color strip deduplication
Apps Script

Color Vector embeddings vs Video Intelligence API labelling

In Making a film color DNA I described how I was using both color strips and labelled content to find videos that were duplicates or similar. I’m already using ElasticSearch to disambiguate films using labels and object tracking artefacts identified by the Google Video Intelligence API. The next step is to enhance that similarity matching using the color strips of a film as finger prints. […]

film color dna
APIS and techniques

Making a film color DNA

Some time ago I described how to use the Video Intelligence (VI) API to create the ‘dna’ of a film by using VI labels. You can then use these fingerprints to find films that are […]

gql on cloud run
APIS and techniques

Setting up a GraphQL server on Cloud Run

In a recent article Puppeteer, Cloud Run and GraphQL together I covered a GraphQL API for Pupeteer hosted on Google Cloud Run. This is publicly available for you try out. This article will cover all […]

APIS and techniques

Queuing asynchronous tasks to defeat rate limits

The problem with rate limits You’ve most likely hit the problem of rate-limited APIS at some point. You make a request and it gets refused because you’ve done too many requests in some time period. […]

APIS and techniques

Video transcription with Video Intelligence API

The Video Intelligence API allows you to analyze the content of videos. I covered basic labelling in Google Video Intelligence API film labelling. This section will look at how to get a transcript of a film. It turns […]

Google Cloud Platform

Bringing up an ingress controller

This is a part of the series of posts on Getting an API running in Kubernetes, and you should first have created an app to be deployed as described in Building your App ready for […]

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Google cloud storage and CORS

This is part of the writeup on Using Google Cloud Storage with Apps Script. By now you should have completed all the steps in Setting up or creating a console project, Enabling APIs and OAuth2 […]

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GcsStore examples

This is part of the writeup on Using Google Cloud Storage with Apps Script. By now you should have completed all the steps in Setting up or creating a console project, Enabling APIs and OAuth2 […]

APIS and techniques

Hitching a ride on Goa’s property store

Goa is a library to simplify Oauth2 with both Google services and other Oauth2 providers, many of which are natively supported. It takes care of dealing with HTML dialogs, refreshing tokens, getting service account data […]

Google Authentication

Google Apps Script Oauth2 for Vimeo with Goa

The Vimeo Rest API is a simple, standard API. It’s been added to the Goa library list of services. Goa library is available with this key, and on github MZx5DzNPsYjVyZaR67xXJQai_d-phDA33 Vimeo dashboard There are various kinds […]

APIS and techniques

Orchestrating APIS to analyze OCR data

This is the second step in Making sense of Ocr – an orchestration wrapper for the APIS we’ll need. In Google Vision and OCR I showed how to use the vision API to turn a pdf into a series […]

APIS and techniques

Making sense of OCR – Google Vision

In the project  I’m using for illustrating some of the capabilities of GCP, I need to make sense of a variety of documents, some very complex and some less so. The basic problem though is that there […]


Securing Graphql with firebase login

In Firebase auth for graphql clients I covered how to use firebase client side auth to lock down your Apollo Graphql server. Developers and other admins are probably going to need to use the Graphiql tool too […]

APIS and techniques

Google Video Intelligence API film labelling

The Video Intelligence API allows you to analyze the content of videos. For my use case this is super useful, because now I can Label videos with their content, and use those labels to navigate to the […]

APIS and techniques

More cloud streaming

In Stream content to Google Cloud Storage I covered how you could stream content (in this case a video file) from a hosted URL to an object on cloud storage in preparation for labelling it with the […]

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APIS and techniques

Stream content to Google Cloud Storage

This article looks at the Node implementation to stream content directly to google cloud storage, and we’ll look at how to convert that to a Cloud run function in a later one. Note that although […]

APIS and techniques

Custom domains and ssl with Firebase hosting

This is one of a series of articles about Going serverless with Firebase. You many want to read about Firebase cloud functions before this article.  Using custom domains  2 of the great things you get with Firebase hosting […]

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Hosting files on Google Cloud Storage

In August 2016, the ability to host files on Google Drive is being deprecated. Many add-ons and sites rely on this capability (this one included) and will need to get on with finding somewhere else […]

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APIS and techniques

API rate limiting handling

  If you use any kind of API you’ll eventually have to deal with rate limiting. Most API providers introduce rate limiting to prevent abuse if their platform, but it can be tricky to deal […]

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APIS and techniques

Apollo graphql backend

This collection of articles deal with getting Graphql/Apollo server up and running on Node Rate limit handling A deep dive into rate-limiting with the Vimeo API  

APIS and techniques

Get web credentials from downloaded file

This describes how to use Goa, as described in Oauth2 for Apps Script in a few lines of code (which you should read first for background). The library, cGoa, is available under this project key, or on github. […]

APIS and techniques

BigQuery and the Execution API

The data for BigQuiz app is held in BigQuery. In Loading large JSON datasets into BigQuery with Apps Script I showed how you could maintain data in BigQuery with Apps Script, but now when I come to use it, […]

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Colorschemer API

  Now that the data from Query from GAS,  and Query scriptDB from GAS is populated in both and scriptDb, and we have the capability to Query from GAS and Query scriptDB from GAS, we can now pull […]

Google Authentication

Using OAUTH2 with a webapp published ‘as me’

In Borrowing an access token from Apps Scripts I demonstrated the simplest way to get a token to use with a Google API, by borrowing one from Apps Script. Next up, was Using a service account where could generate a […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Using a service account

In Borrowing an access token from Apps Scripts I demonstrated the simplest way to get a token to use with a Google API, by borrowing one from Apps Script. However to access APIS that have no equivalent in […]

APIS and techniques

Some OAUTH2 walkthroughs

This section contains some different methods of getting an access token for use with Google APIS that are not built in or advanced services.  All the demo code for the full app used in these examples […]

APIS and techniques

Google Cloud Platform

This collection of articles deal with various Google Cloud Platform APIS. The full content is below. It is part of a project that I will document at a later stage The next section is a […]