This site deals with some complex topics, and if you are trying to get started with something, it can be difficult to separate out the bare bones from the finished projects. In this section I’ll try to lay out how to do the basics so you can try that out before moving to the full blown topic.


This section deal with how to get started integrating Maps and Excel. You can find the full details and code on mapping at Integrating Excel with Maps and Earth, but this summary guide will get you started quickly.

All about GeoCoding and simple mapping straight out of Excel​

How to Geocode addresses using Google Maps
How to Geocode addresses using Google Maps
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on ...
How to put markers on maps
How to put markers on maps
How to put markers on mapsThis is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more ...
How to add quickLinks to a Map
How to add quickLinks to a Map
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this site ...
How to filter markers by Category
How to filter markers by Category
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this site ...
How to use alternate Map icons
How to use alternate Map icons
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this site ...
How to Overlay circles on a Map
How to Overlay circles on a Map
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this site ...
How to add flightPaths on a Map
How to add flightPaths on a Map
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this ...
How to modify geocoding and mapping parameters
How to modify geocoding and mapping parameters
How to modify geocoding and mapping parametersThis is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the ...
How to prepare for your vizMap application - Data
How to prepare for your vizMap application – Data
How to put markers on mapsThis is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the ...
How to prepare for your VizMap application - Parameters
How to prepare for your VizMap application – Parameters
How to put markers on mapsThis is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the ...
How to define your vizMap application - Dictionary
How to define your vizMap application – Dictionary
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this ...
How to define your vizMap Application - visualizations
How to define your vizMap Application – visualizations
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this ...
How to control your vizMap application
How to control your vizMap application
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this ...

Read the Post about Overlaying circles on Maps to understand how to size the circles.

All about generating and configuring Data Driven Mapping applications

How to define your vizMap application - Dictionary
How to define your vizMap application – Dictionary
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this ...
How to define your vizMap Application - visualizations
How to define your vizMap Application – visualizations
This is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the more complex topics on this ...
How to prepare for your vizMap application - Data
How to prepare for your vizMap application – Data
How to put markers on mapsThis is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the ...
How to prepare for your VizMap application - Parameters
How to prepare for your VizMap application – Parameters
How to put markers on mapsThis is part of the Step by Step Guides to get started with some of the ...

Google Apps Script Publishing

Delegation to Google Apps Script
Delegation to Google Apps Script
  Step by Step guide for Google Apps Script proxying   In a number of articles, I've covered how to ...


If you have made some progress with some of these topics, I hope you will go ahead and dive in some more detail. In the meantime why not join our forum, follow the blog or follow me on twitter to ensure you get updates when they are available.