To develop Excel applications that generate web pages incorporating d3.js force diagrams from Excel data, first read this Excel tables to d3.js Force diagram. You will also need to be familiar with How to use cDataSet and How to use cJobject This section will walk through the coding of a sample application. All the code for this can be found in the cDataSet.xlsm, downloadable from Downloads
D3 Module
This contains examples of applications.
This would normally be assigned to a button on the worksheet containing the table you want to chart. It creates a web using the data on this page, using the default parameter block namesPublic Sub d3forceHere()
End Sub
This can be called with a specific worksheet name, and will run the e2e process on the data in the given worksheetPublic Sub d3ForceDo(Optional wn As String = vbNullString, _
Optional optionName As String = "force options", Optional fieldName As String = "force fields")
Dim w As String
w = wn
If w = vbNullString Then
w =
End If
mashupGeneral "d3allparameters", w, "force", optionName, fieldName
End Sub
Given a data worksheet name and parameter sheet name, it will run the end to end process and create and display a web page. Here are the main activities you can use a template
- create a collection of dsets and add each of the parameter blocks and data.
Set dsets = New cDataSets
' get all parameters and data
With dsets.create()
- parse out the parameters to discover which columns are needed for what purpose
With .init(wholeSheet(params), , "fields", True, fieldName)
' validate stuff
links = Split(.cell("links", "value").toString, ",")
groups = Split(.cell("groups", "value").toString, ",")
names = Split(.cell("names", "value").toString, ",")
count = .cell("count", "value").toString
styleColumn = .cell("styleColumn", "value").toString
linkName = .cell("linkName", "value").toString
labels = Split(.cell("count", "value").toString, ",")
If arrayLength(labels) < 1 Then
labels = names
End If
End With
- Initialize a nodesLink class with the options parameter block
Set nodesLink = New cNodesLinks
nodesLink.init .init( _
wholeSheet(params), , "options", True, optionName)
- Get the item parameter block
.init wholeSheet(params), , item, True, item
- get the data and check we have all the mentioned fields
With .init(wholeSheet(data), , "data", , , True)
' check everything exists
Debug.Assert dsValidateHeadings(.headingRow, links)
Debug.Assert dsValidateHeadings(.headingRow, groups)
Debug.Assert dsValidateHeadings(.headingRow, labels)
If count <> vbNullString Then Debug.Assert _
.headingRow.validate(True, count)
If styleColumn <> vbNullString Then Debug.Assert _
.headingRow.validate(True, styleColumn)
If linkName <> vbNullString Then Debug.Assert _
.headingRow.validate(True, linkName)
- run through each row of the data and add all the nodes and all the links
For Each dr In .rows
' add the nodes
For i = LBound(links) To UBound(links)
nodesLink.addNode _
fixup(dr, links(i)), _
fixup(dr, groups(i)), _
fixup(dr, labels(i)), _
fixup(dr, count)
Next i
' make the links
For i = LBound(links) To UBound(links) - 1
nodesLink.addLink _
dr.cell(links(i)).toString, _
dr.cell(links(i + 1)).toString, _
fixup(dr, count), _
fixup(dr, styleColumn), _
fixup(dr, linkName)
Next i
Next dr
- generate the chart
' generate a d3.js force chart
mashD3Force dsets.dataSet(item), nodesLink.jObject, dsets.dataSet("fields")
Now that we have the nodeLinks structure, and all the options we can serialize the data and options, and create the web page
- serialize the data
js = job.serialize
- put together all the html components in one string
With dsParam
content = content & _
.cell("titles", "value").toString
content = content & _
.cell("styles", "value").toString
If Not dsFields Is Nothing Then
With dsFields.cell("linkStyles", "value")
If .toString <> vbNullString Then
content = content & "<style>" & _
.toString & _
End If
End With
End If
content = content & _
.cell("code", "value").toString
content = content & _
"<script> var mcpherTreeData = " & js & ";</script></head><body><div>"
content = content & _
.cell("banner", "value").toString
If Not dsFields Is Nothing Then
With dsFields.cell("banner", "value")
If .toString <> vbNullString Then
content = content & .toString
End If
End With
End If
content = content & _
.cell("body", "value").toString
- write to an html file and open in a browser
With .cell("htmlname", "value")
openNewHtml .toString, content
If Not OpenUrl(.toString) Then
MsgBox ("could not open " & .toString & " using default browser")
End If
End With
Here is the whole thing
For the cNodesLinks object see the cDataSet.xlsm workbook.
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