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I have a GraphQL server on which I’ve deliberately limited the amount of data that can be returned in a single query to avoid daft requests. That means that you need to do paging to get a set of results of more than that limit. There are various ways of paging in GraphQL, but this one uses a simple system of limits and offsets to get chunks of results. Something like this
query ($limit: Int , $offset: Int) { People ( limit: $limit , offset: $offset ) { id name } }
That leaves the problem of how exactly to do queries like this when the calls themselves are asynchronous. If they were synchronous, then a simple recursive approach would be easy enough to implement, but asynchronous calls are a little more tricky. Using Promises improves things a little, but using ES6 “await” makes it no more complex than a synchronous solution. Let’s take a look.
Start with a simple fetcher (I’m using axios) that makes a request given a query an some optional variables.
/** * fetcher for graphql * @param {string} query the graphql query * @param {object} [variables] the optional graphql variables (the .data part of the graphql response) * @return {object} the result */ ns.gfetch = (query, variables) => { // ns.curl is already set to the endpoint for graphql server return axios .post(ns.cUrl, { query, variables }) // strip off the axios wrapper .then(result => .catch(err => { // strip down the axios error to something meaningful const pack = { status: err.response.status, statusText: err.response.statusText, query, variables, errors: }; // for quick tracking down console.log(JSON.stringify(pack)); return Promise.reject(pack); }); };
The pager is called to bunch up pages of graphql results into a single response. The inline comments describe what’s going on, but in summary
- Pages are recursively fetched until either there are no more or the max requested is reached.
- After each page, the offset and limit variables are tweaked to get the next page.
- The use of await means it reads almost like a synchronous recursion
ns.paged = (options) => { let { vars, q, max, offset, limit, once } = options; // total result will be accumulated here const bunch = []; // set up default values and check params offset = offset || 0; limit = limit || 50; // max is the overall max number of rows to return // by default, it's all of them. if (max && limit > max) limit = max; // once is a single query with no paging required if (!once) { // if we are paging, we'll need some variables to control it. vars = vars || {}; vars.limit = limit; vars.offset = offset; // and the query must be set up to allow limit and offet if (!q.match("limit:Int")) throw "must have a limit in the query for paging"; if (!q.match("offset:Int")) throw "must have an offset in the query for paging"; } // this is the recursive function // the object returned from graphql can be extracted using its key const doFetch = (v) => ns.gfetch(q, v).then(r => { // this is the property key of the first object const [stem] = Object.keys(r); if (Object.keys(r).length !== 1) throw 'paged only handles single top level queries ' + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(r)); return r[stem]; }); // can detect a next page if we havent got enough recs or if the full limit was returned const isNextPage = (data) => (bunch.length < max || !max) && data.length === limit && !once; // get all the pages // its an async function const getPages = async function(v) { // so we can use await{ const data = await doFetch(v); // accumulate what just got returned Array.prototype.push.apply(bunch, data); // if there's any more then carry on if (isNextPage(data)) { // modify the offset to skip what we have v.offset = bunch.length + offset; // modify the limit if it would return more than we need if (max && max - bunch.length < limit) v.limit = max - bunch.length; // go round again return await getPages(v); } else { return bunch; } }; // start the whole thing off and return the accumulated result return getPages(vars); };
Using it
Get all the people named smith in a single result
paged({ q: `query ($value:Value,$limit:Int,$offset:Int) { People (value: $value, limit: $limit, offset: $offset) { id name } }`, vars: { value:"Smith" } }).then (people =>{ // do something with the result });
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