I had read plenty of posts on stackoverflow to see how to instead just modify the class dynamically but I couldn’t find a simple way to do it, especially where I also wanted to adjust selectors like :hover. I did see plenty of people saying ‘why would you want to do that’ and some of the usual SO commentary, but it seems like a very legit thing to do as far as I can see – so I’m going to do it anyway.
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Let’s say that you want to change the definition of a class from
.emergency { background-color:orange; }to
.emergency { background-color:red; }So that all the elements with that class applied change background-color. One way would be to find all the elements with that class, and set their style to override the value applied from the style sheet.
element.style.backgroundColor = "red";But if you could just simply change what the style meant, it would be a lot more useful
I’m not an expert with css, but here’s a method that seems to work fine, and in the end it’s not all that complicated. You can use it like this to change any property in any class.
DomUtils.classPatch("emergency", "background-color", "red"); // selectors can be patched too DomUtils.classPatch("emergency:hover", "background-color", "orange");
Here is the code
var DomUtils = (function(ns) { ns.classPatch = function(className, property, newValue) { // get the known styles and make any changes ns.getQuery("style").forEach(function(d) { var rxs = '([\\s\\S]*\\.' + className + '\\s*{[\\s\\S]*?' + property + '[\\s]*?:[\\s]*?)([\\w#]+)([\\s\\S]*)'; var rx = new RegExp(rxs, "mig"); if (d.innerHTML.match(rx)) { d.innerHTML = d.innerHTML.replace(rx, "$1" + newValue + "$3"); } }); }; ns.getQuery = function(selector) { return [].map.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector), function(d) { return d; }); }; return ns; })(DomUtils || {});
See this codepen to try it out
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