",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1984,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Linda Hamilton"
}, {
 "franchise_name": "terminator",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "terminator 2: judgement day",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1985,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_dob": "1947-07-30",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_nicknames": "arnie"
}, {
 "franchise_name": "terminator",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "terminator 2: judgement day",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1985,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_dob": "1947-07-30",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger",
 "franchise_episodes_actors_nicknames": "schwarzie"
}, {
 "franchise_name": "terminator",
 "franchise_episodes_name": "terminator 2: judgement day",
 "franchise_episodes_year": 1985,
 "franchise_episodes_actors_name": "Michael Biehn"

We can take that one stage further and convert the result into a tabular format (ideal for writing to a sheet)

const blownupToTable = ({ blownup, sorter = mentions => Object.keys(mentions).sort((a, b) => a - b) }) => {

  // collect all the property names
  const mentions = blownup.reduce((p, c) => {
    Object.keys(c).forEach((k, i) => {
      p[k] = i;
    return p;
  }, {});
  // make that into a header row
  const headerRow = sorter(mentions);
  // now add the rows after the header
  // & we dont really like undefined in sheets, so replace with null.
  return [headerRow]
    .concat( => => typeof row[h] === typeof undefined ? null : row[h])));

Which gives this result, with the header row in the first element

 ["franchise_name", "franchise_episodes_name", "franchise_episodes_year", "franchise_episodes_actors_dob", "franchise_episodes_actors_name", "franchise_episodes_actors_nicknames", "franchise_episodes_actors_nationality"],
 ["rambo", "first blood", 1982, "1946-07-06", "Sylvester Stallone", "sly", null],
 ["rambo", "first blood", 1982, null, "Jack Starrett", null, null],
 ["rambo", "first blood", 1982, null, "Richard Crenna", null, "American"],
 ["rambo", "first blood part 2", 1985, "1946-07-06", "Sylvester Stallone", "sly", null],
 ["rambo", "first blood part 2", 1985, null, "Richard Crenna", null, "American"],
 ["terminator", "the terminator", 1984, "1947-07-30", "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "arnie", null],
 ["terminator", "the terminator", 1984, null, "Linda Hamilton", null, null],
 ["terminator", "terminator 2: judgement day", 1985, "1947-07-30", "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "arnie", null],
 ["terminator", "terminator 2: judgement day", 1985, "1947-07-30", "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "schwarzie", null],
 ["terminator", "terminator 2: judgement day", 1985, null, "Michael Biehn", null, null]

Putting it together

Assuming the JSON data earlier in the article is in a variable called films, here’s the whole thing
const objectUnnest = ({ ob, sep, cloner, sorter }) => {
 const blownup = blowup({ ob, sep, cloner});
 const result = blownupToTable ({ blownup, sorter });
 return result;
console.log(objectUnnest({ ob: films }));
You can find an Apps Script version of this here.
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