Turns out that Predictwise have lots of predictions, including the likely winners of the Eurovision. They don’t seem to actually have an API, but they do have some tables with results in them. I also couldn’t find any copyright info, so this is intended purely as a demo exercise. You’ll need to look into the copyright yourself if you plan to use this data.
A little scraping with Apps Script showed me what they had, which I put in the index tab in this sheet.
// do a bit of digging to see what tables exist function scrape() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sh = ss.getSheetByName("index"); var hits = []; sh.getDataRange().clearContent(); sh.getRange(1,1,1,4).setValues ([["id","name","notes","timestamp"]]); for (var i = 1; i <5000 ; i++ ) { var result = getData (i); if (result) { hits.push ([result.id,result.name,result.notes,result.timestamp]); } } if (hits.length) { sh.getRange (2,1,hits.length,hits[0].length).setValues(hits); } } function getData (tableNumber) { var URL = "http://table-cache1.predictwise.com/latest/table_"; var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(URL+(tableNumber||321).toString()+".json",{ muteHttpExceptions:true }); if (result.getResponseCode() !== 404 && result.getResponseCode() !== 200) { throw 'error ' + result.getResponseCode() + ' ' + result.getContentText(); } return result.getResponseCode() === 404 ? null : JSON.parse(result.getContentText()); }
So with this snippet
// can be called from sheet - just supply the table number function importPredictWise(tableNumber) { var table = getData (tableNumber) ; var data = [table.header]; Array.prototype.push.apply(data,table.table); return data; } function getData (tableNumber) { var URL = "http://table-cache1.predictwise.com/latest/table_"; var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(URL+(tableNumber||321).toString()+".json",{ muteHttpExceptions:true }); if (result.getResponseCode() !== 404 && result.getResponseCode() !== 200) { throw 'error ' + result.getResponseCode() + ' ' + result.getContentText(); } return result.getResponseCode() === 404 ? null : JSON.parse(result.getContentText()); }
You can do this on your sheet
and pull in any of the 000’s of predictions I found.
..such as the eurovision 2015 result (=importPredictWise(1036)
Outcome | PredictWise | Derived Betfair Price | Betfair Back | Betfair Lay |
Italy | 18 % | $ 0.187 | 5.30 | 5.40 |
Estonia | 5 % | $ 0.050 | 18.50 | 22.00 |
Finland | 2 % | $ 0.018 | 40.00 | 90.00 |
Sweden | 29 % | $ 0.292 | 3.40 | 3.45 |
Norway | 1 % | $ 0.014 | 65.00 | 75.00 |
Australia | 11 % | $ 0.110 | 9.00 | 9.20 |
United Kingdom | 0 % | $ 0.004 | 270.00 | 300.00 |
Germany | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 780.00 | 980.00 |
Azerbaijan | 1 % | $ 0.016 | 60.00 | 65.00 |
Slovenia | 1 % | $ 0.014 | 65.00 | 75.00 |
Armenia | 0 % | $ 0.002 | 420.00 | 730.00 |
Russia | 24 % | $ 0.241 | 4.00 | 4.30 |
Spain | 0 % | $ 0.003 | 340.00 | 390.00 |
Belgium | 1 % | $ 0.014 | 65.00 | 75.00 |
Serbia | 1 % | $ 0.016 | 60.00 | 70.00 |
Greece | 0 % | $ 0.003 | 260.00 | 490.00 |
Latvia | 0 % | $ 0.005 | 190.00 | 220.00 |
Romania | 0 % | $ 0.002 | 460.00 | 690.00 |
Lithuania | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 660.00 | 980.00 |
Poland | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 800.00 | 920.00 |
Hungary | 0 % | $ 0.002 | 460.00 | 490.00 |
Georgia | 0 % | $ 0.003 | 210.00 | 940.00 |
Iceland | 0 % | $ 0.004 | 240.00 | 280.00 |
Montenegro | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 1,000.00 | 0.00 |
Albania | 0 % | $ 0.002 | 500.00 | 990.00 |
Ireland | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 760.00 | 970.00 |
Switzerland | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 1,000.00 | 0.00 |
Netherlands | 0 % | $ 0.004 | 170.00 | 690.00 |
Malta | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 900.00 | 1,000.00 |
Czech Republic | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 1,000.00 | 0.00 |
Cyprus | 1 % | $ 0.006 | 140.00 | 190.00 |
Denmark | 0 % | $ 0.002 | 430.00 | 990.00 |
Moldova | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 950.00 | 0.00 |
Austria | 0 % | $ 0.002 | 600.00 | 650.00 |
San Marino | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 1,000.00 | 0.00 |
Israel | 0 % | $ 0.003 | 380.00 | 430.00 |
France | 0 % | $ 0.006 | 140.00 | 220.00 |
Portugal | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 1,000.00 | 0.00 |
Belarus | 0 % | $ 0.002 | 400.00 | 990.00 |
FYR Macedonia | 0 % | $ 0.001 | 820.00 | 0.00 |
..or the likely 2016 presidential winner (=importPredictWise(321))
Potential Candidate | PredictWise | Betfair | PredictIt |
Hillary Clinton | 46 % | 46.1 % | 56.5 % |
Marco Rubio | 10 % | 9.6 % | 22.0 % |
Jeb Bush | 19 % | 19.2 % | 29.5 % |
Chris Christie | 1 % | 1.1 % | 6.5 % |
Paul Ryan | 0 % | 0.4 % | N/A |
Rob Portman | 0 % | 0.1 % | N/A |
Andrew Cuomo | 0 % | 0.1 % | N/A |
Joe Biden | 1 % | 1.4 % | 7.0 % |
Condoleezza Rice | 0 % | 0.1 % | N/A |
Martin OMalley | 1 % | 1.1 % | 6.0 % |
Michael Bloomberg | 0 % | 0.3 % | 5.0 % |
Susana Martinez | 0 % | 0.1 % | N/A |
Rahm Emanuel | 0 % | 0.1 % | N/A |
Elizabeth Warren | 4 % | 4.1 % | 6.5 % |
Bobby Jindal | 1 % | 1.3 % | N/A |
Bob McDonnell | 0 % | 0.1 % | N/A |
Deval Patrick | 0 % | 0.1 % | N/A |
Scott Walker | 8 % | 8.2 % | 14.5 % |
Jon Huntsman | 0 % | 0.4 % | N/A |
Sarah Palin | 0 % | 0.3 % | 3.0 % |
Al Gore | 1 % | 1.3 % | N/A |
Rand Paul | 5 % | 5.1 % | 12.5 % |
Rick Perry | 1 % | 0.5 % | N/A |
Cory Booker | 0 % | 0.1 % | N/A |
Ben Carson | 1 % | 0.8 % | N/A |
Joe Manchin | 0 % | 0.1 % | N/A |
Ted Cruz | 1 % | 0.8 % | 9.0 % |
Mitt Romney | 1 % | 0.6 % | 2.5 % |