Queries with older JavaScript
If you are using a newer flavour of JavaScript you can do multiline literals using backticks like this
`some text and some more text and even more text`
This gets concatenated to look like this
"some text\n and some more text\n and even more text"
This makes building a JSON string that needs new lines very straightforward.
I’ve been using GraphQL with Apps Script for some time, but it can be a real pain to put together the queries, since GraphQL likes new newlines between fields – so if you have a query that needs to look like this
query ($id:ID!) { Customer (id:$id) ...customerDetails Orders { Consignments { description Type { ...typeDetails } } } } fragment typeDetails on Type { description Items { name value quantity } } fragment customerDetails on Customer { id name Address { street town } }
It’s quite a struggle to put together without backticks but you can recursively organize arrays or values quite simply.
const gql = FidCans.gqlize("query ($id:ID!)", ["Customer (id:$id)","...customerDetails","Orders",["Consignments",["description","Type",["...typeDetails"]]]]) + FidCans.gqlize("fragment typeDetails on Type",["description","Items",["name","value","quantity"]]) + FidCans.gqlize("fragment customerDetails on Customer",["id","name","Address",["street","town"]]);
And just a few lines of code
var FidCans = (function (ns) { ns.gqlize = function (intro, arr) { return gqlize (arr, intro) + "\n"; }; const gqlize = function (arr, str , depth) { str = str || ""; depth = depth || 2; // make some spaces const spaces = new Array (depth).slice().join(" "); if (Array.isArray(arr)) { str += ' {'; arr.forEach (function (a) { str = gqlize ( a , str, depth+2 ); }); str += ('\n' + spaces + '}'); } else { str += ( '\n' + spaces + (arr )); } return str; } return ns; }) ({});
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